Chapter 151 Caravan and Branches

After explaining the situation about the cold winter, Luo Xiaran felt a lot more at ease.In any case, the quality of the safe zone is also related to Luo Xiaran's business, and Luo Xiaran also hopes that there will be more and more surviving humans.

Don't look at the inn as if it is very powerful, but there are many restrictions after all.There is no high-tech in the inn, if you keep relying on Xiu Niang and others, it will only degrade civilization.

In fact, human beings are the most able to embody the existence of 'survival of the fittest'. According to Luo Xiaran's few memories left, scientists will develop the use of crystal nuclei to generate electricity, and even crystal nuclei weapons a year after the end of the world.

It's just that Luo Xiaran wasn't a combatant back then, so she didn't have specific contact with crystal nuclear weapons.And she doesn't have any so-called scientific researchers now, so she can only wait for good news from other safe areas.

What's more, it is still impossible to communicate in the current environment, even the other security bases closest to Anping District cannot communicate with each other.In such a dangerous situation, there is no such thing as a caravan.

Speaking of caravans, although Luo Xiaran can open the inn's branches to other safe areas, but each branch needs to consume energy points, plus the upgrade of the branch, etc., Luo Xiaran feels that if he builds a caravan to run Shang's words are also of great benefit to her.

After all, there is probably no one in the whole world who can consume more crystal cores than Luo Xiaran, not only for the inn, but also for the people around her.Who told her to find basically all supernatural beings.

Only by being strong can one walk in the apocalypse without being bullied by others, and relying on external things is not the right way after all.So Luo Xiaran needed a crystal nucleus, and he couldn't lack a crystal nucleus.Others may kill zombies to earn crystal cores to eat better, but Luo Xiaran is to live better.

But it's wrong to be too ambitious, so even though she desperately wanted more crystal nuclei, Luo Xiaran could only come one step at a time.The first thing to do now is to get together the team, and then return to H province in the cold winter.

As for the first branch, Luo Xiaran has decided to set up in H province.Luo Xiaran's revenge was not as simple as killing Wu Yan'an, so with a branch and her own base, she could make arrangements with more peace of mind.

With the inn, more materials can be provided. Although the branch cannot be planted, in the branch, Luo Xiaran can mobilize the materials in the warehouse.So no matter how far you go in the future, as long as there is an inn, Luo Xiaran can have a steady stream of supplies.

The most important thing is that Luo Xiaran can transfer from one inn to another in just a few seconds.Although it can only be used by Luo Xiaran alone, it is much more convenient.

After thinking wildly for a while, there was a noisy sound outside the mourning hall.Looking back, I saw several people in military uniforms walking in from outside, among them was the bald and middle-aged man who had made a deal with Luo Xiaran a few days ago.

Although he didn't know what these people came for, Luo Zhaoxian thought about it for a while, and then offered to leave.After all, no matter what happens, it is the Jun family's business. They are outsiders, so it's better not to stay longer.

After leaving the villa and driving back to the inn, the shopkeeper got more than 300 crystal nuclei.After giving the crystal nucleus to Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui, Luo Xiaran went to Xiulou where the two embroiderers were in the backyard.

Because Luo Xiaran gave birth to a batch of silkworms before, at this time the embroiderers are peeling the cocoons, and making cloth bit by bit.And the cotton is spread out in the courtyard of Xiulou, and the dyed cloth is also hung on the high clothes drying pole on the other side.

 Timely release~ Please recommend for favorites, Youmi Youqin is reading Wenwen~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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