Chapter 106 – The Follow of the Youth Duo

Lu Chuan looked at Matt Zai, who was weak and collapsed on the ground, but was still trying to say something, and felt the other party's breath of life a little bit.

Lu Chuan sat down cross-legged, folded his hands on Matt Zai's heart, and channeled the weak Yang Chakra in his body towards Zai Zai to briefly maintain his life.

After he obtained Indra and Asura Chakra from Madara, the Chakra of the two slowly combined in Lu Chuan's body over time.

In addition, Lu Chuan now has the blessing of the eyes of reincarnation, and he already has the capital to communicate with the six realms.

Of course, these are not counting the characteristics derived from the bald head.

Nai on one side moved the seat for Lu Chuan, sat on the other side and looked at his father worriedly, the tears on his dusty face had dried up.

Lu Chuan carefully observed the injuries on Zai's body and sensed the Chakra in the opponent's body.

In the end, it was found that the other party was normal except for dry skin and lack of moisture, as well as injuries on various parts of the body.

There is no side effect of opening the eight-door Dunjia, and some body muscles with more than six doors are strained and impaired.

"This guy... doesn't seem to have opened the door to death..."

While delaying the treatment of Mattzai's injury, Lu Chuan looked up at his son Xiaonai with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Well, looking at the hairstyle and clothing, and the ancestral configuration, it should be that these two people are right.

After a while.


"Fate is really a wonderful thing." Lu Chuan sighed.

Lu Chuan sat under a thick stone pillar, avoiding the harsh sunlight.

Lying next to him is Matt Zai, who has recovered from his injuries and is recuperating his physical strength, and his son Nai.

Nai was marveling at how quickly his father recovered from his injury, and Maiteza touched his chest in the same amazement.

When Lu Chuan spotted the clothes of the two in the distance, he probably understood their identities.

After hearing Mattzai reveal his surname, he directly confirmed the two people he met.

I'm afraid it's the grandparent who almost kicked the finale.

Matt Zai, who was lying on the ground, looked up at the blue sky that was somewhat blurred by the flying yellow sand.

He never thought that his severe injury could be rescued by others, or even completely healed.

He breathed happily the air full of flying dust, feeling the pain that no longer came from his lungs.

Matt Zai was so excited that he didn't know what to do.

"Thank you very much..."

Matt Zai's hands trembled, and he turned his head to look at Lu Chuan who was leaning on the stone pillar.

Maitekai's eyes were full of tears, and he was streaming down tears as if he had tricked Newton, obviously he was lying down at the moment.

For the rest of his life, although Matt Zai felt that he did not regret his death this time, he was able to survive, continue to teach, and see his son grow.

What a kindness he didn't know how to repay!
Seeing her father in such a situation, Nai recalled her father's persuasion just now, quickly pushed it twice, looked at her father sincerely, and said:
"Father! Don't cry..."




With tears on his face, Matt turned his head to look at his son, sat up and hugged Nai.

Although the two said not to cry, they cried into tears in their embrace.

"Easy to do..."

Lu Chuan waved his hand and spoke calmly.

He looked at the black jumpsuits of the father and son in a strange way, which was somewhat different from the green youth clothes he remembered.

He squeezed his chin. Could it be that during the stage of Maite Dai's birth, the Maite family's clothing beliefs have changed?
By the way, he waved his hand to disperse the yellow sand around him, and he felt something was wrong from just now.

The sky was not so full of yellow sand when there were no fights in the Fourth World War. On the contrary, the sky could be seen clearly. The flying sand filled the knees at most, and it was impossible to fly all over the sky.

But at this moment, the sky was blown up by waves of yellow sand.

Lu Chuan subconsciously looked in the direction of the hidden paradox column.

A not-so-deep pit is appearing on the sand, which is the trace pressed from the bottom of the Paradox Column.

It seems that the paradox column will always be higher than itself, and even the chassis will be lower.

"By the way, I'm so rude, I haven't asked your name yet..."

At this time, Matt Zai still had some weak voices from the side, accompanied by the sound of gurgling wind.

Nai also looked in Lu Chuan's direction. In the hearts of the father and son at this moment, the image of Lu Chuan suddenly became a mysterious warrior.

Lu Chuan was still staring at the direction of the paradox column, wondering what he was thinking.

After hearing Matt Zai's inquiry, he slowly came back to his senses.

"Lu Chuan, my name is Lu Chuan."

Lu Chuan swept away the depressed mood in his heart, turned his head and gave Matt Zai a thumbs up, and said to him with a smile.

After all, he looked up at the sky again, and actually felt some unwarranted loneliness.

What did he do next?Isn't it just to leave your traces in another world, get rid of the decadent self in the previous world, and start a new life?
He felt that he had achieved the first step, so he couldn't figure out where this feeling of loneliness came from.

Obviously he should feel a sense of accomplishment.

With a straw in his mouth, Lu Chuan squinted at the sky.

Metzai and Metnai on the side looked at each other, then nodded.

The two straight-minded people hit it off immediately. Since they don't have the ability to repay this kind of kindness, why not just...

"Your Excellency Lu Chuan! I, Matt Zai, son Matt Nai, wish to follow Your Excellency for the rest of my life!"

Matt Zai's loud voice interrupted Lu Chuan's imagination floating out of the sky.

Lu Chuan turned his head and looked to the side in astonishment, only to find that Matt Zai was holding his son's head, and the two of them sat down at the same time.

The reason Matt Zai called Lu Chuan Your Excellency was because he thought Lu Chuan was a warrior.

This will appear a little more respectful.

"Hey woc, you don't have to, get up quickly."

Lu Chuan was stunned for a moment, he quickly stood up from the ground, stretched out his hand to support Matt and his son, and patted the dust on his and their shoulders.

Then he looked at Matt with some doubts.

Saving him by myself was simply influenced by the future youth brother, plus the last time I met Kai who was unconscious in the Iron Country.

A little bit of guilt in his heart made him rescue Mattzai.

Besides, follow yourself... I don't have any destination...

Looking at the firm eyes of Matt Zai and his son, Lu Chuan seemed to have thought of something suddenly. Feeling a little hollow in his heart, he patted Matt Zai on the shoulder.

Lu Chuan looked at Metzai and Mettenai with firm eyes:

"Yoxi, you two will follow me from now on!"

 one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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