People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 129 - Raising the Dragon Flag in the Ninja World!

Chapter 129 - Raising the Dragon Flag in the Ninja World!

Late at night, Loulan.

The shouts of the warriors resounded through the sky.

Under the tower, Kui Si was holding on to the door frame, looking nervously at this side.

Rui under the tower is no longer in serious trouble, she just needs to rest.

Looking at the rows of warriors kneeling on one knee, Lu Chuan couldn't help opening his mouth dumbly.

Behind him, the young Meitner excitedly grabbed Lu Chuan's sleeve.

Lu Chuan turned his head subconsciously, only to find that Matt Zai was looking at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Fei Zang held the iron necklace on his chest, looking at the kneeling warriors with an excited expression.

Are you also a believer in Lord Evil God? !
Fei Zang thought so excitedly in his heart.

Lu Chuan withdrew his gaze, then turned his head, and smiled at Jiang Yingyi who was kneeling on one knee.

Lu Chuan's original plan was to go to Senshou and Uchiha's clan and Hashirama to reminisce about the old days.

But now it seems that there is plenty of time to reminisce about the past, anyway, the Kingdom of Fire is quite peaceful now.

It is estimated that Konoha will be established in a few years.

and so……


Loulan Calendar: One year, the first Queen Ruyi led Loulan to a new path!


In the fourth year of Loulan's calendar, the sacred (scratch) Lu Chuan, the great (scratch) Director Lu replaced Queen Ruyi and led Loulan into a new historical process.

The title of the king.

He is also the first king in the history of Loulan.

Later generations honored him as: the Lord of the First Generation.

In the fifth year of the Loulan calendar, the first generation proposed "The Will of Loulan: A single spark can start a prairie fire".

In November of the same year, the first generation made clear the policy of "fully developing scientific talents and ninjutsu education".

Create a comprehensive school: Loulan International, set up elective subjects such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, sword art, ninjutsu, gymnastics, etc.

Maitrezai, assistant to the ruler of the country, was appointed as the chief gymnastics instructor and deputy instructor of the Loulan Comprehensive School.

The Assistant to the Lord, Fei Zang, is very honored to be appointed as an elective subject: the guidance of the sickle.

In the same year, the 36th special operations elite unit was created to replace the patrol team.

Improve the laws of the Loulan Kingdom.

Cheers to our great and legendary Lord Cthulhu! ! (scratches)
The year's calendar recorder - Fei Zang.


Loulan calendar six years, early spring.

Queen Rui regains her leadership abilities.

The next month, Lu Chuan, the first ruler of the country, left a blueprint of a "steam engine" and some future plans, and left Loulan alone.


Office of the Lord.

Looking at the empty office, Feizang felt very uncomfortable.

He also wanted to go out and explore again with Lu Chuan.

However, when he volunteered that he could stay in Loulan as an eyeliner, he didn't think so much.

He thought that Lu Chuan would never leave Loulan just like that.

Fei Zang lowered his head and sighed.

At this time, behind him, the door of the lord's office was pushed open.

Feizang turned his head, just in time to see a red-haired woman walking in with a calm expression.

"Where's Lu Chuan?" she said.


"My lord, has returned to his residence."

"speak English!"

"My lord has gone back, gone back!"



The sun is high in the sky, and people are hiding in the shade of trees or under the eaves.

Enjoy the climate with summer on the horizon.

Thousands of hands and Uchiha cross clans are located.

Lu Chuan pushed aside the surrounding bushes, and he approached this place quietly. He felt the breath of Hashirama and Madara seemed to be nearby.

He was walking slowly among the bushes, he himself did not expect Rui to rest for such a long time.

Only then did he agree to come back and lead Loulan.

If he had known it earlier, he would have quit and taught everything to Jiang Yingyi, who had been working with him for a while.

This kid learns things very quickly.

Thinking this way, Lu Chuan suddenly walked to an empty field.

Surrounded by several Japanese-style houses, there are several members of the Uchiha or Senju family sitting in them, and they are looking at the open ground with great interest.

Two guys dressed in the same clothes as those around them stood under the sun without any scruples, and the hot sun shone on them.

Seeing that the people around are all amazed.

Wearing slender pigtails and wearing a dark robe, Uchiha Izumi was already sweating from the heat.

Quan Na's face, which was already quite youthful, was full of complex expressions of disdain and anger.

He was still furious, regardless of the flow of sweat on his body, with an expression of resentment, he chattered endlessly at the person in front of him.

Quan Nai took a deep breath, several well-shaped words protruded from her face, and almost a series of words burst out:

"I really—hate you!"

"You stupid!"

"Bastard! Idiot!"

"mentally retarded!"

"Damn boring!"

"Face paralyzed!"


"Despicable! I don't know what is good or bad! There is no humanity!"


"Go to hell!!"

Quan Nai let out a breath, and his braids were raised in anger!

He almost pointed and cursed at the man opposite him!
He took a short breath and paused, as if he couldn't find the right words to insult that hateful guy opposite?
He stared fiercely at the pair of dead fish eyes with white hair on the opposite side, and blurted out through gritted teeth:

"Between the door!!"

The corner of Qianshou Feijian's mouth twitched in light green cotton and linen clothing, and he subconsciously touched the red marks on his face.

The hair color that was originally bright yellow when he was young has really turned into silver white at this moment, and he has more and more calm temperament of the future second generation Hokage.

Over the years, Quan Nai has been targeting herself on certain occasions, and even slapped her in the face desperately during friendly matches.

In the end, a scar was left on his face. For the sake of beauty, his eldest brother Zhujian forced himself to learn a little fairy art.

Successfully left a symmetrical red pattern on the face.

Tobima didn't know what he did wrong, he even felt that he was the one who should lose his temper.

He looked helplessly at Quanna who was still calm.

Um?Is he still angry?

He applauded Quan Na expressionlessly, and responded with two sentences:
"What a witty remark, Quanna."

Quan Nai turned her face abruptly, and stared fiercely at the hateful face in Fei Jian.

He gritted his teeth, this guy can always arouse his emotions to the highest point at any time!

Asshole! !
"Do you want to die?! Your face is paralyzed! You are in the middle of the door! You are a scumbag!"

Hearing Quanna's words, Tomona's face suddenly darkened.

"My not used to curse people..."

On the side, Lu Chuan covered his mouth with his hands, restrained himself from laughing, and quietly walked around the area.

After walking away, Lu Chuan straightened his back, stretched his waist, and let out a long breath.

"Huh--! It seems that Uchiha and Senju get along pretty well."

He recalled that Quan Nai couldn't move his hands just now, and could only hold back Qianshou's witty remarks, which seemed very funny.

Well, learned it.

From now on, when swearing at someone, use "you, you!"

Lu Chuan was in a very happy mood.

 Tobuma: Didn’t the compliments you said make people calm down?

(End of this chapter)

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