Chapter 105 - Maitzai and Maitner
Madara and Zhujian were taken aback for a moment, and they looked at Lu Chuan who said these words, as if they understood something.

Madara and Hashirama, as the future heirs of the two families, naturally cannot take care of those "people who have been devastated by war in the world" that Lu Chuan said in a short time.

And Zhujian's ideal village at the beginning was also based on his own family, and the span was not too big.

So, what Lu Chuan said when he said this is...

Ban looked at Lu Chuan in a daze, then propped himself up with his hands, and said slowly:

"You mean... you're going to help those people?"

Lu Chuan shook his head and nodded again.

He was sitting on the bank of the river. Since he had traveled to the Warring States Period and possessed great strength, it would be unreasonable not to take a look at the scenery of other worlds now.

And to help those devastated by the war, Lu Chuan can only say that he is doing his best.

After all, his purpose of joining the duo of Hashirama and Madara at the beginning was to unify the ninja world and make the world peaceful.

Before Zhu Jian and Madara grew up, Lu Chuan had no such plan.

If he continued to stay in the clan of Senshou and Uchiha, he would have nothing to do, and he was afraid that it would make his spirit sluggish.

"I left this time just to collect information and intelligence."

Lu Chuan said slowly, and then exchanged glances with Zhujian and Madara respectively:
"To lay the foundation for... the unification of the ninja world in the future."

After finishing speaking, Madara felt that he had heard something unbelievable. He stood up suddenly, just when he was about to ask Lu Chuan a question.

But found that Lu Chuan had disappeared in place.

Where he was originally sitting, a line of small characters was engraved.

Hashirama looked over suspiciously, brushed off the dust from the river bank with his hands, and read out word by word:

"Five years later... I will come back... I hope that the people who will come out to meet me at that time... are Uchiha Madara, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and Senju Hashirama, the patriarch of the Senju clan..."

After speaking, Zhuoma froze in place.

Then, he suddenly reacted and yelled at Madara:
"What's today's date?!"


Lu Chuan, on the other hand, took advantage of the moment Madara got up and blocked the sight of himself and Hashirama, and disappeared in place in an instant.

He went back to his room and took out a notebook.

On the above paper, he put a tick behind a line of words:

"Farewell to Hashirama, Madara, done."

Afterwards, Lu Chuan put on the white samurai costume from the Iron Kingdom and left the house.


in the afternoon.

The sun-bathed sand is scorching hot, and the whole land is vast and boundless.

From time to time, a steep boulder protruded from the ground.And the distant front is rugged and precipitous, with strange rocks and cliffs everywhere.

This is the junction of the land of thunder and the land of fire, and it is also the place where the fourth ninja world war will be fought in the future.

Lu Chuan walked aimlessly in the yellow sand flying all over the sky. He chose a direction to go forward according to the fate, but he didn't expect to come to this familiar place.

The place where the Fourth Alliance Army fought in the Fourth Ninja World War.

It is also the place where I stayed when I traveled over for the first time.

Lu Chuan stopped under a stone pillar and touched the weathered stone pillar. The stone shell on it was easily peeled off.

Lu Chuan patted his dusty hands and moved on.

In this world, he has no absolute enemies.

Well, the previous spot counted as the previous one.

But now, Lu Chuan didn't want to target him that much.

The infinite lifespan of the body of filth allows him enough time to squander, and his strong strength allows him to enter this place like no one else.

Just as Lu Chuan was walking, thinking about what to do in the next country, he suddenly sensed two faint auras.

"Huh? What is that?"

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes, sensed the direction of the breath, and then looked sideways.

He saw that there seemed to be a person lying under the soil pillar not far away, and beside him was a small figure that seemed to be sobbing.

And the lying person kept pushing him, seeming to drive him away.

"Nai! Let's go, I can't do it anymore, stay away from this place, go to the country of fire... This is not a place worth protecting..."

The person lying on the ground was wearing a black tights with a red scarf tied around his neck.

The originally shiny hair was covered with dust and became very gray.

The small figure kneeling on the yellow sand next to him was also wearing the same clothes, and the shadow covered his trembling upper body.

The little figure called "Nai" kept sobbing, and the teardrops fell on the yellow sand, bursting with steam in an instant. He seemed to be reluctant to part with the person in front of him:
"Father... woo woo woo..."

And his father was covered in blood, just because the black clothes and the dried blood clots were coagulated together so it couldn't be seen.

His face was calm, although his voice was hoarse, he was persuading his son with a very passionate tone:
"Don't cry! Nai! The real victory is not to defeat the strong, but to protect your important things until death. I don't regret it!"

At this time, Lu Chuan had already strolled to the side of the two of them.

He listened to the somewhat familiar conversation between the two.

Feeling something was wrong in his heart, he subconsciously looked at the other person's hairstyle and clothes.

Seeing the thick eyebrows, big eyes and thick hair of these two people, and the one-piece tights, Lu Chuan couldn't help it. He asked:
"You...your...what's your name?"

The person lying on the ground had discovered Lu Chuan just now, and now he was about to lose consciousness, but he also knew that Lu Chuan had no malicious intentions.

If Lu Chuan wanted to kill them at this moment, he could do it not far away just now, and they had no strength to fight back.

So, using the last remaining strength in his body, he tried his best to sit up, looked at Lu Chuan with blazing eyes, and shouted out like a flash of light:
"My name is Metzai! The boy's name is Mettenai!"

After finishing speaking, Mattzai let out a deep breath, then in a pleading tone, he hugged the child with the same dress and hairstyle next to him, and said slowly:
"Your Excellency is a samurai! Although it is very difficult, I would like to ask you to bring this child back to the Land of Fire..."

It turned out that Matt Zai speculated that Lu Chuan was a samurai by observing Lu Chuan's dress.

Those warriors from the Iron Country are now known as the type who regard peace as the most important thing, and people will not offend me if they don't offend me.

Lu Chuan was wearing the gray swordsman uniform that he had left from the Iron Kingdom.

It was one of the sets I brought down from the mountain to change, so it was easy to recognize.

In the desert, if there is one person who can go with him, and that person is a warrior, then his son will be much safer.

"If you get paid, this kid can do anything and has already learned a secret technique. Your Excellency can..."

As he spoke, Maitezai seemed to have lost the strength to support himself, and his body was swaying and about to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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