People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 150 - Little Tuzi!Go up and pull out his oxygen tube!

Chapter 150 - Little Tuzi!Go up and pull out his oxygen tube!

In a damp and dark underground cave.

A vicissitudes of life white-haired old man leaning on a sickle, barely standing on the ground, is staring at Obito lying on the bed with his three-gauge jade Sharingan.


Obito was awakened by the voice in his head!
He suddenly widened his eyes!But he found a writing sharing eye of Sangouyu staring at him mercilessly.

Obito subconsciously wanted to back away, but found himself lying on the bed, and he heard voices coming from nowhere.

He looked at the old man with a sickle in horror:

"Are you the guy who keeps yelling in my ear?! Where is this place?!"

Obito reluctantly sat up, pointed at the old man with white hair, wrinkled old skin, and slightly drooping corners of his dry mouth with his remaining arm.

Obito's voice continued to echo around.

The surrounding environment was dark, and Obito was lying on a wooden bed covered with simple cloth.

He leaned against the wooden board at the head of the bed, perhaps only in this way could give him a sense of security now.

While staring at the white-haired old man, Obito also looked around and assessed the environment he was in.

It's a pity that the light is too dim, and he just woke up and has no ability to play the role of Sharingan.

He could only see clearly around him.

The old Uchiha Madara glanced at Obito suspiciously with someone else's Sharingan.

But Madara didn't care. In his opinion, it's normal for children to be surprised.

It's just that maybe I haven't been in contact with children for too long.

Uchiha Madara looked at Obito's immature face, he was silent for a while, and then slowly answered Obito's second question:

"This is the gap between the underworld and the present world, the people of Uchiha."

"your eyes…"

Only then did Obito really examine Madara's eyes, and found that his eyes were actually blood-red Sangodama!

Obito was about to speak in surprise, but a familiar voice came from his ear, stopping Obito's surprise.

"Don't worry about the old man's persecution, have you seen the white pipes behind him?"

That voice seemed to be suppressing some excitement, and the voice trembled a little.

Obito held back the words that blurted out abruptly, then nodded silently.

Uchiha Madara looked unexpectedly at Obito doing some actions that had no logical connection.

Is this guy out of his mind?
At this moment, Madara even felt that he might have chosen the wrong person, and this guy might have hurt his head during the fall.

Lu Chuan continued to speak in Obito's mind, his voice gradually excited:

"Little Tuzi, go up and pull out his oxygen tube!"



Obito was silent for a while, then he cried out in surprise, his eyes filled with shock.

He looked at the white-haired old man standing in front of him in disbelief.

Although Obito was shocked when he woke up just now, he thought that this white-haired old man might be the one who had been talking in his mind.

But now it seems that this white-haired old man is also a member of the Uchiha clan!
Obito glanced guiltyly at Madara's Sangouyu Sharingan.

Then he looked down at the right half of his body which had been mended.

The people of the Uchiha clan are lying on the bed by themselves, and the wound has been stitched up...

This white-haired old man may be his savior! !

This guy of unknown origin in my mind actually asked me to pull out...

Obito carefully looked at Madara's wrinkled and criss-crossed face, and tilted his head in doubt.

But who is this old man... I don't think I've seen him in the village...

Madara was also looking at this nervous guy.

This guy yelled for a while, remained silent for a while, and nodded to himself. really needs to be replaced.

Madara clenched the handle of the sickle in his hand, and he leaned on the ground with the blade of the sickle to prop himself up.

No, I'm running out of time...

At this time, Obito suddenly caught a glimpse of the sickle in Madara's hand that was used as a crutch!

The reflected indifferent sword light flashed into Obito's eyes, he moved back a few times in horror, and shouted:

"grim Reaper?"

"You are a god of death, aren't you!?"

"No!!! I don't want to die yet!!"

Obito's voice became choked up, and all the thoughts in his mind turned blank at this moment.

He pulled his neck, his eyes filled with tears unknowingly:


He struggled frantically on the bed, trying to stay away from Madara standing at the end of the bed, the sharp corner of the other's sickle was facing him!
"I caught a glimpse of the sickle just now! You are definitely the god of death! The god of death who is in charge of the Uchiha family!!"

Obito's voice echoed in the empty cave.

The corners of his eyes were full of aggrieved tears that had just come out of the tiger's den and then into the wolf's mouth. He curled up on the bed, complaining about Lu Chuan helplessly in his heart.

'You bastard, come out!You want me to pull out the oxygen tube of Reaper? !You, you, you, your good and bad eyes! ! '

"Ah, it hurts!"

Because Obito struggled too violently, the wound was slightly cracked, which made him feel the pain.

"If you can feel pain, it means you are still alive."

Madara held the handle of the sickle in his hand, and he already regretted choosing Obito as the candidate for resurrecting himself.

But I am running out of time, so I can only choose him.

"It's a miracle that you survived."

"It's like piercing through a rock..."

"Having said that, half of your body has been smashed to pieces... Let me bandage it for you... Your sharing eye was barely saved..."

Madara spit out words word by word like an old cow grazing grass.

Listening to Madara's narration, Obito gradually regained his senses. After adjusting his mood, he wanted to thank Madara, but was interrupted by his slow tone.


Time passed by minute by minute.

"There is no need to thank you now...I will let you repay this kindness..." Madara was still rambling.

Perhaps, no matter who it is, when they get old, they will always like to say a few more words.

Obito's eyelids gradually trembled, he was so sleepy, he sat on the bed and yawned, the scythe just now still left him with lingering fear.

However, Obito could also realize that it was the grandfather on the opposite side who saved him.

'Idiot, does the god of death need an oxygen tube? '

Lu Chuan's angry voice echoed in Obito's mind, waking him up.

Obito was stunned for a moment, as if what he said was true, he also felt the pain just now, so...

The person in front of him is the ordinary Uchiha grandfather!

Obito thought about it, this guy who was talking in his head actually let himself do something to a nagging old man? !

He immediately criticized Lu Chuan in his heart:

'Then you are even more of a jerk!Since I was a child, I have taken helping the elderly in difficulty as my life principle!I will never hurt...'

Wait, this is not right.

Why does the old man of Sharingan live alone in this kind of place? I know all the old men and women in Muye Village.

But I have never seen him!

Obito's pupils shrank, and he suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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