The crowd rushed over, and they surrounded Uchiha Ren, whose eyes were dark and hollow, and who had lost an arm and a leg.

Uchiha Ren felt the nothingness on his right arm, he lost his optic nerve and couldn't see anything at all.

"Ren, open your mouth, Bingliang Wan."

A girl in the team took out a few small balls from the ninja bag and poured them into Uchiha Ren's mouth.

It is a special food pill that quickly replenishes chakra, physical strength, and hemostasis, which can save lives at critical moments.

Everyone in the elite team looked gloomy at Ren's missing arm and empty eyes.

The tall one among them squatted down, he couldn't bear to look at the place where Uchiha Ren was injured, he could only turn his head away, and asked in a low voice:
"Jin...your eyes...was that guy doing it?"

Ren was taken aback.


my eyes…

correct! !
Speaking of his eyes, Ren seemed to remember something, he was struggling to get up regardless of his injuries!
The people around panicked, and hurriedly reached out to support Uchiha Ren who was about to get up.

"Quick!! Take me to the patriarch!! I have important information to tell him!!!"

Ren's voice resounded in the silent desert.



Uchiha clan.

The members of the elite team used two stretchers to carry back the unconscious Ichishima and Jin who couldn't move by himself.

In front of the residence of the Uchiha clan chief.

The Uchiha tribe guarding the gate came over, and after seeing Uchiha Ren's injury on the stretcher, his expression was startled.

Then he turned his body sideways, allowing everyone in the elite team to enter the patriarch's mansion.

Tajima had already sensed the sluggish aura of the leader of the elite team, Ichishima, and sat in the middle of the living room with a serious face.

He poured himself a cup of tea, and then looked seriously at Uchiha Ren who was lifted from the stretcher by everyone.

The moonlight shines on the courtyard next to the living room.

"Lord Patriarch."

Ren's original long hair has become scorched, broken and burnt a lot.

He seemed a little helpless, and he didn't know where to start.

At this time, Tajima sighed when he saw Jin's embarrassed look:

"Jen, where did you go during those few months you disappeared?"

The Uchiha Jin who did it was unable to maintain his balance because he lost a leg.

He can only be supported by other members of the team.

Ren lowered his head, tears flowed from the eye sockets that no longer had eyeballs, he gritted his teeth and said:
"I... I was imprisoned by a monster!"

He raised his head abruptly, facing the surprised Tajima with tears all over his face:

"Master Patriarch! This is the information I want to bring to you!"

Tajima took a sip of his tea, he was a little surprised, originally he thought that Ren should be disappointed by the family that abandoned him, and ran away from home in a fit of anger.

But I didn't expect it to be such a reason.

Tajima pondered for a while, and then whispered a few words to a guard beside him.

"Go get Madara over here."

After the guard beside him took the order, he withdrew.

After a while, Tajima took another sip of tea.

Then he turned his head to look at Ren, and said with a serious expression:

"Tell me carefully."

Ren knew that if he didn't teach his family the information about "Hei Jue", he would be killed by that guy sooner or later!
So, now I have to speak out!Let the family be vigilant!
Uchiha Ren took a deep breath, and he calmed down:
"That day, I was chasing and killing the child of Thousand Hands Buddha with my teammates, and I met a powerful guy."

Tian Dao nodded silently when he heard the words. The elite team reported this matter later, and it was also at that time that Ren disappeared.

"I fought against him and was seriously injured. In the desperate situation, I opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, which saved my life."

When he heard the words "Kaleidoscopic Sharingan", Tajima's expression gradually became serious, and he looked at Renkong's two eye sockets thoughtfully.

Ren naturally couldn't see Tajima's expression, but continued speaking very fast:

"As a result, when I lost my strength and fell to the upper reaches of the Nanhe River, I was attacked by that monster from underwater!"

When Ren said these words, Madara who was woken up rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked over hazily.

He was just about to ask his father, but he saw Ren, who lacked arms and legs, sitting on a stretcher!

Madara was shocked and wanted to speak, but Tajima covered his mouth quickly.

Tajima wants to know where Jin's kaleidoscope went.

Although the Uchiha clan once had several holders of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

But the current Uchiha clan is really too weak.

"That monster is completely black, and its body is as soft as mud, but he can attach to a human body and control that person's actions!"

Ren looked excited, he swallowed, his shoulders shrugged unnaturally:

"Also, that thing is very familiar with sharing eyes of our family!"

Ren seemed to recall some bad memories, and hatred appeared on his face.

At this time, Madara who was listening on the side showed a surprised expression.

The image described by Uchiha Ren is very similar to a dark thing that Lu Chuan once told himself to stay away from.

He couldn't hold back, subconsciously pushed his father's hand away, and asked Uchiha Ren:
"Does that guy have two soybean-like eyes?"

Ren froze for a moment.

He turned his face to the direction of Madara's voice.

Seemingly puzzled, he hesitated for a while before asking:
"Master Madara, why do you know...?"

Tajima also looked at Madara who was pulling away his palm as if he had seen a ghost.

Madara's expression became solemn.

He looked at Uchiha Jin, who was badly injured.

Some worried and asked:
"Uncle Ren, your... did that guy do your eyes?"

Uchiha Ren clenched his remaining fist.

"That's right, he snapped my kaleidoscope Sharingan."

Madara's expression gradually became serious.


the other side.

late at night.

Matt and his son brought Lu Chuan to the gate of Tang Country.

A few people stood on the nearby hillside, looking at the brightly lit Tang Country in the dark night.

The steam from the hot springs scattered all over Yuno Country slowly drifts over the villages and towns.

Lu Chuan looked at Matt and his son standing in front of him, and he actually didn't understand a little bit.

The Country of Tang is a country rich in supplies and advocating peace.

He is located in the middle of the land of fire and the land of thunder, just separating the two powerful countries.

How can a country with such advocating ideas feel disgusted or even unable to understand the ideas of Maitezai and Nai?

Thinking about it, Lu Chuan shook his head.

"Your Excellency! Follow up quickly——!"

In the distance, Matt Zai, who had gone a little far, turned his head and shouted loudly, waving his arms.

Lu Chuan gave up thinking about the answer to this question. When he really entered the Tang Kingdom, everything would be revealed. He trotted a few steps:

"I'm coming!"


(End of this chapter)

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