People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 108 - Yellow Susan, the Elite of Clan 2!

Chapter 108 - Yellow Susan, the elite of the two clans!

Thousands of hands.


Madara ran amok on the streets of the Thousand Hands Land very anxiously, and the passing Thousand Hands avoided the hedgehog one after another.

Hashirama was lying under a tree in the training ground, with his hands folded behind his head, he looked suspiciously at the street where the voice came from.


Madara rushed from the street to the open training ground. He failed to stop the car and crashed into a wooden post used for training shuriken.

He got up from the wooden post, panting and looked at the lying post.

Madara braced his knees, slowed down a little, and then explained to Hashirama who stood up in doubt:

"Lu Chuan... Lu Chuan is in danger!"

After hearing Madara's words, Hashirama's expression became helpless, and then he lay down on the ground again, closed his eyes and rested.

Ignoring the anxious look on Madara's face, he said casually:

"What danger will Lu Chuan be in? He won't be in danger, don't worry."

When Madara heard what Hashirama said, he was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.


What danger will Lu Chuan be in?
Why am I suddenly so worried about him?

Madara scratched his head in doubt, then looked at Kan Hashirama, and finally decided to tell Hashirama about the current situation.

"Hashirama, in my family, there is a missing team elite who was found chasing in the direction where Lu Chuan left."

Hashirama didn't move, just lay there with a faint "oh".

Madara looked at Hashirama's nonchalant expression, wrinkled her face urgently, and said falteringly:

"I mean... shall we go find that guy?"

At this moment, Hashirama finally sat up, with a simple-looking smile on his face:
"Just waiting for your words!"

"Well, just to be on the safe side, I'll call some clan uncles."

On the other side, the land of the Uchiha clan.

The members of the elite team were also ready, and they all looked at their captain, Yidao.

Kazushima nodded calmly, then waved his hand:
"set off!"


The junction of the Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire.

Lu Chuan held the Uchiha's sword in one hand and carefully observed his appearance.

Uchiha, who was originally crazy and arrogant, was stunned for a while after hearing that Lu Chuan didn't recognize him.

Then, as if he had been insulted, his facial expression became even more ferocious, and the writing sharing eyes that had degenerated into three-pointed jade also turned into a kaleidoscope.


Uchiha twitched the knife held tightly by Lu Chuan, but found that he couldn't twitch at all.

In desperation, he could only let go of the handle of his knife in anger, and then retreated far away with a big jump.

The long-haired Uchiha recalled being blown to the brink of death by the man in front of him. At the desperate moment of death and abandonment by his teammates, he awakened the supreme Kaleidoscope Sharingan of the Uchiha clan!

This allowed him to escape from the flames.

He firmly believed that these powerful eyes were created for him to avenge these people!

But then, he met a guy who made him even more desperate.

That thing didn't look like a person at all, with a dark and rotten body like mud, and eyes the size of soybeans.

This guy has kept the long-haired Uchiha's physical state in extreme collapse through subtle techniques.

Several months of mental and physical torture, as well as various psychological hints.

Let the long-haired Uchiha's emotions become extremely unstable.

There are also more and more special chakras secreted in his brain that can stimulate sharing eyes.

But on this day, the black thing suddenly untied the long-haired Uchiha and left behind a rich meal.

And the long-haired Uchiha was no longer surprised by everything, he finished his food calmly, and then walked out of the stone room where he was imprisoned.

He was going to find the guy who made him fall into this situation!
That guy who uses fire escape! !


The long-haired Uchiha opened his eyes, jogging from his darkest memories.

Lu Chuan stood opposite him, looking at each other from a distance.

After seeing the other party's eyes turned into kaleidoscopes, Lu Chuan became a little serious.

At first, he just thought that it was some Uchiha tribe who was unhappy with the reform of the peace plan, and he didn't know where he got his news.

And come to chase and kill yourself.

Now it seems... no.

"Zai, Nai, you guys move away first!"

Lu Chuan turned his head slightly, and said to Matt and his son who were standing there with cautious faces.

The scope of the next battle may affect Matt and his son, so Lu Chuan wants them to leave the vicinity first.

The Uchiha on the opposite side was just observing this side quietly, and had no intention of attacking Matt and his son who were retreating.

After Matt and his son were completely out of the range that Lu Chuan thought the guy could attack, his serious expression visibly collapsed.

Lu Chuan braced himself to face the kaleidoscope in front of him, mainly because he was afraid that he would attack Matt and his son while he was not paying attention and disturb his mentality.

But now, the only trouble is gone, and Lu Chuan doesn't have to keep an eye on that guy's movements or muscle tension.

At this time, a large piece of yellow sand suddenly rose from the feet of the long-haired Uchiha, which attracted Lu Chuan's attention.

The long-haired Uchiha was grinning wildly and silently, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes was spinning.

watch it!This is the supreme power of Uchiha! !

——Susano! ! !
With the output of pupil power, a little yellow rib shell was exposed outside the long-haired Uchiha's body.

However, the Susanoo in his first form seems to be different from others.

He actually continued to output pupil power, Susano grew a skull and arms without any effort!

This is his kaleidoscope pupil technique, the sky is like the sun!
He can use this pupil technique to strengthen whatever he thinks around him at the cost of pupil power consumption!
Including the strength and angle of the yellow sand just now!

Moreover, the consumption of using this pupil technique is much smaller than the consumption of opening Susan.

Therefore, he only needs to bear the pain of opening the first form of Susan, and then use the pupil technique to strengthen his Susan.

He can use the consumption of the first form to use the second, even third, and fourth forms of Susanoo!

The potential of this pupil huge.

Lu Chuan looked at the rolled up yellow sand, he narrowed his eyes, he was thinking about how to kill that guy with one blow.

Yin and Yang escape from the black stick?
Earth blasting stars?

The tree world is coming?

At this time, the long-haired Uchi waved!
boom--! ! !
He dragged his susa along and swiped across the yellow sand. A large swath of yellow sand was lifted up, temporarily hiding the guy's figure!

Lu Chuan was unmoved.

In the forest in the land of fire in the distance.

The elite team of the Uchiha clan has already observed the strangeness here.

(End of this chapter)

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