Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 131 Weapons Buy Your Life

Chapter 131 Weapons Buy Your Life
But even if she couldn't use her psychic abilities, it didn't mean that Luo Xiaran had no attack power.Whether holding a gun or a knife, Luo Xiaran's combat effectiveness is not low.

Cheng Yan and Zhang Limin led the way, followed by Luo Xiaran and Ma Jianing. Ke Nianyuan locked Wu Jie with a gun, and the group attacked the inside of the villa.

There were no guards at the gate of the villa. Taking advantage of the dead of night, several people quickly unlocked the gate and entered the yard of the villa.Even if Wu Jie wanted to warn him, he was unable to act because Ke Nianyuan was staring at him.

When walking through the yard, Luo Xiaran found a pickup truck with the door open. After looking carefully, she found that it contained the Luo family's collection that she saw at Luo Baoshan.

It seems that this is indeed Wu Jie's lair.Luo Xiaran licked her lips, thinking with a smile.If I had known that Wu Jie wasn't playing tricks this time, I didn't need to bother to bring him back.

While waving the pickup truck into the system backpack, Luo Xiaran turned around and pointed the gun at Wu Jie: "Do you have any last words to say? You are useless."

"No, no, I'm still useful, I'm still useful. I still have a lot of supplies hidden outside the safe zone. As long as you spare me, they will all be yours." Wu Jie wanted to hide, but he didn't dare to hide anything. To move, you can only speak quickly.

It never occurred to Wu Jie that a girl at such a young age as Luo Xiaran would be so ruthless.If he was given a chance to choose, he would definitely not go for Luo Xiaran's idea recklessly.

When Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had conflicts before, Wu Jie saw it clearly, and originally suspected that the Jun family was behind Luo Xiaran, but if Luo Xiaran could treat Jun Lie like that, it must not be the person behind it .

Wu Jie is dying of regret now, but unfortunately there is no medicine for regret.And Luo Xiaran was unmoved by the supplies that Wu Jie said. With the inn, she is not short of supplies, is she?

Seeing that Luo Xiaran didn't respond, Wu Jie shook his body, and then said: "I have weapons, I have weapons, I'll give you all, I'll give you all!"

"Oh? You should know the fate of cheating on me, right?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran raised her eyebrows, looked at Wu Jie with cool eyes in the night and said in a low voice.Speaking of which, their guns and ammunition were exhausted along the way. If what Wu Jie said was true, it would indeed be of some use.

"Absolutely not, absolutely not. I just traded a batch of goods with the merchant before, and I hid them in another place. Only I know. After all, it is an illegal business, and it is my first time doing it, so I am very careful." Wu Jie was afraid that Luo Xiaran would not believe him, so he wished he could swear to the sky.

"Okay then, buy your life with a weapon. If it's fake, I believe that your fat body can be cut into pieces." Luo Xiaran smiled, and turned around to find that the other three had already died. Infiltrated the interior of the villa.

"Xiaoyuan is optimistic about him, and he will be killed on the spot if there is any abnormality. Anyway, he is not an important person." After glancing at Wu Jie threateningly, Luo Xiaran said something to Ke Nianyuan, and then walked into the villa and joined the battlefield.

There are fifty men in the entire villa, besides that there are twenty good-looking women, but because of Luo Xiaran's order, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, there is only one end when they see each other.

It took more than 20 minutes to clean up the villa, and Wu Jie didn't dare to play any tricks anymore.Under the guidance of Wu Jie, he took his collection, and then Luo Xiaran and his party returned with a full load...

 Scheduled release~ My heroine has gone crazy~ It's been raining throughout the author's holiday
(End of this chapter)

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