People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 151 - Uchiha's undead, the top priority now!

Chapter 151 - Uchiha's undead, the top priority now!
"That's right, this old man... is a traitor."

Lu Chuan's tone was a bit vicissitudes, and he gave Obito a thumbs up in the mental space. This kid has finally enlightened, and he doesn't need to give him a lot of nonsense.

'Treason? ! ! '

Obito yelled in his heart, he suddenly didn't dare to look directly at Madara, and cowered and hid on the other side of the bed.

But when he thought of Kakashi and Rin still fighting on the battlefield, Obito felt very anxious in his heart.

His only remaining arm clenched his fist, and his eyes slowly became firm.

wait for me!Kakashi!Lin!I'll be right back!


Lu Chuan's soul turned into a human form and paced in Obito's mind.

Now, most of his soul has just escaped from the seal of the Paradox Pillar.

Then he possessed himself into Obito's body.

And because most of his strength comes from "Reincarnation Eye", various ninjutsu fairy arts, and systems.

These things are all bound to the soul.

Therefore, the primary purpose now is to find one that you can control, that you can completely occupy, and that has certain use value.

In this way, most of the strength can be restored in a short period of time. Although he can forcibly control Obito's body, he can also use part of his strength for a short time.

But in doing so, there will always be some discomfort that cannot be displayed.

But now it is called Obito to pull out the oxygen tube, simply because of Lu Chuan's broken heart.


Lu Chuan frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

Where can I find such a suitable body now?

Lu Chuan observed everything around him through Obito's perspective.

It's hard!

In desperation, Lu Chuan could only choose to take one step at a time.

He opened his mouth to lure Obitu:
"Go and pull out his oxygen tube, and I'll give you a little more Chakra with the refreshing feeling just now..."

Hearing this, Obito, who was planning how to get out of here, had a meal in his mind.

He subconsciously recalled the feeling of coolness to the bone marrow brought by the chakra just now.

That kind of chakra feels really good...but...

His heart began to tangle.

He bowed his head and pondered for a while.

Even if the old man is rebellious, he doesn't have any ability to deal with it now.

What's more, the other party saved him, so he couldn't avenge his kindness!
He pondered for a while, and without being seduced by Lu Chuan, he mustered up the courage to look at Madara and say:
"Sorry, I can't stay here forever, since I'm still alive, I have to go back to Konoha!"

Madara glanced disdainfully at Obito's crippled body, and sneered, "With your current body, you can't continue to be a ninja..."

Madara turned his body sideways, he knew that after a while, this kid would probably figure it out.

Obito froze.


I have, my body has...

Obito's pupils trembled violently, and he broke away from the fantasy and returned to the cruel reality.

He lowered his head and saw his shockingly stitched wound, his pupils suddenly shrank!
"No no no no, I finally got such eyes..."

Obito shook his head wildly while resisting Madara's words.

He thought of the cooperation with Kakashi when he first got Ergouyu, and he finally became a ninja capable of protecting his companions.

How could it be at such a time, how could it be...

Obito lost his voice in shock.

Madara is holding the sickle and talking in his mouth:

"Look at the reality! There are unsatisfactory things everywhere in this world. The longer I live, the more I feel that what permeates reality is only depression, pain and loneliness..."

Listening to Madara's words, Obito felt more and more dissatisfied in his heart.

Laugh at my sad fate?
But when I think of Kakashi and Lin, who are fighting the enemy to the death outside, I can't help them, but I am delayed by an old man...

Finally, grief, pain, and reluctance surged into Obito's heart, and he yelled angrily at Madara with a ferocious face:

"You are so wordy! I don't want to stay here for too long!"

Madara wasn't angry at Obito's yelling.

On the contrary, he was quite calm, even a little happy, so that he looked like a normal Uchiha tribe.

"You can walk whenever you want, as long as you can move."

As he spoke, Madara dragged the sickle in his hand, borrowed strength from the ground, and slowly walked towards the wooden tree root seat not far away.

Finally, holding on to the dry and hard bark, he sat on it.


The sickle collided with the ground, making a piercing sound.

Obito's gaze followed Madara's footsteps.

He looked in Madara's direction.

Sudden!Obito's pupils shrank!
what is that……

He raised his head to look at the top of Madara's head in a daze. After waking up for a long time, he finally saw clearly the great horror hidden in the darkness! !

Behind the Madara seat, a huge blood-red flower bud was hanging above his head.

The flowery branches stretched out, seeming to support the entire dark underground space.

In the middle of the flower bud, a strange and distorted huge figure can be vaguely seen in the darkness.

Countless huge white silkworm chrysalis hang upside down from the ceiling and flowery branches.

The hideous figures hanging from the densely packed branches, the white human-shaped shells, the purple branch patterns, and the extended white conduits, everything is so weird and terrifying.

Obito watched Madara slowly sitting on the tree root throne, he asked dully:

"who are you."

Madara put the scythe aside, and sat firmly on the seat.

He turned around slowly, his weak body coughed twice, put his hands on his knees, and answered Obito's question:

Madara smiled slightly, and then her voice suddenly became full of enthusiasm:

"I am Uchiha's undead... Uchiha Madara!"

There was a roar in Obito's mind.

spot? !My great ancestor?how is this possible? !
"How could Madara have survived to this day! What era did that happen!" Obito yelled in disbelief.

He didn't want to believe that a legendary ninja just appeared in front of him.

Or if he didn't want to believe it, he really couldn't leave here.

"Yeah, if there is no golem behind me to continue to provide chakra for me, an old immortal, I will die immediately..." Madara heard Obito's doubts, and laughed at the sadness of reality and the fragility of human beings.

Unreservedly exposed his weaknesses.

Obito kept shaking his head, as if he was denying everything that existed here.

Twisted corpses hanging from the ceiling.

A blood-red flower bud that is about to bloom in mid-air.

A strange human head protruding from the wooden wall.

The huge hideous golem behind Madara.

Everything impacted Obito's cognition, and he arched forward weakly in fright.

"I... I want to leave here!!"

Obito yelled in horror.Because he lost an arm, he couldn't control his balance well, so he tried to stand up and fell down on the bed.

He kept shouting anxiously in his heart:

Hello!Hey Hey hey! !What about that man! !
I unload his oxygen tube! !
you teach me! !


But Lu Chuan is thinking about how to find a suitable body.


At this time, Lu Chuan, who had been thinking about the next step, suddenly remembered something.


It seemed to me that when I was on the verge of coma, I left out two wooden avatars!

(End of this chapter)

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