Chapter 147
Two days later, the temperature dropped to more than 40 degrees. Although it was still unbearably hot, at least people would not lose their lives unconsciously.Luo Xiaran asked the big shopkeeper and others to start filling a large amount of drinking water, and then waited for the survivors who survived again to come to the door.

After all, compared to the survivors who sell water who don't know when they will appear in the trade zone, Luo Xiaran's shop stands here, so it's more worry-free and safer to trade, isn't it?

It didn't take long before survivors began to visit the door one after another.Without an umbrella for the sun, he could only wear a thin coat, and rushed into the inn from the outside sweating like rain.

The temperature in the inn had been adjusted to 23-10 degrees at this time, so the survivors were panting heavily to catch the cool. After about [-] minutes, they reluctantly traded food or drinking water, and then left quickly.

Since they hadn't been able to go hunting for a week, the survivors who came to trade mostly got supplies they couldn't bear to use, such as canned food and cigarettes that were about to pass away.

Luo Xiaran also knows that special circumstances may not be able to exchange for what she wants, but the safe zone is her first 'base area', and she also needs to ensure survival, so that someone can do business with her.

In the evening, the sun gradually set, the sky was still foggy, and it was impossible to see what the weather would be like tomorrow.Luo Xiaran, who had been hesitating for two days, finally took two carts of miscellaneous grains and flour and drove towards the inner city where Jun's house was located.

Because there are much more supernatural beings in the inner city than in the outer city, the damage is much less severe.However, the material storage in the inner city is also limited. Luo Xiaran estimated that if this continues, the possibility of turmoil will be even greater.

Even if she doesn't care about Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran still cares about the safe zone.While struggling in his heart, the car drove to the sphere of influence of Jun's family.It was probably because everyone in the Jun family was aware of Luo Xiaran's existence, so the car safely broke through the surveillance of the supernatural beings and arrived directly at the gate of the Jun family's villa.

At this time, Jun Cheng, as Jun Lie's housekeeper, had already received the news of Luo Xiaran's visit, and was standing at the gate of the villa, waiting for Luo Xiaran's arrival.However, Juncheng's face was not very good-looking. Although Juncheng was not present when Luo Xiaran and Junlie broke up, he naturally got the news afterwards.

"Miss Luo." Standing outside the co-pilot's door with a calm expression, Juncheng greeted indifferently.It can be said that this is an extremely impolite behavior. After all, as a housekeeper, Juncheng is equivalent to the face of the Jun family. This can also show that the rest of the Jun family is dissatisfied with Luo Xiaran.

Luo Xiaran smiled indifferently, anyway, she didn't care about the feelings of Jun's family.Maybe the Jun's family was needed before, but now that the inn's business has stabilized, even without the big customer of the Jun's family, other people can still meet the needs of the inn.Just like the Gao Herong brothers last time, Luo Xiaran made a lot of money.

"I brought two carts of miscellaneous grain noodles. Does your family need anything? If not, I'll sell them to others." Luo Xiaran said as she opened the car door and walked down.

Although the Jun family brought back many tons of supplies from the port before, the problem is that there are so many survivors in the safe zone. In order to attract combat power and buy people's hearts, the Jun family probably doesn't have much in stock now.What's more, even if the Jun family doesn't need it, and the inner city is not only the Jun family, Luo Xiaran will not make the trip in vain.

 Timely release~ It's so cold, hands and feet, and it's raining, I want to hibernate every day~
(End of this chapter)

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