Chapter 152
And at midnight that day, goose-feather-like snowflakes fell from the sky, covering the entire earth in just ten minutes, everything was covered in silver, and the whole world became silent.

Many sleeping survivors didn't have time to notice the change of the weather, and they were silent in the dark night.The survivors living in the house were more fortunate. Although they did not have enough winter clothes to keep warm, they woke up in time and moved their bodies, and did not lose their lives in the first snow after the end of the world.

Luo Xiaran made full preparations for the winter early in the morning. The temperature inside the inn was set at a constant temperature of 25 degrees.So although the few people living in the inn were woken up by the cold, they can continue to have a sweet dream after taking out the quilt from the cabinet.

Opening the window in the morning, looking at the vast expanse of whiteness in the yard, Luo Xiaran breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if the dust had settled.After all, Daxue never came, and Luo Xiaran couldn't go out. It would be very dangerous to be trapped outside by Daxue.

Since the heavy snow was still falling, Luo Xiaran didn't ask anyone to clear the snow.Putting on thick warm clothes and a down jacket, Luo Xiaran stepped on the snow and heard the "creaking" sound, and came to the inn step by step.

The cooks have already boiled a pot of ginger soup, and the waiter in the shop will serve it to the people who wake up one by one.For breakfast, they ate meat buns and vegetable porridge. Luo Zhaoxian, Chu Xinrui and Ke Nianyuan each had a glass of milk.Luo Xiaran deliberately raised a few milk sheep and cows in the inn to meet the needs of her family.

Thinking of the cows, Luo Xiaran looked at Cui Jiu and asked, "Uncle Cui, have you delivered the things you prepared for Heishan and the others?" Cui Jiu bought several quilts, and she really forgot about the sudden heavy snowfall last night.

"Miss, don't worry, I sent the things there not long after it was delivered, and I also sent a few barrels of hot broth in the morning, no problem." Cui Jiu naturally cared about the hunting dog the most, if it wasn't for the need in the store When entertaining guests, Cui Jiu always wanted to eat and live with them.

At this time, Luo Xiaran's family of three lived in the inn, followed by Cui Jiu, Ke Nianyuan, Zhang Limin, Ma Jianing, Xue Jing, Cheng Yan, Tang Mingyu, Lin Yun, and five friends of Fan Jiren and Cheng Yan.

Lin Yun and Fan Jiren were taken over by Tang Mingyu. Because of what Xia Wen said before, Tang Mingyu found that he also had a crush on Lin Yun, so the two had walked together a few days ago.

Although there are no guests in the inn, Luo Xiaran is still very satisfied. After all, the establishment of the inn is for business, and the exchange of people coming and going every day has made Luo Xiaran look down on the expenses of accommodation and meals.What's more, these people living in the store would hand over a lot of crystal cores or supplies to the big shopkeeper, so it was also profitable for Luo Xiaran.

After breakfast, everyone sat in the lobby and chatted.The heavy snow outside was falling more and more, and it was nearly one meter thick at this time, which made the expressions on everyone's faces serious.

If it wasn't for Luo Xiaran, maybe they would have died behind because of the sudden heat or heavy snow.Several people were thinking in their hearts at the same time, and they were even more grateful for Luo Xiaran's atmosphere.

If Luo Xiaran hadn't brought them by his side, no one would have thought that they could live so comfortably in the apocalypse.They don’t have to worry about food and clothing, and they don’t need to face other people’s threats and natural disasters. Thinking about this apocalypse, it seems that their life is much easier than before the apocalypse.

It was just a few days away from Tang Mingyu, even with Fan Jiren's protection, Lin Yun was almost ruined by others, and he was filled with emotion.If Luo Xiaran didn't agree with her to live in before, Lin Yun still doesn't know what she would be like...

(End of this chapter)

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