People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 158 - "Death" of Murashiu, Fuyue's Kaleidoscope!

Chapter 158 - "Death" of Murashiu, Fuyue's Kaleidoscope!

Clearing in the forest.

Hundreds of Yanyin surrounded Uchiha Fugaku on the ground, and Lu Chuan's second wooden clone, disguised as Uchiha's village repair.

In the sky, Onoki floated slowly, blocking the last way for the two to escape.

Murashiu's eyes were serious, he looked up at Onoki.

During the Warring States Period, in order to replace the main body human world's avatar to manage the country of iron, the chakra in his body was running out.

Before going to the battlefield, he didn't say hello to Yile's avatar, and he didn't get new pupil power supplements.

As a result, Hitomi Chakra is now in shortfall.

If you continue to fight, you may turn into a log on the spot!

Not to mention bringing Fuyue against Onoki!

As soon as Murura gritted his teeth, he turned his head and looked at Fuyue who was back to back with him.

The only thing we can do now is to send Fu Yue out of the encirclement!
At the same time, he was also very puzzled as to why Tsuchikage, the commander, would go into battle in person.

If it was just to kill himself and Fuyue, that would be outrageous!
Thinking, Murura turned his head.

"That is…!!"

Murashiu raised his eyebrows and saw the printed pattern in Onoki's hand, and his eyes widened instantly!

"Fuyue!! Run!!"

Before Murura could explain, he yelled at his back and kicked Fuyue far away.

Fuyue received a force from his back, and he flew straight out!

He adjusted his posture in the air, and then landed on the ground smoothly.

is something happened? !
Fu Yue raised his head and nervously looked in the direction of Murashiu who kicked him out.

But I happened to see the movements made by Onoki in the sky!
Onoki folded his hands together, and the chakra in his body quickly gathered!
"Dust escape, the technique of stripping the original world!" The faint light reflected Onoki's gray hair.

finally!The light converges into a high-gloss highlight! !
boom--! ! !
A huge white translucent light pours into the earth like a grinder!
Even the ground below was swallowed! !In an instant, it poured on Murasu who kept kicking out!

Murura opened his eyes with great effort, and the last bit of pupil power in his eyes turned into a seal seal and unfolded!


Cun Xiu spread his arms and roared against the technique of stripping the original world.

His pupil power gradually disintegrated, and his body also slowly disintegrated in the sealing technique full of loopholes.

At the last moment, he tried to absorb the dust escape with the last of his pupil power.

As a result, it was only resisted for a short while, and the sealing technique suction seal collapsed as a whole because it lost the support of pupil power.

At the last moment of his existence as a doppelganger, Cunxiu thought about it.

Taking advantage of the surviving little effect of the sealing technique, he turned his head to look at Fu Yue with a shocked expression.

Smiling and waving his mutilated arm.

Then, under the brighter and brighter dust, the whole person turned into sawdust that slowly drifted away.

Cunxiu disappeared under the light of Chen Dun, leaving only a huge pothole in place, proving that he once existed.

Fu Yue looked at the smoking pothole on the ground, he lost his mind for a moment.


After a short pause, Fu Yue let out a heart-piercing roar.

From Fuyue's perspective, Uchiha Murura seemed to be frozen in the last moment.

Countless memories of fighting with Murura before flooded into his brain.

From the first time the two met, he defended himself.

The two went from members of the guard, all the way to members of the patriarch preselection.

Over the years, the two have developed a deep friendship.

In the end, everything was frozen at the moment when Cun Xiu turned into ashes.

He was even smiling before disappearing.

Fuyue roared hysterically, huge emotions were born in his brain, and huge chakras rushed out and poured into his eyes.


He yelled in pain, trying to vent the sadness and anger in his heart, because of the pain in his eyes, he lowered his head and covered his eyes.

Yanyin around was frightened by his appearance, and all took a step back.

Onoki, who was floating in the air, frowned, and then quickly aimed at Fu Yue with the seal of Chen Dun, trying to strike him again and ended up with him.

Ohnoki knows that when the Uchiha clan is in a desperate situation, they can often burst out their most powerful power!

At this time, a strange blood red seemed to flicker in the rising dust.

Uchiha Fugaku covered his eyes in pain.

With tears streaming down his face, he slowly opened his scarlet eyes and stood up from the ground.

The pupils slowly rotated, a pair of beautiful and strange patterns.

Fu Yue clenched his fists tightly, tears of grief filled his eyes, and stared fiercely at Onoki floating in the sky.

"Today... you must die here!!"



inside the cave.

It took Lu Chuan a headache and a headache for a while before he sorted out all the memories of this clone.

He patted his head.

Bang Bang!

Feeling the memory of the clone for decades, he also roughly understood what happened in these years.

After Lu Chuan's body disappeared in the Warring States Period, the two avatars split into two groups.

One secretly guides Kazuna to Konoha, and he also uses the pseudonym of Handa Yile.

The other is to choose to go to the country of iron to deal with the aftermath of the human being who fainted because of losing his body.

And this wooden avatar responsible for the aftermath was the avatar who was later renamed "Uchiha Murashiu".

After that, ten years passed.

The wooden avatar pretending to be a general in the Iron Country pretended to die, and went to exchange information with the Ichile avatar who had just settled in Konoha.

As a result, on the way, he found traces of Hei Jue.

He followed Hei Jue all the way, and finally came to the Valley of the End.

Then there was an inevitable battle with Heijue, and it was also in this battle that he consumed a lot of Chakra and pupil power.

As a result, Chakra, who could only rely on absorbing natural energy and Yile's avatar, survived.

Most of them were used to resist or dodge the sealing gun in Hei Jue's hand.

Thankfully, the wooden clone managed to make Heijue fire the last bullet that the gun could fire.

The gun finally turned into ashes and floated in the air.

He thinks that Heijue has lost most of his combat power, and his chakra is not much anymore.

The wooden avatar chose to leave.

Later, he became a member of the Uchiha tribe and joined Konoha Life with Yile.

It was also at this time that I met Fu Yue.


Lu Chuan clutched his chest in a daze, and in his mind was still the last Fuyue standing up with tears streaming down his face.

After all, he is not the prince Naruto, and if he receives too many memories at once, his spirit will still be shocked.

After a long time, Lu Chuan broke away from the ocean of memory and came back to his senses.


Lu Chuan shook his head, and he blinked his eyes vigorously.

Consciousness is connected to Obito's perspective.

Slowly regain vision.

But at this moment, Obito was lying flat on the bed.

Leng Leng looked up at the ceiling under the dim light.

Obito had a joyful smile on his face, because he was now completely free to control the right half of his body.

Clenching his fists tightly to feel the power in his body, he couldn't help but feel happy again, and he closed his eyes with a smile.

See you soon, soon.

Lin, Kakashi.

At this time, the thorny white scorpion slowly emerged from the wall next to it. It seemed that because of a panic, he didn't even get out completely before he opened his mouth and shouted at Obito who had raised his head in doubt:

"I went outside just now, and the condition of Lin and idiot Kakashi you mentioned is not good."

(End of this chapter)

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