Maitzai and Meitner did not go out for training in the morning after listening to Lu Chuan's words.

Instead, do push-ups and handstand push-ups in the room.

"Fei Zang! Come here!"

Lu Chuan stood in front of a group of silent believers who were stunned by the power of his pupils, and waved lightly for Fei Zang to come over.

Fei Zang, who was about to shout "Master Cthulhu", immediately picked up the sickle in his hand, and ran over in small steps.

He leaned next to Lu Chuan and asked in a low voice:
"Master Cthulhu, what's the matter?"

Lu Chuan looked at Feizang who came running in small steps, and did not speak, but just "slapped" the green jade jade in his other hand on Feizang's chest.

Feizang was stunned for a moment, and could not help but be pushed back by Lu Chuan's strength.


The Gouyu, full of vitality, attached to Feizang's body, and immediately turned into circles of green air waves that spread all over Feizang's body, and finally completely merged into his body!

The believers below couldn't understand why.

Lu Chuan looked at Fei Zang who was at a loss, and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

This hook jade is the result of Lu Chuan's one-night research.

This thing was not created by himself, but something that was described in the original book.

The shell of the transparent Gouyu is cast by the fine infusion of Yin Dun Chakra, and at the same time, the inside of the Gou Yu is filled with Yang Dun Chakra, which is rich in strong vitality.

What was finally born was a crystal clear, emerald green Gouyu the size of a palm.

This thing, in the original book, is sold by the old man to hold the baby tailed beast.

Lu Chuan was able to do it, thanks to the proficiency max of yin and yang escape that was deducted from the old man selling it.

Now using it on Fei Zang can greatly increase the activity of his body functions.

Powerful yin escape chakra + yang escape chakra, obtained,
It is a false immortal body + a false immortal soul.

Why is there "false", because the yin and yang escape chakra in this gouyu will be exhausted sooner or later.

When that day comes, Fei Zang's body functions will drop sharply, and he will return to his previous appearance of being a little stronger than ordinary people.

At this time, the believers below began to disdain the news released by the daimyo in the early morning.

"The name of that Lao Shizi said that Lord Evil God does not exist."

"Hmph, he is just an ignorant human being, how could he know the greatness of Lord Cthulhu!"

"Or, let's send him to see Lord Cthulhu, let him feel the glory of Lord Cthulhu!"

"Sacrifice him! Sacrifice him!! Stab that hypocritical daimyo to death!!"

"Take me one, I'll go too, hahahaha..."

"Who is that guy with purple eyes? It's a strange face."

Along with the turmoil of the believers, some people secretly paid attention to Lu Chuan who kept scanning among them.

"By the way, why did Fei Zang call us here today?"

"Maybe they organized us to sacrifice the daimyo together..."

Finally, someone brought the topic to Fei Zang, who was excitedly feeling the changing body.

At this moment, Feizang's face was full of excitement and joy. Looking at his clenched fists, he felt that his physical strength seemed to contain infinite power! !

He turned his head, his shortness of breath led to rapid ups and downs, and Fei Zang, who was ecstatic, knew what he had obtained just now!
Such a powerful vitality!It was as if my body had been upgraded to a level of life in an instant! !

Refresh your mind and strengthen your body!
It must be! !immortal! !
"Master Evil God!!!"

Boom! !

Excited, Fei Zang knelt down on the ground with a thud, and he placed his sickle horizontally in front of him! !
"I!! Fei Zang! I will be your most loyal believer for the rest of my life!!"

After finishing speaking, Fei Zang couldn't stand Lu Chuan's obstruction, and slammed his head on the stone floor of the street!

Lu Chuan scratched his head. He wanted to make things easier, as long as he could take this group of believers out of here later.

However, Fei Zang's excited attitude made him a little bit difficult to handle.

The believers below were bewildered.

Lord evil god?Where is Lord Cthulhu? ?

What?Who is that Feizang guy called, Lord Cthulhu?
Someone froze for a while, then looked around in disbelief.

Finally, pointing to Lu Chuan standing in front of everyone, he asked with a slightly trembling voice:

"Hey... Hey! You, who are you?"

Everyone else immediately focused their attention on Lu Chuan, who was expressionless and even a little sleepy.

The wise believers did not speak, they sensed that something was wrong.

Those purple eyes were so breathtaking that they had to be careful.

Coupled with the titles of Fei Zang, the first batch of cult members, the believers became more and more confused.

Lu Chuan didn't speak to the group of believers, he turned his head and called Fei Zang, who was still agitated:
"Hey! Fei Zang!"

"I'm here! Lord Cthulhu!!"

Feizang was shocked suddenly, jumped up from the ground, held the sickle and straightened his body.

The believers turned their attention to Feizang strangely.

At this time, a sharp-eyed believer pointed out the difference between Fei Zang at this moment!
"Look at Fei Zang's forehead!!"

Everyone immediately focused their attention on Fei Zang's forehead that was bleeding from the kowtow!

And the scar on Feizang's forehead was being healed at a speed visible to the naked eye! !
Could it be that!
The original whispering voices of the believers disappeared, and they all glanced back and forth between Lu Chuan and Fei Zang in a daze.

Lu Chuan looked at the people in front of him, and pulled out a sharp steel thorn from his clothes expressionlessly.

The steel thorns bloomed with a sharp cold light in the sun, as if the temperature around them dropped a few degrees at once.


Holding the steel thorn, Lu Chuan handed it to Fei Zang who was standing beside him.

Feizang was stunned for a moment, then a confident smile appeared on his face, and he took Lu Chuan's steel needle with trembling hands due to excitement.

Fei Zang knew that this was a chance for him to prove himself from Lord Cthulhu!

In front of all believers! !
Lu Chuan couldn't bear to watch Fei Zang take the steel thorn.

He wanted Fei Zang to show the believers the immortality he had just obtained, and cultivate Fei Zang's self-confidence by the way.

But this kind of self-destructive behavior, Lu Chuan felt.

It is better to abolish this kind of teaching after leaving the country of soup.

Holding the extremely sharp steel thorn in his hand, Fei Zang turned around to face all the loyal believers!
"Look! This is the Spear of the Evil God that Lord Evil God bestowed on me!!"

That's right, this kind of steel thorn used for self-destruction has a special term in the cult of evil gods.

Afterwards, amidst the astonished expressions of all the believers, Fei Zang inserted the steel thorn into his chest with a happy face! !


Blood spurted out immediately!

"This feeling…!"

Feizang raised his head to the white sky, closed his eyes, and happily enjoyed this unprecedented feeling.

"So comfortable...!"

Blood flowed out along the steel thorns and fell to the ground.

Fei Zang's skillful one-foot swipe!Immediately, the symbol of the cult appeared on the ground! !
Lu Chuan and the believers in front of Fei Zang saw Fei Zang's appearance.

It suddenly boiled up!
(End of this chapter)

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