Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 132 Lowering the Crystal Core Exchange Rate

Chapter 132 Lowering the Crystal Core Exchange Rate

Back at the inn, Luo Xiaran was not in the mood to sort out the harvest tonight.After handing Wu Jie over to Amu and Huzi to guard, Luo Xiaran quickly returned to the backyard to heal his injuries.

The damage of mental powers is different from the damage of the body, it cannot be easily repaired, so even after absorbing fifty crystal nuclei and the assistance of meteorites, Luo Xiaran still cannot recover. cheer up.

Seeing that it was almost dawn outside, Luo Xiaran frowned, then put away the meteorite and lay down.Since it can't be repaired through practice, then go to sleep, and she can't think of other ways.

I just hope that Mom and Dad don't worry too much. Before going to bed, Luo Xiaran sent a message to the housekeeper through the system, and then fell asleep drowsily.

It was two days after she woke up again, probably because of the first mental injury, so after two days of cultivation, Luo Xiaran found that her mental strength had increased a little.

Although there are not many of them, but Luo Xiaran's wood-type powers are all at level four, but psychic powers are still at the beginning of level [-]. It is conceivable that the cultivation of psychic powers will only become more and more difficult.

After all, the more powerful the ability, the less easy it is to control and cultivate, isn't it?Just like Cheng Yan's dark ability, after so long, he still can't retract it freely.If Luo Xiaran hadn't had previous experience, coupled with her own exploration, it is estimated that it would not be possible to advance so quickly.

When I came to the store, I found that there were a few more customers for dinner.Luo Xiaran smiled happily at the guest, and then asked Xiaoer to bring a meal for herself.If she hasn't eaten for a few days, she will also be hungry.

"Boss, the one you brought back was locked by Amu in the stable outside. The master and wife took them out, and there is no news from the safe zone these days." After the big housekeeper finished exchanging supplies , came to Luo Xiaran's side and said: "However, there have been many more customers exchanging supplies these days, and the cafeteria now only provides one meal a day, usually a steamed bun.

Master Leng and Master Diao have gone out, and they said they will come back next Wednesday, and they will bring the things you want with them, so don't worry, just take good care of your body. "

Don't think that the butler can't leave the inn, but as long as there is food, it's really easy to get some news now.In just a short period of time, the head steward used the surviving children in the safe zone to establish his own news network.

Luo Xiaran and his team have eliminated Wu Jie's forces, which is considered big news in the safe zone.But when the butler said that, Luo Xiaran knew that someone had suppressed the news.It's just that I don't know if it was Leng Xi who did it or the Jun family...

"Well, well done. Since there is a food shortage in the cafeteria, we should also reduce it appropriately. When the cafeteria completely cuts off the daily supply, we will lower the exchange rate of crystal cores and increase the supply of supplies." Luo Luo Although Xia Ran doesn't want humans to be extinct, it doesn't mean she has to sacrifice her own interests.

After all, there are a lot of people in the safety zone, Luo Xiaran just woke up and noticed that the supplies in the granary were reduced by half.These are all produced with energy, and they are not for nothing.

What's more, if it is too cheap to exchange it, it will only make people feel strange.It's not easy to play the game of killing chickens and monkeys, and you have to collect more benefits to make the trip worthwhile.

After replenishing her energy, Luo Xiaran walked out of the inn to see how Wu Jie was doing.Because there were several hunting dogs from Montenegro guarding him, Wu Jie didn't dare to make any changes at all.But Luo Zhaoxian only asked Wu Jie to be provided with a bottle of water every day, so at this time Wu Jie was lying half dead on the hay in the stable.

 Timely release~ No evil, no business~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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