Chapter 130
Jun Lie, who was in a rage, was surrounded by murderous aura, coupled with the suppression of the supernatural level, the flames exploded in Luo Xiaran's mental power, and Luo Xiaran was seriously injured in an instant.

Jun Lie, who just didn't turn his head back, didn't notice it at all. Luo Xiaran, who lowered her head, turned pale, dripping with cold sweat, and blood slowly slid down the corner of Luo Xiaran's mouth, but was quickly swallowed by Luo Xiaran. go down.

Luo Xiaran doesn't regret what she did just now, it's not that she doesn't know what to do, it's just that she absolutely can't bear someone trying to control her.

Whether it's Wu Yan'an or Jun Lie, both are men with a strong desire to control.Since the last time she was injured, Luo Xiaran discovered this, so she began to distance herself from Jun Lie.

No one can be her home, be her master, she is not a canary in someone's cage!No matter if it was good intentions or what, Luo Xiaran would not allow anyone to think of her in such a way.

It's just a man, without a man, Luo Xiaran can still live comfortably.So if Jun Lie continues to do this, then they don't even have to be friends.It doesn't matter if it's broken, without Jun Lie's constant monitoring, it will be much easier for Luo Xiaran to do things.

Just thinking about it in her head, Luo Xiaran still felt a little sour feeling in her heart, but she was quickly ignored by Luo Xiaran.It's better to meet strangers than to be enemies.

The thumb wiped off the blood from the corner of the mouth, and the red liquid disappeared in the kneading, as if it had never appeared before.Carefully using wood-type abilities to heal herself, Luo Xiaran turned to look at Wu Jie and said, "Okay, the spoiler is gone, so we should go."

Ma Jianing looked at Luo Xiaran worriedly for a while, but finally remained silent and did not speak.Although I don't know what happened between Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, but compared to her former boyfriend, Jun Lie is really a thousand times better.

It's just that emotional matters are like drinking water, so Ma Jianing is inconvenient to say more, but he thinks in his heart that he will find a chance to tell Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui about this matter when he goes back.

Life is not easy now, and Ma Jianing doesn't want Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie to become strangers in the end.No matter how powerful Luo Xiaran is, she is still a girl, and she still needs a strong man to take care of her behind her back.

Of course, Ma Jianing, who is a bystander, can also see that if Jun Lie's temper doesn't change, he and Luo Xiaran will be at odds in the end.It's a pity that Ma Jianing was a little afraid of Jun Lie, so he didn't dare to approach him to say something, and finally had to leave the problem to someone who could solve it.

After leaving the apartment building, Luo Xiaran's off-road vehicle was parked not far away.Leading Wu Jie back to the inn without a word, they woke up Zhang Limin, Cheng Yan and Ke Nianyuan, and they drove towards the inner city.

Not long after Jun Lie and the others returned to the safe area, the entire safe area began to implement a new identity certificate, and the people guarding the entrance checked it correctly before allowing Luo Xiaran and others to drive in.

Wu Jie's villa in the inner city is in opposite directions from Jun's villa, but because Luo Xiaran's mental power was injured just now, there is no way to scan what is in the villa at this time.

After pursing her lips slightly, Luo Xiaran still said: "Everyone in the villa must be cleaned up, and no one can be let go, understand?"

Whether it was Ke Nianyuan's spatial ability or something, although Luo Xiaran wanted to make an example of others, she didn't want to reveal the secret so soon.Only by keeping her mysterious and powerful can people be afraid, and also make people feel at ease to do business with her, right?
 Scheduled release~ The male lead will stop acting for the time being, let's let the female lead rise up~
(End of this chapter)

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