People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 153 – How about you go poop first?

Chapter 153 – How about you go poop first?

Just now.

When Lu Chuan shared the perspective with the wooden clone.

When Lu Chuan saw the familiar signboard for the first time, he was in a daze.

what is this?
Lu Chuan turned around subconsciously, looked around, and found that there were many familiar buildings around him.

In the distance is the Huoying Building "designed" by myself, two Y-shaped forks.

And... at the very end, there is a huge rock wall carved with three human heads.

Here... is Konoha?

Is that Ichiraku ramen?
Lu Chuan clenched the spoon in his hand, and he didn't notice any other people in Yile Ramen's room.

Is my wooden avatar a joy?

Replaced the hand beating in the original book?
While Lu Chuan was in doubt, a Jonin in a green vest came from the street and greeted him.

Lu Chuan also naturally and casually dealt with the Jonin who greeted him.

Lu Chuan avoided the topic of identification, and asked directly:
"By the way, what did you call me just now?"

The jonin was taken aback for a moment, and then repeated it strangely: "Hand hit, what's wrong?"

From what Jonin said, Lu Chuan was able to confirm it thoroughly.

His own wooden avatar has indeed replaced the identity of "playing with hands" in the original book.

Thinking in his mind, Lu Chuan walked a few steps towards the ramen restaurant.

Leaning on the bar counter of Yile Ramen, he picked up a bottle of shochu, and casually said to Jōnin:
"It's nothing, isn't it time for war? Don't you need to help the frontline troops?"

Seeing this, Jonin also walked into Yile Ramen, then randomly pulled a high stool and sat down.

"As a Jonin of Konoha, it is my job to protect Konoha well..."

Lu Chuan suddenly realized and nodded.

What you said is very connotative!
Lu Chuan took a sip of soju, and he solved another doubt of his own.

There is a reason why the jonin in front of him was not transferred to the front line to fight as the main force.

It's my job to protect Konoha...

In other words.

He is a gatekeeper.


Spotted basement.

"What are you doing, little fellow?"

Lu Chuan came up with a nickname for Obito.

After Lu Chuan gave his avatar the command to "come here to meet his soul",
The main consciousness returned to his own soul, which is the spiritual space of Obito.

He did not choose to accept the memory of Yile's clone.

After all, he doesn't have a brain circuit as powerful as Naruto's. Lu Chuan is afraid that the long memory of five or sixty years will take him a long time to digest.

A lot of time is wasted, and more mistakes are prone to occur.

Therefore, he directly blocked the memories stored in the wooden avatar's mind, and returned to Obito's perspective.

This kind of memory can be put in free time to think little by little.

Obito listened to Lu Chuan teasing him, on the surface he was calm, but he kept asking Lu Chuan in his heart:

'Hey!This guy is Uchiha Madara!How can my body pull out his oxygen tube! '

'By the way, who are you?How did it exist in my head? ! '

Obito shook his head, trying to get the skin on his chin that had been worn away by the hard earth and stones to fall off.

Lu Chuan sat cross-legged in the spiritual space of Obito. He now belongs to the soul attached to Obito and can exert some power of the body.

He thought for a while, when Obito was awake, even if he could move freely, he couldn't pull out Madara's oxygen tube.

"Don't be so anxious, he's already exhausted, it won't be too late for you to start after he falls asleep."

Lu Chuan changed from sitting to lying down, and his tone was a little leisurely.

Now that you know that your avatar still exists, just wait quietly for the avatar to come over.

After all, I sensed the chakra in my body just now.

Lu Chuan dared to conclude that this Yile avatar had never used ninjutsu much.

Otherwise, the chakra in his body would not be so abundant.

Obito couldn't see Lu Chuan's movements, and he could only sigh when he heard his words, and was about to continue moving his body and leave here.

He can't sit still!Rin and Kakashi are still fighting outside!It's still war time!
Since he was alive, he couldn't leave his teammates behind!
wait for me!Kakashi!Lin!
Obito looked forward in the dark eyes, full of firmness!

Lu Chuan didn't stop it either, he watched with great interest the two white monsters slowly protruding from the nearby trees.

One of them has a swirl-shaped body.

It looks like the A Fei in Xiao Xiao's organization in the future.

call out!
After the two of them stretched out from the tree with their lower bodies, they flew over like a catapult, and landed on the ground in front of Obito with a clatter.

The two Bai Jue's movements were very clean and neat, directly picking up Obito from the ground.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing!!"

Obito looked up for a moment, seeing two strange-looking white guys, holding his arms and legs and about to throw him on the bed.

Obito howled from the pain, and he glared at the two white ones.

"Don't look at me like that, Madara told us to do that."

"Yes Yes."

The two Baijue held Obito's arm and the broken arm in this way, each side, and threw Obito back on the hard bed.

"It hurts!"

Obito's face turned pale because of the pain, and a little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he felt that he would continue to toss like this.

Before I escaped from this place and went to support Kakashi and the others, I had already gone to see the Sage of the Six Paths first.

And the two Bai Jue stood at the end of Obito's bed, staring at him to prevent him from making any strange moves.

Obito grinned slightly, trying to ease the pain of his open wound.

He lay down on the bed in despair.

What to do, sit and wait?
Obito quietly raised his head and glanced at Bai Ze at the end of the bed.


He happened to meet the two of them, and then Obito lay down even more desperately.

The only remaining Ergouyu was wide open, staring at the dark ceiling.

After a while.

Obito quietly raised his head again, and glanced at Madara next to him.

The latter has already tilted his head and slept on the seat, but still maintains the sitting posture with his elbows propped up.

Obito's expression became slightly agitated, and he knew that if he wanted to leave this place.

The only thing I can rely on now may be this mysterious voice in my mind!

Thinking of this, Obito controlled the expression on his face and started sending messages to Lu Chuan in his mind!
'Hey!that whoever!Uchiha Madara is already asleep!Can we act now? '

Obito said to Lu Chuan quietly in his heart, even though there were two whites standing at the end of the bed, they couldn't see what Obito was thinking.

They could only watch Obito's facial expressions change constantly in surprise.

"This kid is a little strange."

"But, he's human, and he knows what it's like to poop."

"So...does this mean it will make people weird?"

"It seems so."

The two white heads leaned together, and you discussed Obito sentence by sentence.

In the end, they seemed to be overwhelmed by Obito's uncontrollable facial expressions.

The whirl-faced Bai Jue raised his hand, attracting Obito's attention:
"Well... why don't you go to the toilet first, it seems that you are suffering from holding back."

Obito: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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