People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 125 - Leaving Tang Country, the mighty "caravan"

Chapter 125 - Leaving Tang Country, the mighty "caravan"


Seeing Fei Zang's appearance, the believers all raised their hands high in excitement.

Some excitedly hugged the believers standing beside them and shook wildly, with crazy smiles on their faces!
Boom! !

The first muffled sound came, and the believers immediately noticed a believer who was standing in the front and knelt on one knee towards Lu Chuan.

He noticed!The flesh on Feizang's chest was constantly wriggling, trying to squeeze out the steel thorn that had been inserted into his chest!In order to restore the body! !

This also means! !Fei Zang has a real immortal body! !
And the source of this immortal body is undoubtedly the mysterious man with purple eyes that Fei Zang has always called "Master Cthulhu"! !
When he thought of this, his heart became more and more surging!
He couldn't help raising his head to look at Lu Chuan, shouting excitedly:

"Your loyal believer!! Mori Ranmaru! Greetings, Lord Cthulhu!!!"

Other believers still have some concerns, they are afraid that Lu Chuan is not an evil god!
After all, the true god appeared in front of them in human form, no matter how you think about it, it feels impossible.

But this concern was quickly dispelled!

"Master Cthulhu is eternal!!!"

I saw Feizang screaming excitedly, and at the same time he grabbed the steel thorn handle protruding from his chest, and then pulled it out forcefully! !

Puff-! !

The blood immediately flowed down the chest!dripping on the ground in front of him!
Afterwards, under the suspicious eyes of all the believers, the bloody hole in Feizang's chest recovered in just a few breaths!
The fresh and tender skin was completely different from the surrounding skin tone, Fei Zang lowered his head with excitement, and stroked his perfect chest.

at the same time!Fei Zang's body completely accepted the green Gouyu!

His body began to undergo some more special changes!

Seeing Fei Zang's uninjured chest, the faces of all believers flushed with excitement visible to the naked eye!

They crowded together frantically, rushing to rush to Lu Chuan!

"Sacrifice to me!! Lord Evil God!!"

Someone was so witty that he knelt down on the spot and shouted loudly:

Boom! !

"Your loyal believer!! I am benevolent! Greetings, Lord Cthulhu!!"

Boom! ! !
"Your faithful believer..."

Boom! !


Lu Chuan wanted to sleep the whole time. He squinted his reincarnation eyes halfway, watching a large group of people kneeling and shouting in front of him expressionlessly!

Their loud voices soared into the sky, and the birds on the branches in the distance flew away from the branches in shock.


Daming Fuchu.

The daimyo of Yunokuni sat in the room with a sad face. He lowered his eyelids sadly, staring at the cherry blossom petals falling in the garden.

At this time, he raised his head in doubt, and looked towards the west of Daming Mansion.

What sound seems to be coming from there?
Daimyo stood up suspiciously and walked further west.

He put his ears on the fence, trying to hear the loud cries of believers a few streets away through the fence!

"Ah... I heard it, I heard it!"

The daimyo narrowed his eyes boredly, and continued to listen carefully:

"Your loyal believer... Fei Zang? Here is a warm welcome... Lord Xiexiexiexiexiexie?!"

Daimyo's original bored expression was suddenly replaced by panic and bewilderment. He pushed the wall in surprise and fell to the ground.

The daimyo was crazily thinking about the few words he had heard, subconsciously crazily climbing towards the rear.

After he touched the door of his room, he looked at the wall to the west with a shocked expression.

"What...what, evil god, has the evil god really descended?"

Daimyo's lips were trembling, and he was talking to himself in a panic, and a fragmented sentence popped out.

It turned out that he always believed in his heart that Lu Chuan was pulled by Fei Zang to intimidate him.


West Street.

Lu Chuan opened up a gravitational field helplessly to resist this group of crazy believers of evil gods.

too frightening.

Believers of evil gods...

Fei Zang is simply the most normal believer.

Lu Chuan looked at the believers who were blocked outside the gravitational field, they stuck to the outside of the gravitational field, everyone's face was full of ecstasy!
Fei Zang mingled among them, saying a word or two from time to time that made the believers rejoice.

Standing among a group of believers, he pretended to be mysterious and said:

"Do you want to know why you can't get close to Lord Cthulhu?"

Several crazy voices came from below: "Think!!"

Feizang straightened up, with a proud expression on his head, he proudly said:
"Humans! You can't touch the gods!"

Before the believers below shouted excitedly, a hand suddenly appeared on top of Fei Zang's head!

The slap formed an afterimage, and it slapped Feizang's head violently!

Fei Zang immediately covered his head and squatted down.

He was aware of this strength, Fei Zang didn't dare to defy him, and immediately turned his head and shouted, "Master Cthulhu!"

But he secretly handed some small notes to the believers behind him.

It says:

Humans cannot touch the gods.

But gods can touch humans.


Soup abroad.

A mighty team came out from the gate of Tang Kingdom.

The leader is a head with a blood-red sickle on its back.

After realizing that Lu Chuan is the real evil god, he also understood what the evil god meant by wanting to shift his position.

Loyal believers decisively chose to follow their beliefs!Conquer the entire ninja world with Lord Cthulhu!

At least Fei Zang thought so.

With a passionate heart, he walked in front of this hundred-man team.

Lu Chuan and Matt and his son, who had been repaired, walked slowly at the end of the line.

In the Kingdom of Tang, Lu Chuan made it clear to these people that the Cult of the Evil God will hide as a caravan to the outside world.

Travel to various countries for product sales.

But the actual purpose is to leave a few believers as eyeliners, waiting for future "plans".

He also made it clear that eyeliners cannot spread teachings in that ninja country, as it would be easy to be discovered, leading to the failure of the plan.

But this plan is just Lu Chuan's nonsense, it is just a reason why he wants to disperse the evil god sect, and finally let the evil god sect disappear in the ninja world.

At this time, Fei Zang in the front opened his mouth and shouted to the back:

"Remember why we have to call Lord Cthulhu?!!"

The team of nearly a hundred people has never been trained, but they shouted tacitly and neatly:

"Master Yile!!"

Fei Zang nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to lead the team towards the Land of Thunder!
Matt Zai looked at Lu Chuan, who was wrapped in a black robe, and scratched his head in doubt.

He had never seen such a means of organizing a caravan.

So far, the three-person youth team that originally traveled around the world has become the current "Ninja World Conquest" group of [-] people.

Another new journey has begun.


Three years later.

(End of this chapter)

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