Chapter 149

By the time Luo Xiaran got the news of Mr. Jun's death, it was already noon on the third day.Upon hearing the news at first, Luo Xiaran was stunned for a long while, then pursed her lips and sighed.

She really forgot that Mr. Jun is already old, and it is considered pretty good that he can survive until now.However, in Luo Xiaran's view, the coming apocalypse is still full of crises, and the old man will not have to suffer if he goes now, which can be regarded as saving a lot of trouble for future generations.

After all, it would be inconvenient for the rest of the Jun family to make any big moves by guarding the old man.But once Mr. Jun left, the division of forces in the safe zone would probably have to be reshuffled again.

Luo Xiaran is actually not worried about this. Jun Lie's ability is enough to take on important responsibilities, not to mention that he was trained as an heir since childhood, and with the materials that were scattered before, it won't take too long to mess up.

Of course, Luo Xiaran also knew that the relationship between Jun Lie and Mr. Jun was very strong, thinking that Jun Lie would be sad because of this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but frowned.It's just that she couldn't do anything about birth, old age, sickness and death, so she bit her lip irritably, and finally decided to find a way to support Jun Lie.

"Father, do you want to go?" Although the Jun family did not hold a funeral, they were taken care of by the Jun family before. No matter how dissatisfied Mr. Jun was, he did not forbid Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran to communicate, so Luo Xiaran For a moment, I didn't know whether I should pretend that I didn't know anything, or if I was visiting the door once.

Because of the end times, Mr. Jun is estimated to be cremated after his death.Besides, it was already the third day, and the Jun family didn't intend to make any noise, so Luo Xiaran came to ask Luo Zhaoxian's opinion.

Even though Luo Xiaran was already in her forties, she had never experienced anything like a funeral.When Luo Zhaoxian and his wife died abroad, Luo Xiaran never even saw the bones.

"Going is a must. As a junior, if you know it, you can't pretend you don't know it." Luo Zhaoxian was also shocked by the news, and he didn't expect that Mr. Jun would pass away so suddenly.

"Then when does Dad think it's appropriate for us to go there? The weather is starting to get cold, and the winter is coming." Luo Xiaran nodded and asked.

The embroiderer has already started making winter clothes. I believe that with the embroiderer's skills, she will be able to make enough winter clothes for all of them in a few days.Since Luo Xiaran couldn't determine the exact time when the cold winter would come, and there was no warning whether it was the scorching heat or the red rain, it would be bad if he went out and was trapped outside.

"In this case, let's go now, go and come back quickly. Just bring a little something, and it's enough to go to the incense sticks." Luo Zhaoxian also understands that the weather is unpredictable now, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Let's Mom will help you prepare, and the things you bring should not be disrespectful."

After all, it is a trivial matter, and there are many things that are taboo.Luo Xiaran has never experienced this kind of thing, so naturally Chu Xinrui needs to give some advice.Before this kind of thing, it was the husband and wife who came forward, but Luo Xiaran is also grown up now, so she can't always grow up behind them.

Under Chu Xinrui's guidance, he took out some things from the warehouse, and then the family of three drove to Jun's house again.It's just that when the car arrived at Jun's villa this time, there was no one to greet it...

 Timely release~Please collect and recommend~

(End of this chapter)

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