Chapter 163
Some wondered whether to laugh or cry for a while, but still couldn't figure out what Jun Lie was trying to do by doing this.Besides, who leaked the news?Luo Xiaran was sure that she hadn't shown anything.

After all, since Jun Lie's aura changed, Luo Xiaran has been on guard everywhere, just to prevent Jun Lie from forcing her to stay in the safe zone or by his side, so she wanted to leave secretly, but only now did she find out that she still If he hadn't set off, he would have been targeted.

However, Luo Xiaran was also touched by the fact that Jun Lie didn't forbid her to leave, and even followed her personally.Compared with the strong Jun Lie before, he suddenly changed into this, and he was really confused.

However, since Jun Lie made up his mind to follow, Luo Xiaran reckoned that it would be useless even if she stopped her. In the end, she could only sigh and had no intention of stopping, so she let Jun Lie's convoy follow.

The snow piled up more than one meter high outside the safety zone, and the road surface was very slippery. Luo Xiaran's car had been replaced with non-slip tires, but she didn't dare to go any faster.In order to open up business, Luo Xiaran didn't plan to take the high speed this time, but planned to take advantage of the heavy snow to shuttle around the city.

Because of the heavy snow, zombies and mutated animals are all affected, so as long as you are careful in the city, the danger can be greatly reduced.This might be the best opportunity after the end of the world, so Luo Xiaran didn't want to miss it for nothing.

According to Luo Xiaran's memory, from the second year of the end of the world, the weather changes have completely stabilized, and there are rules to follow.However, the four seasons lack the spring when all things flourish, and become the rainy season, hot summer and cold winter.

The rainy season is the shortest, only two months, and the hot summer and cold winter are five months respectively.The highest temperature in the scorching heat can reach 40 degrees, and the lowest temperature in the cold winter is more than minus [-] degrees, which is the season with the most deaths of survivors.

And most plants gradually adapted to the changing seasons, but the plants at that time were no longer as harmless as they were before the end of the world.Just like mutated animals, mutated plants also began to appear, and as a wood-type supernatural being, Luo Xiaran complemented the mutated plants and strengthened her own attack power.

Because Luo Xiaran didn't know exactly when the mutated plants were produced, she thought that after the cold winter was over, she would ask Jun Lie's Lieyan mercenaries to help her collect more plants or seeds.

In her previous life, Luo Xiaran was 'confined' by Wu Yan'an as an existence that gave birth to food and vegetables. In fact, she was still very envious of the mutant plant partners of other wood-type supernatural beings.

It was probably too good to be 'protected' by Wu Yan'an, so it was not until this life that Luo Xiaran discovered that her weak wood-type abilities contained rare healing abilities that were unique in thousands.If Wu Yan'an had known in her previous life that she had healing abilities, he probably wouldn't have plotted against her and caused the two of them to travel back to ancient times.

Perhaps sensing that Luo Xiaran was in a bad mood, Hei Shan, who was curled up in the co-pilot, stretched his neck and licked Luo Xiaran's side face.Came back to his senses, touched Heishan's head, and while looking for a good place to stop and rest, Luo Xiaran took out the walkie-talkie and said, "It's noon, find a place to have some warm food, so as not to catch a cold."

Because she only brought Cheng Yan and her friends with her on the trip, Luo Xiaran drove the car herself this time, with Heishan and other eight hounds in the car, and the off-road vehicle in which Cheng Yan and the others were riding opened the way.

"Okay, there just happens to be a dumpling restaurant, let's make lunch here." Cheng Yan responded, and then the car stopped on the side of the road.

 Scheduled release~ Accompanying my brother to do homework and check homework is super time-consuming!

(End of this chapter)

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