People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 107 - The First Battle of the Ninja World

Chapter 107 - Otsutsuki Ichiraku's First Battle in the Ninja World
dark place.

Behind a stone pillar, a person hides his aura.

His eyes were extremely scarlet, with two exquisite and hideous scythe patterns on them.

He stared at Lu Chuan's back in the distance, and the two people in the same costume standing in front of Lu Chuan.

"Shut up—"

He seemed a little crazy, his pupils looking at Lu Chuan trembled wildly, and he actually stuck out his tongue and licked around his mouth.

"...haha... found you...!"

With his emotional agitation, the surrounding yellow sand rose a little bit.


Recalling the conversation between Metzai and Mettenai just now, combined with the current time point.

Then it can be inferred that this point should be the time when Matt and his son went to the Land of Fire and witnessed the establishment of Konoha a few years later.

In other words, judging from Metternai's seemingly young age, he is probably Kay's grandfather.

Because they lived in harsh climates all the year round, both Metzai and Metnay were in great physical condition.

Take the two of them on the road together, and there is no need to worry that the two of them will not be able to stand their own speed.

With two live treasures to follow, the journey will not be so boring.

Lu Chuan looked at Maitzai and Meitner and smiled in relief.

The early ninja youth boy group was established!

Lu Chuan stood on the yellow sand, and he opened his mouth to write novels to Matt Zai and Mai Tenai, and he has now made his goal clear.

Come here, don't just wander around this ninja world, just get a taste of the exotic world, what can I do, he shouted loudly:
"Let me introduce myself formally! My name is Lu Chuan, a...travelling businessman!"

When Mattzai and Nai heard the word "traveling businessman", they nodded with some vague understanding.

Well, probably it can be understood as a career like a businessman!
Seeing the two seriously nodding, Lu Chuan patted his palms with some yellow sand on them, then raised his head and looked at the sky.

Then he glanced unconsciously in a certain direction, and immediately retracted his gaze.

The people of the Uchiha clan seem to be here for themselves.

Lu Chuan recalled the dark and violent aura he had felt since he just came out of the country of fire.

He thought it was some Uchiha clansman looking for something in the forest.

As a result, all the way to the desert, this guy was still following him far behind.

Then, as if something bad was coming, he hooked the corner of his mouth.

Standing on the soft and hot sand with both feet, Lu Chuan jumped to the top of the rock pillar with a light jump.


Lu Chuan stood on the rock pillar with his hands on his hips.

He looked down at Matt and his son, and pointed his thumb at himself with a wave of his arm:

"You can also call me, one..."

The sun reflected on the back of Lu Chuan's head, casting a circular shadow.

Matt Zai looked up at this eye-catching scene, his mind was in a trance.

puff--! ! !
There was a sudden explosion behind them, making Metzai and Metnai jump sideways in fright.

The huge yellow sand was lifted up by the strong collision, making it impossible for Matt and his son to see what happened here.

"Your Excellency Lu Chuan! Hurry up..."

Matt Zai protected his son with one hand. He looked surprised, and just wanted to call Lu Chuan on the rock pillar, telling him to evacuate quickly.

In Maitezai's impression, the strength of businessmen is generally not very good.

Lu Chuan was able to heal himself, perhaps because of some precious commodity!
Therefore, in the face of emergencies, Mattzai's first thought was to let Lu Chuan evacuate as soon as possible.

But when he looked at the top of the rock pillar, his eyes widened and he froze in place.

There is no Lu Chuan there, only a half-broken rock pillar, as if it was smashed by something!
At this time, the thick yellow sand in front of Metzai and Mettenai was gradually blown away by the wind, revealing the two people who seemed to be confronting each other inside:
A man with long hair, red eyes, a ferocious face, and a dark gown was holding a slender sword in his hand.

His knife was touching Lu Chuan's hand, but his arms kept exerting force, and his muscles trembled with such force.But he couldn't let the blade advance any more.

But he didn't seem to care. The Uchiha man looked at the expressionless Lu Chuan and smiled strangely:

"I found you, unexpected...hahaha!"

Lu Chuan held the opponent's blade with one hand, and just now, like a mad dog, this guy rushed over from under the stone pillar in the distance at an astonishing speed!

His goal is very clear, it is Matt and his son!

Fortunately, Lu Chuan was much faster than him, and directly intercepted the sprinting guy on the way.

Hearing the man's nonsensical words, Lu Chuan scratched his head, then looked suspiciously at the long-haired Uchiha with bloodshot eyes, and asked tentatively:

"……Who are you?"

For a moment, the man's ferocious laughter stopped.


the other side.

In the land of fire.

Uchiha clan.

Yi Dao, the elite captain of the clan, turned black. He had just reported to the clan leader what he had discovered.

Although the answer he got was similar to what he wanted, he was still not very satisfied.

Just now, he saw his teammate, who had been considered dead by his family and had no bones left, moving quickly in one direction in the forest.

He is willing to guarantee, with his honor as Uchiha, that person is definitely his former teammate!
After he reported to Tajima, he received the following reply and order:
"Ah, I see. I will send someone to find him tomorrow, so don't worry."

tomorrow? !
At his speed, by tomorrow, he would have been able to go to the Land of Thunder!


Ichishima's eyes became sharper.

Gotta find someone, go now!

He recalled the "informal" figure he saw in his mind.

Although that guy is usually annoying, he has never been so "free and easy".

Ichishima was afraid, he was afraid that his people would become mentally abnormal after being away from the family for such a long time.

Then, he knocked on the door of the elite team.

"Everyone! I have something to say!"

In the house of the elite team, Madara is being taught by the vice-captain how to use the fire escape to make more qualitative changes.


After a while.

Everyone in the team knew what happened.

They all expressed their agreement to go out with the captain to find their former teammates.

Because Uchiha and Senshou shook hands and made peace, there is no strict access control in the current clan.

As long as the status is sufficient, you can enter and leave the clan at will.

Madara on the side heard the news, and he also showed a little anxious expression on his face.

The direction of the Kingdom of Thunder?

Isn't that the general direction of the letter left by Lu Chuan? !
Madara suddenly remembered what was written in a letter left for herself and Madara in Lu Chuan's cabin.

I need to inform Hashirama!

(End of this chapter)

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