Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 134 Beautiful Women Can't Be Trusted

Chapter 134 Beautiful Women Can't Be Trusted

"It's a good job, and it's still useful." Luo Xiaran, who was sitting in the co-pilot, smiled even more when she heard this.She really didn't expect that today's destination would be a biscuit factory and a winery, but although the biscuits may be substandard, as long as they can fill their stomachs now, who cares about safety?

Although both the cook and the accountant can make wine, it needs to consume energy to make wine, which is naturally not worth it.What's more, the alcohol concentration of ancient drinks is much lower than that of modern times, and they are all made of pure grain, so Luo Xiaran prefers modern white wine, after all, food also needs energy.

After the group got out of the car, Luo Xiaran first turned on her mental power and began to scan the biscuit factory.There are three buildings in the biscuit factory, two three-story buildings are production workshops, and the two-story building is probably used as the workers' apartments, so some zombies gathered in it.

But maybe because there is a lot of inventory in the biscuit factory, Luo Xiaran found that five men and two women survived on the top floor of the apartment building.Although their faces were sallow and they were lying in the shade under the water tower, at least they were still alive.

Touching her chin, Luo Xiaran frowned slightly.She really didn't expect that there would be survivors in the factory, and the existence of these people might cause some trouble for her to collect biscuits.

But after thinking about it, it is not an ordinary person who can survive in the biscuit factory for so long.Luo Xiaran was building a team herself, so she naturally hoped to find more supernatural beings for her to use while traveling.

Then, Luo Xiaran began to scan the winery.In fact, the winery is not big, only half the size of the biscuit factory.The yard is full of large vats as tall as a person, and each large vat is covered with a cover. If it is not known in advance that it is a winery, Luo Xiaran will think that this is a factory for making soy sauce or miso. .

Since the gate of the winery was closed, there were about seven or eight zombies wandering around in the winery. After thinking about it, Luo Xiaran decided to take away all the wine and koji from the winery. You can take the opportunity to observe the specific situation of those survivors.

But before again, Luo Xiaran still has one person to deal with, and that is Wu Jie who led the way for them.It's just that Luo Xiaran has already promised Wu Jie to buy his life with supplies, so naturally it is impossible to do it himself.

"Mr. Wu, thank you very much for your contribution of so many supplies. Then I mean what I say, and I will let you go now, please." Withdrawing the ability, the vines tied to Wu Jie's wrist fell to the ground, Luo Xiaran hooked With the corner of his mouth, he said softly.

Wu Jie regained his freedom, and immediately turned and ran into the village without looking back.He is alone, has no supernatural powers, and has lost the materials he relied on in the last days, so now he needs a car first, and then he is making other plans.

But before Wu Jie could take a few steps, Luo Xiaran said to Cui Jiu, "Uncle Cui, I'm sorry to trouble you." Then she led the others to the winery.

Cui Jiu drew the pistol from his waist, slowly turned on the muffler, and shot Wu Jie in the back.The bullet directly hit Wu Jie's heart, and the eyes of the fallen Wu Jie were full of disbelief.

Sure enough, a beautiful woman is unbelievable!Wu Jie felt emotional in his heart, but he could only close his eyes forever full of unwillingness and resentment.

However, if Luo Xiaran knew what Wu Jie was thinking at the end, she would probably only say that she did it to herself.After all, who made Wu Jie pretend to be clever and want to catch her?What's more, Wu Jie also knew Luo Xiaran's secret, so Luo Xiaran would never let Wu Jie go.

 Regular release~ I feel desperate for this face-seeing world~~~
(End of this chapter)

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