People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 144 - Spiritualism · Mobile Toilet! !

Chapter 144 - Spiritualism · Mobile Toilet! !

The moon hangs dimly in the sky, and the faint moonlight sprinkles between the forests on the earth.

A dark guy was hiding beside the river in the dark, quietly looking at Hashirama and Madara who were confronting each other.

His soybean-like eyes remained unmoved, and his figure at this moment seemed a little thin.

In the right hand of the pitch-black figure, a black object in the shape of a gun was held.

Two weird eyeballs were attached to it and twitched irregularly.


Hashirama has a serious expression on his face, with green patterns representing immortals wrapped around his face, he puts his hands together, and looks at Madara on the opposite side.

He didn't want to break up with Madara, but Madara's current situation was too unstable.

"Madara! I don't want to kill you!"

Hashirama's hair was blown away by Uchiha Madara's burst of pupil power, and he kept his palms together, ready to control the Immortal Buddha to fight at any time!
The corners of Madara's mouth twitched, and the pupil power on his body gradually began to overflow, with several hideous "well" characters protruding from his face, he roared towards Hashirama:

"You mean!! You can kill me anytime?!!"

"No! Madara, I mean..."

"I'm already!!! Stronger than you!!!"

At this moment, Madara can no longer listen to Hashirama's explanation!
The dark blue Susan was put on Kyuubi's body, and the bright Kyuubi followed Madara's roar and raised the long knife in his hand high! !
Roar--! ! !
Massive amounts of chakra gathered in the mouth of the roaring Nine-Tails in an instant!In the dark night, a purple-black tailed beast jade was illuminated by Susano's light!

Madara's eyes were scarlet, and he controlled Nine-Tails to slash the Susa sword at the Tailed Beast Jade!
Susan suddenly turned into pupil power and wrapped the Tailed Beast Jade! !

And flew across the night towards the pillars at a very high speed! !
Hashirama's expression turned serious, he could sense how much chakra was contained in that beast jade!
He took a deep breath, and the chakra in his body began to burst out!
"no solution anymore…!"

"Immortal method...Wood Dun! Really thousands of hands!!"

Boom--! ! !
At the foot of Zhujian, the giant Buddha standing upright between the sky and the earth suddenly moved!Countless forest trees around were crushed into ashes!

The thousand hands behind the Buddha are gradually being filled with natural energy, and it seems that they are about to launch a sprint! !

boom! !

The tailed beast jade bombarded the body of the Buddha, and the huge explosion burst out instantly with the pouring of energy!

Light filled the surrounding area!


Thousand-handed Buddha rushed out of the smoke and dust!Unscathed and crushed in Madara's direction! !
"I'm going to fuck! Madara!!"

There are green fairy patterns wrapped around Zhujian's face, and he stands on top of the Buddha's head!
Roar--! !

Nine Tails roared!Then he also ran towards the Buddha wearing Susano with four paws on the ground!

"Come on!! Hashirama!!!"

Madara has a ferocious face!He stood in the Susano jewel on Nine-Tails' forehead, and shouted at Hashirama one by one! !
Two gigantic existences!It seems that they are about to collide! !

On the side, the black figure hiding in the dark silently raised the gun in his hand, aiming at the pillars above the Buddha's head!
And Lu Chuan, who had been watching the battle, lost his thoughts just now.

He looked at the two behemoths, who were covered in billowing smoke and dust, rushing in both directions, squatting down slightly!
I can't let the two of you do it together! !

Lu Chuan was in a trance!Disappeared in place!

The leaves under his feet swayed slightly, and then returned to their original state!
next moment!
Lu Chuan appeared in the middle of the confrontation between Hashirama and Madara! !

"Lu Chuan?!"

Hashirama and Madara, who were running in both directions, were stunned at the same time, and they unexpectedly glanced at Lu Chuan who appeared on the ground in an instant!
If it wasn't for Lu Chuan not concealing his inestimable chakra, Hashirama and Madara might not be able to find him yet!

Boom--! !

But neither has the intention of stopping!Still approaching each other at an alarming speed!

Lu Chuan stood on a tree between the two giants, with one foot on the leaf, feeling the violent chakra on both sides and the strong wind brought by it!

Although I have never performed this technique...

However, it seems very suitable to try him here.

Lu Chuan took a deep breath, and he opened his eyes suddenly!

Hands start to quickly knot printing!
Then pressed hard on the void!
A huge black hook pattern suddenly unfolded in mid-air!Extended by the circle divided into eight equal parts, an incomparably huge array of spell seals was formed!

Lu Chuan looked at the psychic pattern extending from the palm of his hand, and the chakra in his body was constantly being drawn away! !

Strands of chakra poured into the moon in the sky through the psychic pattern.

In the sealing stone, a certain colossus that had been silent for a long time slowly moved its arms!

"Heretic Golem——!!!"

Xin——! ! !
Huge rays of light and chakra erupted from the patterns under Lu Chuan's body!His hair was instantly blown and stuck to his scalp by the strong chakra flow!

Boom--! ! !
Roar--! ! !
With an ancient and obscure roar!Accompanied by the cracking of the surrounding ground!Tilt up!The huge heretic golem struggled out of the ground! !
The earth cracked everywhere, huge rocks lifted up with Lu Chuan as the fulcrum, and dust rushed in all directions along with the huge rocks!

Like a violent tsunami, it rushed towards Hashirama and Madara rushing on both sides! !

The dead branch-like heretic golem hugged its head in pain and roared!

He raised his head high, madly torturing reason, bursting out from the intricate lines on his body!
Lu Chuan stood on top of the heretic golem, covering his eyes with one hand!

Flashing purple light leaked from the fingers!Lu Chuan suddenly raised his head!
"Susanohu—Heretic Golem!!!"


The white Susan instantly covered the whole body of the golem!

Dense stacks of armor are attached to the body of the heretic golem!Two huge wings spread out from the ten broken tree stumps behind him!
Lu Chuan's samsara eyes kept providing pupil power, no matter how weak the outsider golem was, it was still supported by Lu Chuan with susa!
Lu Chuan turned his head to look at Hashirama and Madara who rushed over on both sides and had already sandwiched himself in the middle.

The chakra in his body poured into the heretic golem under his feet!The ferocious-looking golem immediately spread its arms to both sides! !

"You...!! Stop for me!!!"

Lu Chuan opened the shelf above the golem's head, he tensed his muscles, and he let out a hoarse roar from between his teeth!

Also at this time!Hashirama and Madara carry an irresistible momentum at the same time!It was crushed to the side of the heretic golem!

boom--! ! ! !

A moment later, the violent energy crushed everything around it!
The light carries the power of destruction!

In an instant, it was like daytime!

The shock wave turned into a hurricane and swept the forest beyond the energy spread!

The pitch-black figure crouched on the ground, holding the gun in his hand with difficulty.

But there is no way to distinguish the target in the dazzling light in the distance!
(End of this chapter)

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