People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 131 - Can this thing be used as a hammer?

Chapter 131 - Can this thing be used as a hammer?

"Madara!! Get out of here!!"

Hashirama shouted urgently, and ran frantically towards Madara.

A cloud of dust kicked up behind his feet.

Zhu Jian looked at Lu Chuan with a sinister face, who had already leaned out of the grass, in surprise and joy.

And in his hand, a stone the size of a palm has already come out! !
Madara stood where he was, he was stunned by Hashirama's yelling, but looked at Hashirama suspiciously.

But after several years of getting along, Madara can roughly understand why Hashirama's urgent expression is for.

In addition, he seemed to hear the whistling wind behind him!

Is it kunai? !
Madara's eyes froze, he kicked his feet hard, his body quickly tilted to the side, and the whole person floated in the air for a short time!

He turned his face, and the stone thrown out by Lu Chuan happened to brush against the tip of Madara's nose!
The stone slammed into the soil in front of the rushing Hashirama, and Hashirama suddenly tensed his muscles in fright, but his body couldn't stop the car, and he took two steps forward uncontrollably.

"Phew! It's dangerous."

Hashirama looked at the stone stuck in the soil, and seemed relieved.

Madara landed on the ground, and he turned his head to look at Lu Chuan who was slowly walking out of the grass behind him, pacing unhurriedly.

Lu Chuan was smiling. He expected that the stone would be dodged by Madara. After all, this was just a way of "greeting" him.

Lu Chuan stopped, and he stopped at a position not far from Zhujian, and exchanged a glance with Madara.

"Long time no see, Madara, Hashirama."

Madara seemed a little surprised that it was Lu Chuan who came.

But after thinking about it, this bastard is the only one who will give someone a stone when they meet each other.

As if recalling the "happy" memories of his youth, the gloom on his face became better, and Madara gave Lu Chuan a chuckle and nodded.

"Is this the only opening line you can use?"

Zhu Jian also walked over with a happy face. He carefully observed Lu Chuan's appearance as a 17-year-old boy, nodded while pinching his chin, and exclaimed:

"It's really been a long time! Your appearance has changed so much!"

Zhu Jian threw his arms around Lu Chuan's neck, and Lu Chuan, who was looking provocatively at Chao Madara, was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground.

Lu Chuan staggered a few steps, stretched out a hand, and made some contemptuous gestures at Zhujian.

But Zhujian ignored Lu Chuan's contemptuous eyes, his expression was joyful, still immersed in the joy of the reunion of old friends, and he said to himself:

"Speaking carefully, I'm afraid we haven't seen each other for five years."

"Yes, yes, let me go first!"

Lu Chuan looked at Zhujian with disgust, as if trying to push him away.

At this time, he noticed that standing beside him, the hair could already cover one side of the eyes.

Lu Chuan seemed a little surprised when he perceived Zhuanban's pupil power at the moment.

"Yo, Madara, you've already turned on the kaleidoscope."

He was a little surprised, because the original work he knew didn't seem to describe how the kaleidoscope was opened.

But in the current situation of Senju and Uchiha, the reason why Madara opened the kaleidoscope may be influenced by himself.

Madara looked at Lu Chuan in surprise, and he wiped his eyes, as if he couldn't figure out why Lu Chuan knew about it.

Madara, even after turning on the kaleidoscope, has never actually used it in front of others since there hasn't been much war.

Hashirama on the side was in a daze, he scratched his head and looked at Madara for some reason.

"Kaleidoscope? Is it the Sharingan after the evolution of Sangouyu?"

Zhu Jian slowly loosened his arms around Lu Chuan's neck, he looked at Madara and asked.

Due to the alliance between Senju and Uchiha, the Senju Clan also obtained a lot of information that could not be obtained at all.

For example, it turns out that there is a kaleidoscope on top of the Sangou jade. If the kaleidoscope is used too much, it will lead to vision loss.

These detailed information actually come from Uchiha Isshima, the only kaleidoscope opener in the Uchiha clan.

When Madara was thinking about how to answer Lu Chuan and Zhujian's words, Lu Chuan frowned, and he saw Madara's mental exhaustion.

After all, with a puzzled face and a very haggard look, it was not like Madara's usual style.

Turning on the kaleidoscope... something went wrong?
"Did something happen?"

Lu Chuan patted the clothes on his body, and seemed to be a little worried about the spot.

Ban Gang's thoughtful words choked on his lips, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and stared at Lu Chuan with hanging eyes.

But he also saw the worried look in Hashirama's eyes.

At this moment, Hashirama, even if he didn't know clearly, knew that what Madara was worried about might not be about the village.

No way.

Madara looked at the blue sky and let out a long sigh.

"follow me."

Madara turned and walked in the direction of the Uchiha Clan.

Lu Chuan and Zhujian, who were in place, looked at each other, and they chose to follow Madara.

The former friends fell into a downturn, how could Hashirama, as a close friend, sit idly by.

And Lu Chuan...

He just thought it was a bit boring to just stand and talk here.

By the way, find a seat to sit free, and sort out Madara's knots.

that is it.

It's definitely not me, Lu Chuan, who is worried about him.


Uchiha clan.

"Hello, Young Patriarch!"

"What are you shouting for! It's time to call the patriarch!"

"It's not that Patriarch Tajima hasn't abdicated..."

"Call it if you call it!"

Madara nodded to the two clansmen at the gate of the Uchiha clan, and then walked into the clan with Lu Chuan and Hashirama behind him.

Uchiha, who was guarding the gate, looked back at Madara who was walking away, and complained to another person beside him:
"You must make a good impression on the future patriarch! Do you understand?"

"I know, I know, I'm so talkative."

"Post! What did you say?!"



In the clan land.

"Oh! Madara! You painted so many fans on the wall!"

Hashirama walked curiously on the streets of Uchiha, looking left and right.

Although the two clans are in an alliance, Hashirama, who is the future heir of Senju, will not go to the Uchiha clan.

Lu Chuan followed behind Hashirama while strolling in the garden, looking at the red torii gates of the shrine that had been exposed in the distance.

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes, and he felt that he had probably guessed something.

Soon, the three of them arrived at Nanhe Shrine.

Inside Nanga Shrine.


Hashirama looked up at the stones floating in the air that were used to seal the entrance to the basement, smacking his lips in amazement.

Madara stood in front of the six steles, looking at it with a complicated expression.

He pondered for a while, then turned his head to look at Lu Chuan who was staring at the stele in a daze, and looked at the eyes of reincarnation that were no longer hidden in the eyes of the other party, he said firmly:
"Lu Chuan, I know you can understand the text on it."

"But... there's a part of it that I don't quite understand, can you read it..."

Madara spoke halfway, but found that Lu Chuan didn't seem to be listening to what he said at all.

Lu Chuan, on the other hand, was staring at the stone tablet in front of him.

This thing contained his unimaginable yin and yang escape chakra.

This thing... can a stick be used as a hammer?

(End of this chapter)

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