Chapter 138 - Talking with Madara's Five Kages

Time flies.

Half a year passed quickly.

In the past six months, other than the Land of Fire, the other four countries have heard of Konoha and the Land of Fire, a peaceful country where one country and one village coexist, and followed suit one after another.

As a result, each hidden village, as well as the leaders of the hidden villages, the first-generation Muying people also came into being.

After Konoha was established in Hashirama and became the first Hokage, he learned from Tobima and Lu Chuan's guidance and planned the village.

He edited the ninja serial number for each ninja and established the school.

Readjusted and improved, and finally established a brand new task system, and cast the "cap" that represents the identity of the ninja.

However, Hashima and Madara have never thought about what Konoha's logo should be.

However, after Uzushio Hidden Village in Uzumaki Country chose to completely establish a friendly relationship with Konoha Hidden Village, the Konoha logo was born:

The logo of the Uzumaki family is embedded in the middle of the leaf pattern.

At the same time, Uzumaki Mito, the little princess of the Uzumaki family, also came to Konoha, which had just begun to grow, and started a new life.

Later, some Hashirama who couldn't stand Mito's curiosity simply handed over the village to Madara, Tobima, and Lu Chuan for management.

On the other hand, he drove Muren and Qianshou to various parts of the Ninja world to catch tailed beasts.

Lu Chuan was very relieved to see the village gradually growing day by day, and approaching the village he remembered.

After catching the tail beast in Zhujian, he said goodbye to everyone and chose to go back to Loulan to have a look.

After all, he stayed in Konoha just to avoid conflicts between Tomona and Madara.

Although after being influenced by him, Feima did not kill Quanna indirectly.

But Madara still seemed to be annoyed at him.

And when Lu Chuan left, there was a big problem.

The first thing Hashirama came back was to send Wuying Agreement to the other kages, inviting them to join the Five Kages meeting.

The rest of the shadows also agreed to bring a guard to the meeting after seeing the distribution of Tailed Beasts and Ninja World Peace in the agreement.

But this time, the person who accompanied Hashirama as a "guard"...was not Toikama.

It's Madara.


The day.

Hashirama was temporarily built with a wooden dungeon, and it was specially used in the room where the Five Kages held talks.

Hashirama sat at the round table in the middle of the room early, and carefully placed the Hokage hat in the middle of the table.

His expression was full of excitement and joy.

"Madara, ninjas from other countries actually followed our method to build ninja villages, our ideals have been recognized!!"

Hashirama excitedly turned his head to look at Madara standing beside him, Madara was naturally very happy in his heart.

But he knows that, as a leader who is at the forefront of the times, he and Zhu Jian must not lose their B status.

If he and Zhujian don't seem to have the leadership ability, then the "shadows" of these other countries may ride on their heads.

So Madara just closed his eyes and nodded lightly, and instructed Hashirama earnestly:

"That's right, but Hashirama, wait for the other kages to come later, you must be tougher..."


Before Hashirama had finished listening to Madara's words, someone had already pushed open the door of the Five Kage Conference House and walked in.

Seeing this, Madara cast a cold glance at the visitor, and stopped talking.

The visitor had long hair and beard, was blind in the left eye and had a long scar on it.

He wore a blue shadow hat on his head.

Followed by a guy with long hair and squinting eyes.

Is it Mizukage?

Madara narrowed her eyes slightly, her own chakra and pupil power spread unconsciously.

Although the strength is lower than Hashirama and Madara, Mizukage, who has also experienced many battles, was not directly intimidated.

First Daime Mizukage Hakuren pretended to be calm and nodded to the smiling Hashirama, pulled away the stool opposite Hashirama and sat down slowly.

That's how it is...As expected of the Hokage who took the lead in achieving peace in the country.

The pupil of his only visible right eye trembled slightly.

Bai Lian looked at the smiling Hashirama with kind eyebrows and kind eyes from the corner of her eye, and Madara behind him, who was cold and exuding an intriguing aura.

The huge chakra mixed with the pupil power of the kaleidoscope washed Bailian's body and mind over and over again.

Yes... Two-faced Buddha! !

Bai Lian's hand trembled slightly.

Soon, the remaining shadows also arrived.

On the table, the four shadow hats of wind, water, earth, fire, and thunder are lined up in a circle.

It seems that because the meeting of the Five Kages was held more than ten years earlier than the original work, some of the kages present here are also new faces.

Hashirama looked at the shadow hats arranged in a circle on the table, and his inner excitement was beyond words.

He suppressed the tears in his eyes, his brows kept trembling:

"Can be like now, the first-generation filmmakers from the five major countries gather together to hold a five-film meeting..."

"I really…"

Hashirama's eyes filled with tears of excitement scanned all the shadows present.

Standing beside him, hugging his arms, Madara, who looked at the other shadows coldly, suddenly felt something was wrong with Hashirama.

He frowned, looked at his shoulders trembling slightly, propped his hands between the pillars on the table, and Madara stretched out a hand:


Boom! ! !
Hashirama slammed his head on the table suddenly.

"thank you very much…!!"

Madara reached out to pat Hashirama, and his hand froze in mid-air.

The corners of Madara's eyes twitched a few times, and then he glanced fiercely at the shadows present.

Although the other shadows were startled by Hashirama's actions, they didn't dare to say anything more.

Madara's eyes slashed across them like knives.

What is that... the pupils of the god of death that glow in the dark? !

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Raikage's forehead.

He looked at the column with his head on the table, and the face behind him was in the shadow of the hair, but there was a strange red spot shining in one eye.

Can't help but shudder.

Madara put his hand on Hashirama's shoulder, and the tears of Hashirama who was weeping with joy flowed straight down, he raised his head in doubt.

Madara glared at Hashirama, and said angrily in a low voice:

"Pay attention to your image! Hashirama! You are Hokage!"

With the table propped between the pillars, his shoulders trembled slightly:

"I'm sorry, but I'm so happy..."

He wiped away his emotional tears, then sat back on the seat with a serious expression.

Madara, who slowly withdrew his hand, straightened up, and the pupil power on his body seemed to turn into substance.

There are some fluctuations in Madara's heart.

In fact, what he tends more is not to ally with other countries in the ninja world.

But to conquer!Let other hidden villages and countries obey the power of Konoha!
After Hashirama's kind persuasion later, Madarasa reluctantly agreed to the alliance agreement negotiated by the Five Kages.

But now, he seems to be unable to bear it any longer!

At this moment, First Generation Kazekage mustered up his courage in the face of Madara's coercion.

He put his hands crossed on the table, with a firm face, he hesitated and said:

"The condition for signing...the agreement is that His Excellency Hokage assigns...the tailed beast to..."

The ground under Madara's feet trembled violently!He glanced over fiercely:

"What conditions?!"

(End of this chapter)

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