People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 130 - Asura and Indra combine to gain the power of all things.Ban: I am not Sister Li.

Chapter 130 - Asura and Indra combine to gain the power of all things.Ban: I am not Sister Li.

Thousands of hands.


Lu Chuan has already moved away from the intersection of the Uchiha and Senju families.

The current clan of Uchiha and Senju is much larger than before, and even merged together.

Therefore, there are many Senju clansmen and Uchiha clansmen entertaining at the place where the two clans meet.

After all, five years have passed since Lu Chuan left here last time.

Five years, just looking at Tobuma and Quanna, who already had some youthful vibes, knew it.

Hashirama and Madara may also be close to the image in the original work.

These two are about 17-8 years old now.

Thinking of this, Lu Chuan curled up and hid in a bush.

With a malicious smile on his face, he secretly looked in the direction of two people sitting side by side not far away.

He sensed those two familiar breaths, and the corners of his mouth could not stop rising.

During the two years of dealing with policies in Loulan, Lu Chuan was extremely boring.

While thinking about how to open the minds and spirits of the Loulan people, and thinking about how to use mathematics, physics and chemistry to change their logical thinking.

Even deal with Loulan's big and small affairs.

These things made Lu Chuan feel a headache, and even tried to independently develop multiple shadow clones.

So when Lu Chuan got Ruyi to be the queen again, Lu Chuan couldn't wait to leave a farewell letter.

Then he left Loulan without looking back.

Now, he needs to relax.

He squinted at the two figures, one white and one black, not far away, and quietly picked up a stone from the ground.

But the two people on the opposite side didn't seem to notice it at all, they were still chatting on their own.

"Madara, what's going on with you recently, you always look worried."

Hashirama, who was wearing a long white gown, poked his head suspiciously, looking at Madara's eyes covered by his hair.

That's right, the white and black duo are the grown-up Hashirama and Madara.

Madara wears Uchiha's exclusive dark robe, with a red and white Uchiha fan logo embroidered on the back.

Madara waved his hand casually, then pushed back the hair covering his eyes, and he let out a long sigh.

"Isn't this the village that is finally going to be established? I always feel that something is wrong."

Hashirama was slightly taken aback, he looked at Madara's downcast eyes, then he put his hips on his hips and laughed loudly:
"Hahahaha! Madara! Don't worry!"

Snapped!Hashirama put his hand on Madara's shoulder, and Madara subconsciously shifted his gaze over.

Hashirama smiled confidently:

"With the two of us here, there will be no mistakes in the affairs of the village."

Saying that, Hashirama glanced left and right like a guilty conscience, and then approached Madara and explained in a low voice:

"Besides, isn't there still Quanna and Feijian, you don't have to worry about it at all."

Madara looked at Hashirama's comforting appearance, and forced a smile, but the gloom in her heart could not dissipate.

He lowered his head and looked at the puddle beside him, which reflected his exhausted appearance.

Madara in the reflection, with a strange red light shining in his eyes.

"makes sense."

Madara agreed casually to Hashirama, but in fact the reason for his worry was not because of the village.

Just last year.

His Uncle Ren, who barely survived under the meteorite a few years ago, died suddenly.

Died very suddenly.

Died right in front of him, a blood hole the size of a bowl appeared in his chest with a "bang"!
Hot and humid blood splashed onto the dazed face.

He was stunned.

At that time, Madara stared blankly at Uchiha Ren who fell down with a smile on his face, his expression numb and at a loss.

With the Uchiha and Senju alliance and the Fire Nation becoming peaceful, seeing the death of familiar people with his own eyes is something that Madara doesn't understand very much.

Although Uchiha Ren often said that he would suddenly disappear one day, or die suddenly.

Even if it is clear that the murderer who killed Uchiha Ren may be the "black monster" in his mouth.

But Madara still can't accept it.

After thinking about it that night, he quickly found his good friend Hashirama.

After some conversations, the two hit it off immediately, and immediately decided to regain their childhood dreams, and not let the ideal stop at family peace.

It was also this opportunity that made the establishment of Muye Village several years ahead of schedule.

That night, Madara's kaleidoscope was opened.

But this is only the antecedent of Madara's melancholy.

So, what is Madara worried about?

last night.

Madara, who was burning paper for Uchiha Jin at Nanga Shrine, stopped by the basement of Nanga Shrine.

There used to be memories of his first clan meeting with his father when he was a child.

Spot lights up the lamp and gently sweeps the dust here.

At this time, Madara accidentally glanced at the stone tablet in the center of the basement!

He was horrified to find...

I can already see most of the above content clearly!
Madara stood beside the dancing flames, staring curiously at the distorted words on the stele, and couldn't help but opened her own kaleidoscope, and read in a whisper:

"Real peace?"

"Six Path Immortals?"

"The combination of Ashura and Indra... will gain the power of all things?"

Madara read the last sentence he could see clearly in doubt, and he looked towards the content in front of the stele.

I saw some of the words "Pupil of Soul Portrayal" in the front, and the strings of some subsequent words.

Madara deduces that the so-called power of "everything in the universe" should be the condition for reading the follow-up content of the stele.


Combination of Indra and Asura?

What is it?
Madara came back to his senses, he turned his head and looked at the pillars striding forward, as if there were three big characters "Asura" written on the top of his head.

correct!Hashirama said that the legendary ancestor of the Thousand Hands Clan is some kind of "Asura"!

He also awakened the blood succession boundary that seems to be "Asura", Wood Dun!

Well, Indra...

Isn't Indra the legend of the Uchiha clan?
He looked at the back of Zhu Jian and was stunned for a moment.

He lowered his head and checked himself again.

In the end, he found that he actually fit the ability setting of the legendary Uchiha's ancestor "Indra".

He raised his head abruptly, and froze in place with a solemn expression.


Madara made a question mark in his heart.

Lu Chuan looked at the two people who were walking forward slowly, and he weighed the stone in his hand.

Then the body leaned back slightly, and rounded his arms!
Whoosh-! !

With Lu Chuan's arm flicking violently!The stone in his hand came out instantly!He ran in the direction of the downcast Madara and shot away!

At this time, Hashirama who was walking in front wondered why Madara hadn't followed, he turned his head, hummed a little song and looked at Madara who was sluggish in place.

A breeze blew through Hashirama's long hair, Hashirama raised his hand and waved at Madara, trying to remind him to move forward:

"Hey!! Madara!! What are you doing standing there?!"

The next moment, Zhu Jian was about to split open, and he rushed over:
"Madara!!! Be careful!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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