Chapter 136 Go With Them
While the survivors were resting in the shade, Luo Xiaran and his team began to quickly clean up the zombies in the biscuit factory.Probably the zombies in the biscuit factory had already gotten used to the breath of the survivors. Although they roared excitedly, they did not attract the attention of the survivors.

It took about forty minutes, and the two teams successfully took down the inventory in the entire biscuit factory.Many of the biscuits on the production line are unpackaged and rendered inedible due to exposure to the air for too long.

Fortunately, there are many boxes of finished biscuits piled up in the warehouse, most of them are ordinary biscuits, there are also chocolate biscuits, sandwich biscuits and so on.Ke Nianyuan's space was more than half full, and Luo Xiaran also consumed an entire grid.

And besides the biscuits, there is a lot of flour, sugar, etc. in the biscuit factory, and finally all edible things are packed.The happiest thing is that there are still many brand-new work clothes in the warehouse of the biscuit factory. Although the fabrics are poor, some of them are fine to wear.

Perhaps because the zombies were dealt with too quickly, the survivors who were drowsy on the top floor also noticed something was wrong.The survivor who gnawed on the ice was the first to walk to the side and look inside the factory.

Noticing that there were only a few people in the factory, the ice-type power user's eyes flashed with surprise and excitement.In fact, if his girlfriend hadn't been blocking him, he might have rushed out of the biscuit factory long ago.There are only a few of them living here, surrounded by zombies and decay every day, making people feel irritable and hopeless.

"Someone is coming from below." The ice-type supernatural being noticed that Luo Xiaran's group had walked out of the biscuit factory, turned around and said to the others: "I want to go with them, you decide for yourself."

"Mingyu, it's so dangerous outside, I'm afraid." The woman in work uniform curled up and hid in the shade, looked at him and shook her head.Why take risks when you can eat and drink in the factory?
The woman really couldn't understand what her boyfriend was thinking, but considering that he was always protecting her, the woman hesitated, what if the other party left by herself?

While several survivors were thinking about it, Luo Xiaran had already started to clean up the zombies in the dormitory building, and then walked slowly to the top floor.The dormitory building was probably searched by them, so there wasn't much to eat.

The sporadic zombies were still in the room, and Luo Xiaran disposed of them in order not to miss them, but it was a pity that there was no zombie crystal core she wanted.

Since the door leading to the roof was locked from the inside, Luo Xiaran raised her hand and kicked the door, saying, "Open the door, the zombies outside have been cleaned up."

If it wasn't for the ice-type power user among them, Luo Xiaran really wasn't going to come up and take this trip by herself.Except for her and Cheng Yan, Luo Xiaran had arranged for the rest of the people to drive outside and prepare to leave.

Ignoring the objecting gazes of others, the ice-type power user forcefully removed the iron bar holding the door, and walked in to meet Luo Xiaran.

"Hello, my name is Tang Mingyu, and I'm a security guard in this biscuit factory. Are you here to get the biscuits? Can you take me out? I have special abilities to kill zombies, so I won't hold you back." Tang Mingyu knew very well that it was impossible for Luo Xiaran to save him if he was not a relative or a reason, so he directly showed his ability, hoping to be favored by the other party.

"Luo Xiaran, this is Cheng Yan. We are from Anping District, and we are here to search for supplies. My team happens to be short of an ice-type power user. I don't know if you are interested in following me. I don't lack food or water. , there is only a shortage of capable people." When talking to smart people, Luo Xiaran said with a smile to Tang Mingyu without going around the corner.

 Scheduled release~Currently, it is updated twice a day. If you like it, please collect it on the bookshelf to grow fat and then read it~
(End of this chapter)

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