Chapter 117 – Evil God Cult
Soup country.

late at night.

The moon hangs in the sky.

Lu Chuan followed Matt and his son to a wooden house in a remote part of the village.

Although the wooden house is located in a remote part of the village, compared to the prosperity of the center, there are still residential houses around.

Bang bang!

Matt Zai slapped the door twice, shaking a layer of dust from the door, and then he pushed open the old wooden door.

The wooden door made a harsh sound when it was squeezed.

Matt Zai turned around in embarrassment, and when he was about to say something to Lu Chuan, some strange noises suddenly came from the nearby residential house.


Lu Chuan's hearing is so sensitive, he heard the scream that suddenly rose and was suppressed immediately.

He turned his head and looked at the second floor of the residential house, his eyes became sharper.

The sound came from there.

"Your Excellency, let's rest first."

At this moment, Matt Zai's voice drew back Lu Chuan's attention.

Lu Chuan turned his head, he smelled the smell of blood just now.

Very strong.

Residents around here have a problem!

Lu Chuan nodded silently to Kaimo, and then walked into the wooden house with Nai.

Lu Chuan closed the wooden door.


After a while, the night was quiet.

The moon had already hung in the mid-heaven, and the bright moon looked particularly bright on a cloudless night.

Lu Chuan's figure suddenly flashed outside the residential building next door.

He wouldn't just fall asleep peacefully like this.

I heard Matt and his son say that they could not accept and understand, and were even forced to leave their place of residence.

Even Matt Zai almost died!
This kind of villagers' hostility towards the two is no longer the incomprehensible attitude of Muye Village in later generations!
This is already treating Matt and his son as traitors!
After discovering the strong smell of blood next door, Lu Chuan decided to investigate everything tonight.

He stood outside the window, hiding his aura, and looked into the window.

There was no light in the room, and the light was very dim.

But Lu Chuan could still see some eye-catching things in the house.

Lu Chuan glanced around the room.

as predicted!

There was a large puddle of blood on the ground, and the blood even flowed to form a symbol!
And a person with a slender object stuck in his chest was lying on the blood.

Is it a murder scene?
and many more!

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes and leaned to the other side of the window, leaving room for the moonlight.

The bright moonlight shone into the house, showing the real appearance of the house!
The dark red blood neatly formed a circle on the ground, and there seemed to be a triangle formed by blood underneath.

But it was covered by the person lying on it!
This contrived!
Not a murder scene!

Lu Chuan carefully looked at the graphic and the necklace held in the hand of the man lying on the ground.

It's a wooden necklace, and the pattern of the necklace is the same as the one on the ground!

Lu Chuan pinched his chin, he did not choose to startle the snake.

The man on the ground was still alive, and he was talking plausibly about something.

Sudden!He seems to have remembered something!
The Country of Tang, the Blood Ritual, the Necklace of Faith...

Isn't this the pattern of the cult of Fei Duanxin? ! !

This kind of ceremony seems to be a "prayer" to the so-called evil god.

Lu Chuan's face became a little surprised, he jumped down from the residential building, his nose suddenly twitched and looked around.

Generally speaking, this kind of believers exist as individuals, like Fei Duan in later generations.

But... this one seems to be different!
Bloody smell!

Everywhere! !
Lu Chuan frowned to hide his breath, and felt a little bad feeling in his heart. He quickly walked away and checked the surrounding residents' houses.

Lu Chuan slid to the residential house directly opposite Matt Zai's house.

The first one is doing a blood ritual.

The second company is also doing it.

The third one is also...

The fourth one, in...

The fifth house,......


Until Lu Chuan came close to the central town area of ​​Yunoguo, there were fewer people doing those blood rituals around!
Lu Chuan felt that his limbs were freezing, and he felt that he suddenly understood why Matt Zai and his son were driven away!
Almost half of the people in Tangyin Village are followers of the "evil god sect".

And I just explored a fan starting from Maitezai's house, the number of believers in the other half of the town is still unclear!

According to the locations where Lu Chuan investigated, the places where the cult's believers are densest are next to the home of Matt and his son!

Matt Zai is tantamount to building his home in a den of bandits.

Perhaps those believers of the evil gods had persuaded Matt to join the religion, but failed.

That's why he became angry from embarrassment, and drove away and even wanted to kill Mattzai.

Lu Chuan shook his head, and he started to walk back.

So many people are believers, he didn't know what to do for a while.

Moreover, with such a huge number of believers, he did not believe that the top management of the country of Tang did not know about this matter.

If the higher-ups are clear and let the evil god religion develop, then things will become interesting.


Lu Chuan pinched his chin.

He has many doubts.

First of all, so many believers, where does the blood they pray with every day come from?
If every believer I see here is a guy with the same immortal body as Fei Duan.

The country of soup should have been a powerful country in the ninja world a long time ago!

But why is Tang Zhiguo still "advocating peace" and not revealing his true colors?

Lu Chuan was thinking while walking on the streets of Yunokuni late at night.

In the end, he came up with two reasons in his mind.

There are two answers to all this.

One, the country of Tang is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and they may have a bigger ambition.

Two, that is... Those believers are not immortal at all!
If none of them were immortal, then things would be interesting.

Lu Chuan's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had figured it out.

Lu Chuan walked outside the window of the family. He leaned against the wall, with his arms around him, and looked sideways at the two believers lying on the ground praying in the house.

He lightly knotted his hands, and immediately a gust of wind blew up in the house!

call--! ! !
With the wind blowing in the house, the "iron needles" that were "inserted" into the hearts of the two believers lying in the house rolled down to the ground with a bang.

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the slender iron needle rolling on the ground. The side facing the chests of the two believers just now was a smooth cross-section!

So, they didn't insert this thing into their hearts at all!

At this time, a woman's sobbing voice came from the room:

"Husband, is it true that the evil god has sensed our insincerity..."

Another dull man's voice came slowly, he comforted the woman and said:
"Don't worry... as long as we do this, everyone else does it, and nothing will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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