Chapter 152 - "Yi Le Ramen"

"Hey!!! What are you doing?!"

Obito asked Lu Chuan loudly in his heart.

He struggled to roll off the bed, and moved his chin away from Madara little by little.

Uchiha Madara saved himself, so it sounds so magical.

Obito couldn't accept it for a while.

But Lu Chuan has no time to pay attention to him now.

After he recalled that he released two wooden clones before fainting.

He has been concentrating on his chakra, trying to communicate with his wooden clone.

He guessed that it was possible for his wooden clone to survive until now.

Judging from Obito's body, the current time point should be around the third Ninja World War.

Well, it has only been five or sixty years since I released my avatar back then.

There are two clones released by myself, and they have basically the same abilities as myself.

Even if chakra is exhausted, it can maintain its existence by absorbing natural energy.

No matter how bad it is, one can be left behind.

In Obito's soul space.

The turbid yellow lights were burning somewhere, and the ground was covered with a layer of transparent water stains.

Lu Chuan was closing his eyes, floating in mid-air with his legs crossed, and the chakra in his body was extending outward along Obito's body.


In the distance, Drew Madara, who was sitting on the seat, suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He stared strangely at Obito, which was wriggling on the ground like a caterpillar.

"...An illusion?"

The dry lips moved up and down, and he just sensed a familiar breath.

But this breath was too ethereal, and he couldn't even perceive it for the second time.

"Probably...well, that guy, is he still alive?"

Muttering in his mouth, Madara slowly closed his heavy eyelids.

Time is running out for him, and he can no longer squander the remaining energy in his body at will.

Resting with eyes closed is an effective way to make him live longer.


Lu Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, but what he saw at the moment was no longer Obito's perspective!

Sure enough, Lu Chuan's guess was right!

He contacted his clone through the same chakra!

Lu Chuan's perspective has changed, and at this moment he shares the perspective with his avatar.

But his soul was not transferred to the clone.

The scorching sun and the sound of insects.

Lu Chuan's audio-visual senses received a sudden double stimulation, and he was suddenly dazzled by the strong light to his eyes.

"Speaking's been a long time since I saw the sun."

Lu Chuan covered it with his hands, adapting to the glare of the light.

He slowly opened his eyes, but saw his white cuffs and the spoon in his hand.

Slowly raise your head and look at the sunny ground outside the house, the green trees planted across the street, the scattered leaves, and the shade inside the house.

I couldn't help feeling a little happier.

Since the Battle of the Valley of the End, he has been in the dark and dark sealed space.

Since the last time I saw such a scorching summer, it's still... in Loulan.

By the way, I don't know how Loulan is doing now.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Lu Chuan spread out his arms and subconsciously shook the handle of the spoon in his hand.


He froze for a moment, lowered his head and carefully looked at the objects in his hands and the clothes on his body.

Then something seemed to come to mind.

Lu Chuan controlled the body of the wooden clone, and walked out of his room in a few quick steps.

Stand still, turn your head, and look up.

After seeing the style of the house and some familiar objects, Lu Chuan's pupils suddenly shrank:
"This is…"

A few pieces of cloth were hung on the eaves of the small house, on which were written several large red characters:
Yile Ramen.

"Yo! Good afternoon! Master hand beater!"

Lu Chuan's body froze, he froze for a moment, then slowly turned his head and looked towards the place where the voice came from.

A jonin wearing a green ninja vest was greeting him.

The corner of Lu Chuan's mouth twitched, but he still nodded to him.

At the same time, he kept slandering in his heart.

Isn't it time for war?Why do you have the spare time to come here to find me?


Spotted underground space.

"Ah!! It hurts...!"

Obito's constant wriggling cracked the wound, and the pain caused him couldn't help crying out.

He grinned in pain, curled up on the ground and gritted his teeth.

"If you move around again, the man-made body in Hashirama will fall apart with great difficulty. Do you want to die?"

The old Uchiha Madara sat on the tree shell seat, with his elbows on his knees, and said to Obito who was struggling to leave here in an indifferent tone:
"In the future, I will need you to do a lot of things for me, and be with me... I finally got my life back, don't worry about dying."

Obito struggled to prop up his upper body from the ground.

"Ho cough cough!"

The intense pain made Obito choke out a mouthful of blood, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and kept calling Lu Chuan in his mind.

Through Lu Chuan's bold idea, that kind of magical chakra, and a vague sense of familiarity with that Uchiha Madara.

Obito's sixth sense told him that the guy who kept talking in his mind might also be a smelly old man from the Warring States Period.

And using a smelly old man to get rid of another smelly old man is the best strategy!

However, even if he called Lu Chuan loudly in his head, the other party did not respond, because Lu Chuan was already surprised by the operation of his wooden clone.

Obito kept using his chin to support himself to move, he moved his scarred body unwillingly, a bloodstain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He lay on the ground, turned his head to look at Madara who was talking to himself constantly:

"What do you want to do?! You, a stinky old man, caught a brat like me, what exactly do you want!"

He yelled at Madara like crazy.

It seems to be because of old age, or because Obito is of the same family.

So Madara didn't show much anger.

He just sat stooped calmly, with his elbows on his knees, and his eyelids drooping, answering his question:

"Cut off the cause and effect of this world."

Madara's Sangouyu Shulunyan seemed to light up, and the three white tubes inserted behind him squirmed gently.

"Creation has only victors, only peace"

His voice gradually became louder:

"Only love, only this world exists!"

Madara held on to the armrest of the Root Throne, and he recalled all kinds of things in his youth.

Two familiar faces flashed across his memory.

Perhaps, my purpose has changed...

He looked at Obito's unwilling eyes and his dilapidated body.

"One day, you will understand..."

Madara said that without beginning or end.

Obito couldn't understand what Madara was saying at all.

At this moment, Lu Chuan's voice sounded in Obito's mind after a long absence, and he seemed to be in a better mood:
"Yo Yo Yo, isn't this little Tuzi, I won't see you in a while, what's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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