Chapter 162 Behind her
"Are you going out? Do you need something?" Luo Xiaran knew that Cheng Yan and the others would not reveal the news that she was leaving, so although it was a little strange, she still went to Jun Lie and asked.

"Yeah." Jun Lie didn't say much, nodded slightly and said: "Prepare me more dry food, this time I have to go farther away. By the way, my team will be called 'Lieyan Mercenaries' from now on. Since I live in your place, let’s hang it under the name of your inn, anyway, I will exchange more supplies with you.”

"Lieyan? Very good. But it's nothing to hang on to me, you still need to manage it yourself. My inn welcomes guests from all over the world, and no one will refuse business." Luo Xiaran was also the first The first time she heard the name of Jun Lie's team, she hadn't paid attention to it in her previous life.Moreover, the distance between province H and province L is not close. Even if you heard about it, you probably didn't know that it was related to Junlie.

In fact, after knowing that Jun Lie had left the military headquarters with his people, Luo Xiaran didn't want to form a team by herself.After all, the safe zone is still under the control of the military department, and she is already eye-catching enough if she is shot at the top. If she is targeted by the military department, she will not be able to refuse, no.

As for Jun Lie's proposal, Luo Xiaran was still a little moved.But thinking that Jun Lie did this to pursue her, Luo Xiaran didn't know what expression to make, so she could only refuse.Besides, the inn is here, every time Jun Lie goes out and comes back, he will definitely find her to exchange the supplies he needs, so this is enough.

The rejection of Luo Xiaran was already in Jun Lie's expectation, so Jun Lie didn't say much, followed Luo Xiaran directly to the counter, and said to the big shopkeeper: "Half a month's dry food, five hundred catties Rice and noodles, and two hundred catties of cabbage, radishes and potatoes, some meat, pickled vegetables, dried vegetables and fruits."

After the big shopkeeper went to collect the supplies, Jun Lie continued, "This time Xiao Zhenyan will lead people to guard the safe zone, or kill zombies nearby. If something happens, you can ask people to go over there and call for help."

"Okay, thank you in advance." Seeing Jun Lie's ignorant expression and the calm aura around him, Luo Xiaran breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and went back.

Although Xiao Zhenyan didn't like her, as long as it was Jun Lie's words, Xiao Zhenyan would not refuse. Originally, Luo Xiaran was worried that there would be problems keeping her parents here, but now that Jun Lie spoke, Luo Xiaran would not be polite.After all, Jun Lie has taken a lot of supplies and hasn't paid for the crystal core yet, at worst, it will be cheaper when the time comes.

Because the inn's warehouses, cellars, granaries, etc. were all piled up in advance, the big shopkeeper and a few shop assistants quickly moved out the supplies Jun Lie needed.

Watching Juncheng put away more than half of the supplies, and distribute the rest to the convoy for cover, until watching a group of seven modified military jeeps leave, Luo Xiaran also began to make final preparations.

First, I told my parents about the Lieyan mercenaries, and then I replenished the inventory, filled the system backpack with fifteen grids, and got a new batch of winter clothes from Xiuniang, and then led Cheng Yan and the others left the inn in two cars.

After all, Luo Xiaran walked all the way not only for revenge, she also wanted to develop the business of the inn, and by the way, check the caravan and branch.Even if she doesn't become the savior, Luo Xiaran still wants to earn more crystal nuclei, so only one inn is out of reach.

Not long after the two cars left the safety zone, Luo Xiaran discovered that Jun Lie's convoy, which had set off early, was not far behind her at this moment...

 Timely release~ So the hero has evolved into a moron~~~
(End of this chapter)

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