Lu Chuan leaned against the wall, listening to the conversation between the husband and wife in the room.

"Cthulhu, can you really save us from the flames of war?"

The man's dull voice came slowly in the darkness, and he seemed a little melancholy.

"Shhh! Don't talk like that! This is disrespect to Lord Evil God!"

The woman reminded her husband in a low voice, and then reached out to pick up the iron needle that had fallen on the ground.

After Lu Chuan heard the man talking to himself, his expression became a little surprised.

At the same time, he also confirmed a piece of information:
That is, most believers may not have immortal bodies.

Lu Chuan didn't dare to judge all Tang Kingdom believers based on the situation of this family.

He also only dared to estimate conservatively, there might be people like Fei Duan, but definitely not many.

He could also see from the conversation between the husband and wife just now that in fact, the two of them didn't think much of that so-called "evil god".

How can a fanatical believer directly address the god he believes in by the name of the god.

Look at the later Fei Duan, when fighting, one mouthful of "Master Cthulhu", a group of cheers.

Just when Lu Chuan felt that the matter might not be that serious, and stretched himself to go back to Maite's house to sleep, he heard another word with a lot of information.

"But... my wife, we have never seen an evil god, and we really believe it just by talking about it based on that name..."

The man didn't pick up the fallen iron needle, and his tone seemed a little impatient, he said to his wife like this.

Lu Chuan's stretching motion froze, and he looked back into the dark window with a smile on his face.

Lu Chuan didn't listen to what was said in the future, Lu Chuan only noticed the words "big name" and "empty talk".

"Things have become interesting."

Lu Chuan turned into a blurry figure and disappeared into the night.



Uchiha clan.

Patriarch's mansion.

Madara sat in front of Uchiha Ren and Tajima with a solemn expression, and the members of the elite team sent Captain Ichishima to rest.

"Blade, so you know that the guy named Yile told you about the existence of this monster?"

Tajima's face was already numb with shock, and he poked his head to look at his son.

Just now, because of Uchiha Ren's question, Madara hesitated a little bit, and told his father Kazuhito about Lu Chuan's existence.

He also mentioned some things and abilities that Lu Chuan has done, such as his mysterious swordsmanship and powerful strength.

But just to be on the safe side, he told them that Lu Chuan's name was "Yi Le", not Lu Chuan's real name.

Due to the alliance between Senshou and Uchiha, the Uchiha clan also learned about the portraits of the Senshou clan and Lu Chuan's name "Yile".

Madara nodded when he heard his father's words.

At this moment, he already felt threatened by Hei Jue's existence.

Based on what Lu Chuan and Uncle Ren said, this black doll covets Sharingan very much.

And it seems that the Uchiha people have been imprisoned all year round to provide him with high-quality sharing eyes.

So, the reason why Lu Chuan said to be careful of the black guy is because he might covet his pure blood Sharingan? !
Of course, most of the information here was obtained through Uchiha Ren's dictation, but Madara became more and more terrified the more he listened.

Why does this thing look like a scary children's story for scaring children!

As for Lu Chuan changing his name to Yile.

Madara thinks that maybe Lu Chuan wants to start a new journey, a new name represents a new thing.

But the name Yile is too perfunctory!
Madara complained silently in his heart.

"That guy named Yile... is the young patriarch's friend?"

At this time, Uchiha Ren, who seemed to have never understood who "Ichiraku" was just now, asked Tajima hesitantly.

Tajima turned his head back, and waved Uchiha Ren helplessly:
"That guy is called a Sage of the Six Paths by the Thousand Hands Clan, and I don't know how Madara hooked up with him."

Uchiha Ren nodded half-understood, and said in harmony:

"That's it, I know."

Is it called Ichiraku Otsutsuki? What a guy with a lot of experience.

Uchiha Ren secretly labeled "Yi Le" with a wide knowledge in his heart.

But he didn't know that this so-called "Yi Le" was Lu Chuan who hammered him with Susano Shocking Zhenxing and Yin Yang Dun.

In this way, a guy who was originally hostile to Lu Chuan newspaper, and a person who had never met Lu Chuan at all, became extremely interested in Lu Chuan's vest.


The next day.

early morning.

Soup country.

Outside Matt's house.

It looked a little gray in the morning, and the orange sunlight gradually fell on the street, bringing a little warmth to the place.

Two dark green figures were leaning neatly on the ground, exercising their physical skills under the morning sun.

"If you can't do a thousand push-ups! Just walk around the house 500 times in a handstand!! Nai!!"


The voices of the father and son came from outside the room. Lu Chuan was lying on the tatami in the room, and next to him was the bed of the father and son.

He was awakened by the excited voices of the two, and sat up helplessly from the tatami.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and stretched his waist.

With a paralyzed face, Lu Chuan looked helplessly outside the open door, where Matt Zai and Nai were doing push-ups quickly.

"It's early in the morning, it's not bad, so this energy is inherited from the ancestors?"

Lu Chuan muttered among the high-spirited slogans of the youth duo, and stood up while tidying up the futon on the tatami and arranging his clothes.

He couldn't help but see the training methods of young Metkay and Rock Lee.

As if influenced by the high spirits of the two, Lu Chuan quickly sorted things out.

I am about to go out and experience the real feature of Yunokuni: hot spring time.

A basin of cold water poured down.

Wow--! !

Well, in every sense.

Even though Lu Chuan reacted in time and quickly took two steps back, he was poured from the ground to his feet by the sudden basin of water.

Lu Chuan wiped the water off his shoes, then subconsciously shook his hands, frowning slightly.

In front of him, Metzai and Metternai also had obvious wet marks on their bodies, and they seemed to be much worse than his own.

At this time, there was a burst of ugly scolding from the upstairs next door:
"Hey!! Didn't I tell you to get out of Tang Country?!! Why are you back again! Aren't you afraid of death, idiot!?"

Lu Chuan looked up in the direction of the voice in doubt.

One of the believers of the evil god who was lying on the ground praying last night was at the window on the second floor, holding a basin in his hand and cursing loudly.

With his hair combed back, his face was full of anger, as if the return of Matt and his son was a very painful thing for him.

"Disgusting guy!! Did you hear that! Get out of here quickly!!"

A crisp slap sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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