People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 139 - Is the Eye of the Moon Really Impossible?

Chapter 139 - Is the Eye of the Moon Really Impossible?
boom! !

Kazekage's face turned pale, he quickly closed his mouth tightly, and received Banchakra's explosive impact head-on, he didn't feel very well.

This meeting with the Five Kages... I really shouldn't have come! !

First Generation Kazekage's heart was filled with remorse.

The other shadows were even more cautious, not even daring to make small moves.

Some of the guards behind them couldn't even stand still, and had to hold on to the edge of the seat to barely keep standing.

They looked terrified, and they no longer had the calmness and pride they had when they first came.

Who is that guy? !Isn't he a bodyguard? !
Just a guard...

Feng Ying's guard secretly glanced at his own shadow.

Is the explosive Chakra alone stronger than Kazekage-sama? !

that Hokage...

The guard didn't dare to imagine anymore, he lowered his head, and no longer dared to look around casually.

But suddenly, something black and sticky attached to the sole of the guard's feet from the ground!

He looked at Hashirama and Madara, and immediately became disdainful and contemptuous!


Hashirama stopped Madara's chakra from continuing to erupt. He had already noticed that Madara was constantly releasing chakra and pupil power to deter other shadows.

He turned his face slightly, his expression serious.

Hashirama knew that if Madara forced her like this again, this kind of friction would easily ignite wars between countries!

"We are here for an alliance this time!"

Madara glanced at Hashirama, and the two looked at each other quietly, and after their hearts were connected, Madara closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Although I can't understand the proud expressions of these people, how can they be proud!
However, a little deterrence can show Konoha's strength.

Let them recognize their status, and then talk with them calmly.

Thinking of this, Madara opened her eyes, but the Kaleidoscope Sharingan remained open.

"Hmph! Yes! Hokage-sama!"

Madara raised his eyebrows, and said with a wicked taste, turning Hashirama back and choking.

After Hashirama coughed twice, he began to explain the main content of the distribution of tailed beasts.

"Then, first of all, Lord Kazekage..."


"I...I agree with Lord Hokage's assignment very much!"

"Thank you very much! Next is Tsuchikage..."


This time, the five shadows did not have the original requirements, but cooperated incomparably.

Moreover, there are some distribution methods written by Lu Chuan to various countries in Zhujian's hand.

After discussing in Zhujian according to the distribution method given by Lu Chuan, the filmmakers from various countries were very surprised, but they all agreed because they did not refuse or feel embarrassed.

Because the request made by Hokage is basically the same as what they want!
When the meeting was over, Kazekage looked at Uchiha Madara who was gradually going away, so he dared to talk to Hashirama.

First Daime Kazekage brought his guards, and the two looked at Hashirama's back and shouted:

"Lord Hokage!"

Hashirama stopped in doubt, turned around, only to find that the other shadows hadn't left either.

Although Fengying and the other shadows had never met before, they actually had a tacit understanding after experiencing the same adversity today.

Kazekage nodded to them, then asked Hashirama:

"Your Excellency Hokage, why is your distribution method so considerate of us? Aren't you afraid that we will join forces..."

The shadows involuntarily changed their address to Hashirama to "You".

"No, don't say this kind of thing again." Hashirama waved his hand to interrupt the first Daime Kazekage's words, and then explained with a solemn expression: "There were indeed many conflicts between us in the past."

"However, that is to protect our respective families and compatriots." Hashirama paused, and then continued: "Sometimes, it may be a helpless move."

"Even today, the five major countries signed the agreement in harmony." His expression became less serious, and his voice sank: "I don't know how long it will last, and how long everyone can abide by it."

At this time, the kages all looked calm, but they still listened to Hashirama's words in disbelief.

"But, I've always dreamed about it."

"One day!"

"Ninjas can help each other regardless of borders! Work together and unite as a whole!"

"This is... the dream of the future in my heart!"

Saying that, Hashirama stared at each shadow, and then solemnly promised:

"Thank you! Let today be the first step towards this dream!"

"My heart!"

"Thank you everyone!"


half an hour,

The four shadows froze in place, watching the back of Zhu Jian going away, unable to recover for a long time.


Uchiha clan.

Madara came back early.

He just ran into Tozama who came back together.

Although Tobuma didn't go as an escort this time, he participated in the planning of the assignment.

Also responsible for the occurrence of accidents, he has been guarding outside the wooden house of the Five Kages Conference established in Hashirama.

After the two met, they exchanged briefly and then separated.

Madara felt heavy.

In his mind, he recalled how those shadows were persuaded by Hashirama one by one during the Five Kages meeting.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he admired Zhujian's ability to escape from the bottom of his heart.

Directly overwhelm the narrow interests of those moviegoers with the greatest mind.

Let them wake up.

Those shadows who have experienced countless wars can naturally understand Hashirama's thoughts.

But... there are exceptions to everything.

Madara sat on the steps beside the bank of Nanhe River, her face gradually became gloomy.

He can see clearly!His kaleidoscope can see clearly!
Behind those shadows, those young, arrogant guards...

The inadvertent expression in the eyes is not the kindness of approval!

So, I taught them some lessons afterwards.

Perhaps, Hashirama was successful.

However, the peace he established in this way cannot last forever!
When these first-generation Mukage who agree with Hashirama step down, perhaps those second-generation Mukage will still accept the teachings of the previous generation.

...people change.

Because of greed, for one's own country, for one's own village, ethnic group, relatives, hatred and interests!

It will be a matter of time before the peace is broken.

eternal and absolute peace...

Madara's gaze turned to the towering red torii gate in the clan ground.

Gradually, Ban no longer had Lu Chuan's constant warnings to him in the past six months.

Is "Eye of the Moon" really, as Lu Chuan said, a hazard and a falsehood?

Spotted stood up.

He stuck out one foot and took steps towards Nanhe Shrine.

For the sake of absolute and eternal peace, what are some harms? !

Madara's eyes gradually became firmer.


Loulan country.

Standing outside the city gate, Lu Chuan raised his head and smiled as he looked at Loulan, who was gradually developing into a steampunk style.

Next, Loulan should...

Ding--! ! !
Sudden!Alarm bells rang in Lu Chuan's mind! !

It's a stele!
He suddenly turned around in horror!Look in the direction of Konoha!

(End of this chapter)

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