Chapter 148

Although Juncheng was dissatisfied with Luo Xiaran's actions, he was still very concerned about Luo Xiaran's initiative to deliver supplies to the door.After all, Jun's family had distributed a lot of supplies before, and even though they gathered a lot of people, they still couldn't make ends meet.

In fact, Juncheng is glad that Yu Luo Xiaran treated Jun Lie like that, otherwise Jun Lie wouldn't have been training at home day and night because of his bad mood.If Jun Lie is outside when the high temperature hits, Juncheng still doesn't know what will happen.

Mr. Jun also fell ill because of this sudden change. After all, the old man is old and his health is not good. Everyone in the Jun family knows that he will not have long time.

Jun Lie was brought up by Mr. Jun since he was a child. If Mr. Jun could not accompany Mr. Jun to fulfill his filial piety when Mr. Jun left, it is conceivable that it would become a hurdle that Mr. Jun would not be able to overcome in his entire life.

But Luo Xiaran didn't know anything about it, she was just satisfied that Juncheng took down two carts of miscellaneous grain noodles.Because the car has been remodeled, only the driver's and co-driver's seats have seats, so the two cars add up to more than 2000 catties of miscellaneous noodles.

The ones sold to Jun's family are naturally good grains. Although there is this discount, after the discount, it can still reach the price of twenty first-level crystal nuclei per catty.And Luo Xiaran only needs the energy of one crystal nucleus per catty to give birth to these grains. After all, it is the most common grain without any special effects.

However, Jun's family can't take out more than 4 first-level crystal cores at once, so in this transaction, Jun's family can only pay half of the crystal cores, and then there are gold, silver and jade objects collected by Jun's family before.Fortunately, the Jun family is a big family, and there are quite a lot of gold and silver jewelry.

After the transaction, Luo Xiaran didn't stop much, and drove directly to the outer city with people.No matter what Jun Lie is busy with, since he doesn't take the initiative to come out to meet him, then Luo Xiaran will not go to see him either.

As soon as the two cars left Jun's territory, a military jeep stopped in front of Luo Xiaran's vehicle.The car body is a little tattered, mixed with black blood clots, and looks like it has been through thousands of sails.

"The one sitting in the car is Ms. Luo from an inn? Does our team want to buy any more food?" The car window was rolled down, and a bald man with naked upper body yelled loudly into the car where Luo Xiaran was. road.

"Of course there are, but it's so hot outside, why don't you come to my shop and discuss it in detail?" Luo Xiaran opened the window and responded, since it's business, she wouldn't push people out, would she?
And it seems that the people here are also from the military, but it is not clear whether they and the Jun family will be in a hostile relationship.But even if the relationship between the visitor and the Jun family is not good, Luo Xiaran will not stop doing business because of this, but the price may be more expensive.

"Yes." The bald man turned his head and asked the person sitting in the car, then nodded, and moved away the jeep blocking Luo Xiaran's car while talking.

The three cars drove towards the outer city one after the other. When they left the gate of the inner city, the supernatural person who guarded the gate also verified the ID card of the person in the car.Since the point system known to Luo Xiaran is not implemented in the safe area, the identity card is not very useful, probably it can only distinguish between ordinary people and supernatural beings.

The car arrived at the inn smoothly, and Luo Xiaran entered the inn with the bald head and a middle-aged man in the car.But she didn't know that at the same moment, something very important happened to the Jun family...

 Scheduled release~ High-energy warning, the male lead is perverted again~
(End of this chapter)

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