People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 109 - People onlookers, Ninja World Famous

Chapter 109 - Hundreds of Crowds Watch, Ninja World Becomes Famous
at the same time.

in the forest

Madara is leading the Senju group headed by Hashirama, following the mark left by Captain Ichishima, rushing towards their direction.

Hashirama was jumping between the trees, and he looked back at the elders in the clan.

At a glance, there were about dozens of people.

Because of the sudden end of the war, many seniors who were in charge of the battle suddenly became idle.

So Hashirama called them all.

He brought so many elders, in fact, to consolidate the peace that Uchiha and Senju had just established.

Let the clan uncles assist the Uchiha clan, and treat the running Uchiha to their clan land.

In this way, the friendship between Senju and Uchiha is expected to make some progress.

And Lu Chuan...

I can only hope that Uchiha will not meet Lu Chuan.

Hashirama prayed silently in his heart.



Lu Chuan looked at him getting closer to him on the yellow sand, and while the sand was floating up to block his sight, he wanted to pat the long-haired Uchiha with Susa's paw.

He stretched out a hand in the direction of the approaching yellow Susan with a blank face, and softly spit out a few syllables:

With the magnificent purple light flowing in the pupils, the world seemed to have changed in Lu Chuan's eyes.

At this time!Hiding in Susanne, the long-haired Uchiha had an excited expression on his face, and he raised his right hand high.

His Xu Zuo was doing the same movement, and the next moment it seemed that he was about to pat the tiny Lu Chuan in front of Xu Zuo!
The long-haired Uchiha's expression became more ferocious, and the pale and thin sick face caused by months of insufficient nutrition showed scarlet excitement:

"go to hell!!!"

But the next moment, his Susan's claws seemed to stop in mid-air suddenly, unable to move forward any more!
The long-haired Uchiha frantically froze, as if he didn't understand what happened.

The next moment, a roaring sound came from in front of him through Susan!
boom! ! !boom--! !

The huge milky white Susan rose from the ground smoothly, forming a huge white giant in the vast desert in just a few seconds!

Lu Chuan's white Susan pinched Uchiha's long-haired Susan's paw the moment he got up.

The friction between Susan and Susan produced a huge pupil force contact, and the roaring sound swayed round and round from the place where the two Susans collided.

The sonic waves with huge energy lashed against the surrounding rock pillars like radiation, and many weathered stone pillars even directly exposed cracks due to the sound waves.

Lu Chuan's Susan held the yellow Susan, easily borrowed strength from the ground, and turned his backhand into his own Susan saber!

With a twist at the waist, Susan held the pole with both hands, and swung down with a sharp swing!The entire Susanoo fell to the ground in one fell swoop!
Lu Chuan stood in the pentagonal white Susano cockpit, and he looked through the translucent Susano at the long-haired Uchiha who was chopped to the ground and could not move.

"Ahem!! What happened..."

The long-haired Uchiha coughed twice violently, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked at his shattered Susan.

And the huge pole knife that is about to touch me!

Why? !why would he...

He widened his eyes in horror, and looked in disbelief at the complete white body Susanoo standing in front of him in stacked armor.

And all of this was seen by Matt and his son who were observing not far away, and the Uchiha elite team who were coming!
The members of the elite team were staring dumbfounded at the shock waves visible to the naked eye that kept coming from a distance, feeling the shock wave after wave, they were all stunned.

Is this... a battle between ninjas?
No no no no.

Ninja, shouldn't it be a battle of throwing shuriken, spraying ninjutsu, and finally assassinating with swordsmanship? !

Where is this, a giant hundreds of meters high rises from the ground, holding a long-pole weapon in his hand!
This, this is not ninjutsu at all! !
Ichishima closed his eyes slightly, closed the somewhat sour Sharingan, and rubbed his temples with trembling fingers.

Not out of fear, but out of excitement and excitement!

What was that he observed just now? !

Susanoo! ! !

That is the supreme pupil technique of the legendary Uchiha clan! !
Such a shocking posture, such an unrivaled sense of oppression!

He lost his composure a little, and even his tone became exaggerated. He turned around with a surge of emotion, and his expression became fanatical:

"Do you know what I saw just now?!"

The team members still stared into the distance in a daze, and nodded unconsciously.

"We... saw it too."

Ichishima was taken aback by his fanatical expression, and subconsciously looked in the direction the team members were looking at.

But he found that even just standing on the border of the Land of Fire, he could already observe the giant standing in the distance! !
This made Ichishima even more excited, and even looked at Susan with straight eyes.

"What kind of power is this...!!"

Uchiha Ichishima looked at the white Susan in gorgeous armor and a tengu mask in the distance, muttering excitedly on his face.

Ichishima opened Sharingan, and he looked carefully at the top of Susan's head.

At this time, the group led by Madara also arrived near this area.

The zebra rushed out of the forest first, and then intuitively felt the oppression coming from afar!
That is derived from the intuitive feeling of the blood!
Madara froze in place, staring blankly at the white Susan who was holding a long knife and was stepping on something.

And from the perspective of the long-haired Uchiha.

Bright red blood kept flowing from his eyes, and the yellow hair that protected him was constantly being repaired, even extending out of his lower body!
However, all of these were crushed by Lu Chuan's bang, and what came with it was the extremely huge side effects of the kaleidoscope on the eyes!
Pain, trance, blindness, brain can't think, eyes hurt like they're about to explode!
The long-haired Uchiha tightly covered his eyes, and he raised his head with difficulty to look at the white Susan who was about to chop off with a knife again, feeling ruthless in his heart! !

"Ah----!!! The sky is like a sun!! Open it for me!!!"

A kaleidoscope of long-haired Uchiha gushed out a lot of blood instantly.


Heart-piercing pain came from the eyes, and the long-haired Uchiha howled in pain and unwillingness, hatred drove him to go further! !

The yellow pupils entwined continuously, and his Susan's hands pressed against the white Susan's feet, and then suddenly spread away!

Yes!He took the initiative to disperse his Susan!

Afterwards, he unfolded the whole body Susanoo that had evolved into the fourth form again on the spot! !

"That is…"

"Blade, what's wrong with you?"

Hashirama came out of the woods, looking at Madara who stopped in his tracks suspiciously.

Then, he looked in the direction of Banzhi, and his face was filled with horror in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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