People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 157 - Uchiha Murura!2nd wooden clone

Chapter 157 - Uchiha Murura!second wooden doppelgänger

After a while.

Konoha Shinobu walked towards the camp where Konoha was stationed with the tied strong Iwagakure.

Yan Yin's expression was full of gloom.

Konoha is definitely trying to hide his combat power!
Such ninjutsu, such taijutsu, such instant body!
He can't be just an ordinary ramen chef!

Iwagakushi recalled the spoon that broke through the speed of sound in his mind.

He still doesn't believe in Yile's identity, he still stubbornly believes that this guy must be a hidden powerful force.

Despicable Konoha!

In the cave where the heretic golem stands.

Obito slapped his hand on Madara's chest.

A large amount of Yin escape chakra belonging to Lu Chuan poured into Madara's body.

"Where did you get this chakra from?"

Madara lowered his head slowly. He watched Obito wipe away his sweat, and began to have some guesses about the source of this familiar chakra.

Obito swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he just had to do it.

Thinking that this guy might know Madara in his mind, he poured the chakra he got from that guy into Madara's body out of desperation.

He can only pray that Madara will recognize this guy's chakra and let him go.

If the two were enemies "before they were alive", then I would be dead! !

Obito panicked, he looked into Madara's eyes and couldn't speak.

"Hmph, I see, isn't that guy dead?"

Madara laughed, then supported the wooden shell of the seat next to her, and slowly sat back.

The whirlpool-shaped whites separated from Madara's body in strips, and then stood beside them to form a human figure.

Bai Jue scratched his ass, as if he was a little puzzled by Madara's words.

But he still helped him connect a few white chakra tubes by the way, maintaining Madara's life.

Obito breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Madara relieved from the fighting state.

My heart is both happy and sad.

The happy thing is that I don't seem to have to take the blame for this guy in my mind, but the sad thing is that I have to stay here.

Lu Chuan stayed in Obito's spiritual space, looking at Madara's old appearance, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Even such a powerful Madara can only linger on, but is this the point? span...body...

eternal life!

The image of Orochimaru suddenly popped up in Lu Chuan's mind.

After sitting down, Madara propped up her body, and looked at Obito with somewhat nostalgic eyes:

"Tell me, where is that guy now? Is he as gray-haired as me?"

Obito was taken aback for a moment, gray-haired?

He thought carefully about the young figure he saw when he was pulled into the mental space just now.

Obito glanced at Madara guiltily, then nodded hesitantly.

"Humph! Humph, hahahahahahaha!"

Madara smiled, and he smiled happily.

I didn't expect you to have today!Lu Chuan!

He even shook his hands twice, and almost couldn't help laughing again.

That guy was so arrogant that he challenged the two of them alone, it was really... formidable.

Madara thought, sleepiness welled up in his heart, he lowered his head, and slowly fell asleep.

Obito bent down to look at Madara, then slowly backed away with a bowed body, and finally sat loosely on the ground.


Obito breathed a sigh of relief.

It had been a while since Lu Chuan had spoken in Obito's mental space. Obito was a little strange, but he didn't take the initiative to call him.



After a while.

Obito is following Baijue to train his body.

As long as he controls enough power, he will be able to leave here one day!

Besides, the other half of his body seems to be a copy of the first Hokage, the god of ninjas, Senju Hashirama, how could he not become stronger.


Lu Chuan sat sluggishly in Obito's mental space.

There was a roar in his head.

just now.

He was forced to accept the memory of another clone of himself.

This also means that the clone has exhausted its chakra and will disappear soon.

The avatar that transmits the memory is not Yile avatar.

It's the other one, who just used very weak chakra fluctuations to contact one of his avatars.

Lu Chuan could feel the emotional pain from the avatar.

But he can't do anything, he can't pass through the space to pass Chakra to his clone.

He could only feel his avatar gradually depleting his chakra, and then all the memories were passed on in one go.

Lu Chuan was forced to watch the last scene before the clone disappeared:

On the open ground in the forest.

Beside them lay the corpses of Yan Yin and Yun Yin.

"Fuyue, we are surrounded."

Lu Chuan's avatar stood next to a ninja with a Chinese character face. The latter was wearing a green vest belonging to Konoha Jominin, but the Uchiha clan's emblem was sewn on the back.

Fu Yue turned his head to look at Lu Chuan who had just stood up, and patted him on the shoulder. The blood red in his eyes suddenly appeared, and the three black hooks slowly rotated. He said:
"Cunxiu, I will break out later, you run first!"

Speaking of Uchiha Fugaku, he quickly took out a few detonation symbols and pasted them on his kunami.

He and Lu Chuan's clone "Uchiha Murura" were back to back, facing Iwa Shinobi who surrounded them.

Cunxiu was scratching his head, he looked at the rock hermits gradually emerging from the bushes.

Turning his head to look at Fu Yue again, the Sangouyu that had transformed into his eyes didn't even bother to turn:
"No! You can't die! Uchiha can't lose a patriarch like you!"

Damn, if you die, will Sasuke give birth to you? !
Murura looked at Fu Yue angrily.

This time!

In the perception of the village repair, a huge chakra source appeared!

Murura looked sideways at the sky beside him, and a small floating figure gradually approached.

Although it is far away, it can still be felt!
Definitely a shadow-level guy!
Damn, it's this time!
Fu Yue is still talking back to the village repair, he thinks that there is no need for the village repair to die here with him:

"Mura are more talented than me, you shouldn't sacrifice here, I know you can lead the Uchiha..."

"Are you annoying! You know Uchiha Uchiha, you still have children and wives!"

Murura interrupted Fu Yue's broken thoughts loudly, the latter froze for a moment, then his face became gloomy, and the detonating talisman and Kunai in his hand tightened even more.

Village Xiu became more and more irritable. He felt the little chakra and pupil power left in his body. He knew that he would have sucked up a little more chakra before leaving the village.

Finally, hundreds of Iwanoshi surrounded Murashiu and Fuyue heavily.

There seemed to be a vacuum around them, and only a dozen meters away were ninjas in red clothes standing in circles.

The powerful source of chakra that Murura sensed also floated over this place.

"Are you coming..."

Murashiu looked up at the figure who was not very old at the moment.

Tsuchikage of the third generation, Onoki of the two-day scale.

Onoki was wearing a special costume, with two yellow streamers hanging on his chest.

He raised his mustache and looked at the two on the ground.

"Is it the patriarch and elite of the Uchiha clan?"

"Killing them here is another huge loss for Konoha!"

Onoki thought to himself, and made a seal in his hand.

Aim the blank part in the middle of the seal at Murashiu and Fuyue on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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