Chapter 150 You Are Here

After waiting for about ten minutes, the haggard Juncheng ran out of the villa in a hurry.Because he already knew that the person who came was Luo Xiaran, even though he noticed the existence of Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui, Juncheng's expression remained expressionless.

Luo Zhaoxian and his wife came forward, so Luo Xiaran followed them silently.The living room of the main villa was arranged as a mourning hall, with the photo and memorial tablet of Mr. Jun in the center, and the entire living room was silent.

As soon as she entered the mourning hall, Luo Xiaran noticed Jun Lie kneeling in front of Mr. Jun's tablet.Jun Lie's face was pale and his lips were chapped. When he noticed someone coming in, he didn't look back.

Luo Xiaran didn't know exactly how many days Jun Lie had been kneeling, but Jun Lie, who had been high-spirited before, suddenly looked weak, which made Luo Xiaran frown uncontrollably, with a slight pain in her heart.

Luo Xiaran is not a heartless person, and she can see what Jun Lie has done for her, but they have different personalities, and Luo Xiaran can't respond to Jun Lie's full of tenderness, which is why the trouble has come to the present.

He sighed silently, and then followed Luo Zhaoxian and his wife to burn incense sticks for Mr. Jun.Only then did Luo Xiaran whisper to Jun Lie: "Sadly, the old man definitely doesn't want to see you like this."

Xu heard Luo Xiaran's voice, and Jun Lie raised his head to look at Luo Xiaran.This glance gave Luo Xiaran a creepy feeling, because Jun Lie's pupils seemed to be filled with darkness, and there was a gloomy light shining.

But in the blink of an eye, she disappeared without a trace. If Luo Xiaran hadn't firmly believed in her psychic powers, she might have thought she was wrong.

"You're here." Jun Lie nodded expressionlessly, and said, "Thank you for the flour you sent a few days ago. The safe zone is probably going to be unstable. Be careful."

"You're welcome, if you need to speak up. Winter is coming, and heavy snow will engulf the whole world. Although mutated animals and zombies will be affected, humans will be the most affected." Luo Xiaran hesitated for a moment, and finally passed the news of the winter It was revealed to Jun Lie.

After all, Jun Lie will be in charge of the entire safety zone next, so this news should be of great help.It's too late to make preparations now, at least to ensure that the members of Jun's family can survive the cold winter.

Heating is a hassle without gas and enough electricity.What's more, the Jun family doesn't know if there are enough cotton clothes and quilts for the cold winter.Luo Xiaran felt that if she couldn't do it, she would just add another embroiderer.

"Winter? Will it be long?" Jun Lie raised his spirits when he heard the words, and asked Luo Xiaran.It's been several days since I saw Luo Xiaran, and Jun Lie felt as if a century had passed between him and him.

The old man's death made Jun Lie understand one thing. If he wants Luo Xiaran, he needs to completely control the other party in his own hands, even if he cuts off his wings and legs, he will not hesitate to do so.

After all, who knows when they will live?Now not only zombies and mutated animals, but even the weather has started to toss. Jun Lie doesn't know how long he can hold on.

"It will be at least three months, and the lowest temperature will be above minus [-] degrees." Luo Xiaran didn't know anything about what Jun Lie was thinking, and after shivering slightly, Luo Xiaran replied.

(End of this chapter)

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