Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 164 The Gao Family in City F

Chapter 164 The Gao Family in City F
After getting out of the car, he led Hei Shan and others to file in, only to find that the dumpling restaurant was already in a mess.A row of tables fell on the floor, and seemed to have been brought down too hastily by those who had left.

After looking inside and out, I found that all the edible things in the dumpling restaurant had been searched, and there was no blood in the store.And the stove in the back kitchen was still usable, with a few briquettes lying beside it, as if they were used for cooking in the shop.

Wu Ziying and Lu Tongtong were in charge of cooking. Cheng Yan and other men packed up a table and chairs and came out.Because she didn't have a water ability, drinking water was packed in Luo Xiaran's system backpack, and some supplies were piled up in the car for emergencies.

Luo Xiaran didn't use pots and pans this time either, she just put the well water into her backpack, which contained hundreds of tons.This is what Luo Xiaran discovered in previous experiments. Solid things are counted according to the number and type, but liquids are more convenient. There is basically no limit to the number of each grid, and Luo Xiaran can still pretend to be It's a general ability of the water system.

Although Luo Xiaran has owned the system for more than 20 years, there was never such a large demand for drinking water in ancient times. If it weren't for the tentative practice before, such a powerful tool would have been missed.

In the eyes of Cheng Yan and others, Luo Xiaran is an existence against the sky, not only has the wood element for healing, but also the space and water elements, but they don't know, as long as Luo Xiaran doesn't tell the truth, no one will know. Can't see through Luo Xiaran's cards.

After cleaning the tables and chairs, Luo Xiaran also handed over the ingredients and cooking utensils for lunch to the two, then walked out and sat down.The chair was a bit cold, and people couldn't help shivering. Luo Xiaran took out the charcoal basin and handed it to Su Zheng, who has a fire ability, to light the fire to keep warm.

"Xia Ran, there is a team following us, do you want to get rid of them?" Cheng Yan took off his gloves, rubbed his hands together and said.Because of the distance, Cheng Yan didn't see clearly who was following them.

"The ones behind are Jun Lie and his people, don't worry about them, let's go our own way." Luo Xiaran bit her lips when she heard this, and said after a while of silence: "First of all, we are going to Gao's house in F City, But I don't know exactly where they are."

The Gao family in F city was the client that Leng Xi brought before, and they exchanged a lot of supplies from Luo Xiaran. Luo Xiaran thought that since they came out, why not go and have a look, and earn a fortune by the way.

Most of the previous income was used up by Luo Xiaran, so no matter how small the mosquito's legs were, Luo Xiaran would not miss it.What's more, the two brothers of the Gao family are not ordinary people at first glance, and they are happy to give the crystal nucleus. Naturally, Luo Xiaran hopes to have a long-term relationship.

"Mr. Jun?" Hearing this, Cheng Yan rolled his eyes and saw that Luo Xiaran didn't want to mention it, so he hurriedly changed the subject with Luo Xiaran: "I don't know much about F City, but Brother Ren should know a little bit Come on."

"Before the end of the world, Gao's family was in Hexing District. Hexing District is not too big, and it's not an urban area. I don't think they will evacuate." Seeing Cheng Yan mentioning himself, Ren Bo also said.Ren Bo was a hacker before the end of the world, so he sells information on the Internet, let alone the Gao family, even the Jun family and the Luo family, he knows a thing or two.

"Well, let's go to Hexing District. If this business is done, there will be crystal nuclei for everyone to practice abilities. It's cold now, if you can't stand it, remember to speak in advance, especially Sister Yingying and Sister Tongtong Seeing Wu Ziying and Lu Tongtong coming out with hot water, Luo Xiaran said with a smile.

Just as Luo Xiaran was about to pour some hot water for Heishan, Heishan, who was curled up on the ground, suddenly got up, and grinned at the door in attack mode on all fours...

 Timely release~Thank you for your rewards, recommendations and collections, please continue to support~
(End of this chapter)

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