Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 135 Ice Elemental Ability

Chapter 135 Ice Elemental Ability
Luo Zhaoxian unlocked the door of the winery with a gold-type ability, and the zombies who had smelled human anger were already striding towards the door.Without Luo Xiaran speaking, everyone began to use their abilities to clean up the zombies.

Everyone can be assigned a zombie. Luo Xiaran has now started to use wood-type abilities to attack, but unfortunately, all the seeds in her hands are ordinary plant seeds, so the lethality is not great, basically tied with abilities After living in the zombies, you need to use a long knife to completely solve it.

The zombies in the winery only had five primary crystal nuclei. Luo Xiaran guessed that it was probably because these zombies had not eaten much flesh and blood, so they were of a lower level.But Luo Xiaran remembered that zombies could also devour their own kind, and the more they devoured, the higher their level would be.

It's just that Luo Xiaran wasn't sure when this incident happened, so she put it aside and didn't pay attention to it.Anyway, it's a fact that is destined to happen, no matter how much Luo Xiaran thinks about it, it's useless, isn't it?

In addition to the liquor in the large tank in the yard, the winery also has a large cellar.Opening the cellar door, a smell of wine came out, and Cui Jiu and Zhang Limin, who like to drink, couldn't help sighing: "Good wine!"

"I'll have someone send some to your house when I go back, but remember not to be greedy, drinking too much will hurt your health." Luo Xiaran said helplessly as she walked into the cellar with a flashlight.

Luo Xiaran also knew about the fact that Cui Jiu and Zhang Limin became drinking friends.It's just that both of them know that wine is not easy to get now, so they just get together to have a drink occasionally.

"Thank you, Miss." Hearing this, Cui Jiu didn't refuse, and nodded in agreement.Before the apocalypse, Cui Jiu had to drink a few glasses every night, and now he is restrained enough, not to mention that he has a good capacity for drinking, and he will not delay his business because of drinking.

And Zhang Limin was as taciturn as ever, and just said 'um' in a low voice.Anyway, Luo Xiaran always said what he said to his own people, Zhang Limin was also very happy to drink more wine.

Of course, whether it's Zhang Limin or Ma Jianing, although Luo Xiaran doesn't charge them anything when they live in the inn, they always consciously pay Mr. Qian every day.

Luo Xiaran gave them face, but they can't push their noses in the face, can they?They have already taken advantage of following Luo Xiaran, so how can they be stingy with what Luo Xiaran wants to get?If Luo Xiaran hadn't strictly prohibited them from going out of the city to hunt zombies without permission, they would have gone to gather crystal cores long ago.

Whether it was cellared or newly brewed, or distiller's grains, brewing utensils, etc. in the winery, Luo Xiaran unceremoniously put away.Anyway, it's all made of artificial wine, so it might be useful if you put it in the inn and study it.

And just when Luo Xiaran finished collecting the things and was about to take everyone to the biscuit factory, she was always paying attention to the survivors with her psychic powers, and found a survivor who used her powers.

This is an ice-type ability, and the ability level is about the middle of the second level.I saw that he condensed it into ice with his supernatural power, and just put it in his mouth and started to chew. I don't know if it was because he was too thirsty or too hungry, but his actions were very rude.

It's the first time I've seen an ice-type supernatural being so simple and rude.Luo Xiaran smiled with the corners of her mouth curled up, and then speeded up.

There are about forty zombies in the biscuit factory, but they may have devoured the workers in the biscuit factory, so they are basically above the second level.It's just that the zombies didn't gather together, so Luo Xiaran divided the crowd into two teams.Anyway, she still has Ke Nianyuan's space ability, and Ke Nianyuan's space has been emptied before, and the team operation can save a lot of time.

 Scheduled release~ You can summon the dragon by collecting all the abilities of the system~
(End of this chapter)

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