People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 143 – The Battle of the End Valley

Chapter 143 – The Battle of the End Valley
In the same year, the wise ruler corrected the shortcomings of unbalanced development of light industry. With the popularization of education, all domestic resources were fully publicized.

Expand the territory of Loulan, and load the "dragon vein" that originally belonged to Loulan into the country's energy system.

So far, the age of steam has transitioned to the new age of dragon chakra.

In the same year, all inherent aristocratic existence in the country completely disappeared.


In the 16th year of the Loulan calendar, Senshou Hashirama, the founder of Konoha Village in the Kingdom of Fire, brought his assistant Senshou Feima to visit and visit Loulan Kingdom.

The broad-minded first-generation ruler agreed to the two of them to study, refer to, and even implement Loulan's system and development policy in Konoha.

The year's calendar recorder - Fei Zang.

In the 17th year of the Loulan calendar, the whole country has completely entered the electrical age.

However, under the correction of Eiichi, a swordsman who is obsessed with studying dragon veins, the citizens found that the utilization rate of dragon vein chakra is much higher than that of electricity.

Therefore, the wise Lord of the first generation chose to lead Loulan into a brand new path - the era of chakra energy.

... In the 21st year of the Loulan calendar, Lu Chuan, the first ruler of the country, put forward the plan for the "information age" and improved various domestic systems.

He fought with Senju Hashirama, the leader of Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, and Uchiha Madara, the former ninja of Konoha Village.


late at night.

There are stars in the sky.

Valley of the End.

No, not yet the Valley of the End.

Because here, it is still a dense forest.

This year marks the 20th year since Lu Chuan came to Hokage.

Calculated, the time he stayed in Naruto World was even one year earlier than the time he lived in Blue Star.

Lu Chuan chuckled as if mocking himself, then he raised his head and looked at the two giants in the distance.

The forest at night looked very dark under the dim moonlight.

However, compared with the two giants who looked huge from a distance, they were like clumps of grass, fragile and powerless.

Two "people" like giant mountains stand between the sky and the earth, forming a faint opposition.

The tallest one was three times as tall as the other one!
Numerous wooden arms and palms extend behind its bodhisattva-like shape, layered on top of each other to form a thick semicircle!

The tall and benevolent giant Buddha stands between the sky and the earth!
Lu Chuan couldn't even perceive the whole picture of the natural energy contained in it for a while!
This is between the pillars...

Immortal Fa, Wooden Dun, Thousands of Hands, Top Buddha!

Opposite him was a blue armored fox on all fours.

It looks like a dark blue samurai armor is put on an orange fox, but it has been magnified countless times, which is very oppressive.

Susanoo's pupils were wrapped around the red-haired fox with red pupils and ferocious facial muscles. The fox bared its teeth and stared at the big Buddha in front of it with scarlet eyes.

Lu Chuan stood on the crown of a tree, looking bitterly at the two who were confronting each other.

Yes, Madara is back.

No. 13 years after the separation of the three, he came back.

He came back with a Nine-Tails tamed by him with a kaleidoscope.

At this moment, Madara was standing on top of Kyuubi's head wrapped by Susano.

He is still quite calm, but he has some excitement about the battle that he has not fought for a long time.

The purpose of his trip was not to kill Zhu Jian.

Because of Lu Chuan's interference, the villagers of Konoha did not reject Madara, and the Uchiha clan did not choose to stop following him.

Therefore, Madara did not feel Konoha's betrayal of herself as in the original book.

Therefore, the purpose of his coming was not to destroy Konoha.

Madara also doesn't care much about Konoha's other families, what he cares about is actually the survival of the Uchiha clan.

He was a little worried that Senju Tokai discriminated against the Uchiha clan. After a long period of deliberation, he felt that the Uchiha clan stayed in Konoha.

It may be used by the guy from Qianshoubeijian, or it may be gradually disintegrated and the status of the great clan will be abolished.

After all, the first guy to label Uchiha as a "lunatic" was Senju Feima.

And the purpose of his coming this time is just to take some more cells from Hashirama and take away the Uchiha clansmen.

Through the armor formed by pupil power, Madara looked at the pillar above the head of the opposite Buddha, and subconsciously touched his arm.

The cells he took from Zhujian in a panic back then, after Madara integrated the cells into his own body.

He could feel the growth of pupil power.

However, this growth rate is really too slow.

More than ten years have passed, and the so-called "samsara eye" awakening spot is not felt at all.

And the intercolumnar cells cloned from these cells are not as active as the original cells in the intercolumnar body, and the speed of stimulating pupil power growth is even slower.

Madara glanced at Hashirama, who was on the opposite side with a tense expression, and shouted with a light smile:

"What's the matter? Hashirama! It's not your style to be so nervous about me!!"

Standing on Hashirama above Senju's head and looking down at Madara, in the high sky of the night, Hashirama can gather everything below into his eyes.

He looked at Madara, who was controlling the near-infinite Nine-Tails of Chakra, and clapped his hands together.

"Madara!! What do you want to do when you come back this time?!"

Hashirama looked a little worried, although he was very happy with Madara's return.

But the opponent's posture doesn't seem to be the way he wants to return to Konoha safely.

I drove a Kyuubi Gundam, and behind me was the village I was guarding. Anyone who changed it would have to be nervous for a while.

Holding the sacred weapon made by the Uchiha clan with the branches of the sacred tree in his hand, the flame ball fan, he smiled and shouted towards Hashirama:

"Hashirama!! Let's fight!!"

Madara's original intention this time is to fight Hashirama, and enjoy the fun of the battle while taking a new cell.

But Hashirama's face darkened, and the natural energy in his body began to gather.

Although this place is relatively far from the village, it will still have an impact if there is a fight.

In addition, if Hashirama, who is Hokage, fights with Madara, who was originally a candidate for the second generation...

Then in the village, there may be a split led by Uchiha!

After standing on the top of the pillar on the head of Hua Buddha and thinking for a while, he put his hands together and looked at Madara standing in front of him. He said:

"Madara!! The battle between the two of us will not bring any benefit! It will only cause harm to our village, ninja and country!"

"Sorry! Madara! I can't fight you for the sake of the village! Please leave!!"

Madara's expression changed from slightly excited about the battle to plain and stupefied, and he said:

He paused, then gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence:

"Is that the only village in your eyes?!! Have you forgotten what our original ideal is?!!"


 The jump in the timeline of these two chapters may be a bit big, because there is really nothing to write in the middle, and the writing will become more and more routine.

  So, simply end the valley!

(End of this chapter)

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