Chapter 178
In the vast expanse of white sky and earth, one by one stars appeared one kilometer away from the farmhouse.As time went by, the light spots gradually turned into a frame of cars, including off-road vehicles and vans, with mottled marks on the body, and because of multiple reinforcements, the appearance was very ugly.

Probably because of the roar of Montenegro and the lights in the farmhouse, the seven cars finally stopped on the snow in front of the farmhouse where Luo Xiaran lived.He turned on his mental power and took a glance, only to find that there was a man who had met once sitting in the car in the middle.

Slightly raising her eyebrows, Luo Xiaran walked downstairs curiously.And Jun Lie, who had gone out before, had already brought Juncheng to contact the other party, and even invited the other party into the courtyard.

It seems that Jun Lie and the other party also know each other.While guessing in her heart, Luo Xiaran made tea in the living room.Because of the cold weather, boiling water was kept on the brazier to warm everyone's bodies.

"Why did you come down?" As soon as he led the people into the living room, Jun Lie noticed Luo Xiaran who was sitting on the sofa, and came forward to ask.Even though the brazier is burning downstairs, the temperature is still much worse than that in the room.

Besides, they were just strangers, and Jun Lie didn't think it was necessary for Luo Xiaran to come forward.Even after listening to Leng Xi's words, he tried his best to restrain his temper, but some thoughts were still deeply ingrained.

"There's someone I met before, come down and have a look." Luo Xiaran explained, and then smiled at the middle-aged man who had recognized her: "We met again."

"It turned out to be you. Thank you so much before. If it wasn't for your reminder, I wouldn't be alive today." The middle-aged man walked up quickly and said gratefully: "My name is Gu Wenqing, it's an honor to meet you."

"Hello, I'm Luo Xiaran." At this time, Luo Xiaran also noticed that Gu Wenqing was probably the leader of this team, and the smile on his face was even stronger.Being the first to notice the benefits of cold winter, even if it wasn't Gu Wenqing's own idea, it could prove that Gu Wenqing's team has good counselors.

"Sit down and talk, you guys must be quite cold after driving for so long." Seeing Luo Xiaran and Gu Wenqing chatting, Jun Lie frowned and stepped forward to pull Luo Xiaran to sit down, then Signal Juncheng to pour tea for everyone.Even though Gu Wenqing looked about 40 to [-] years old, even if she was a woman, Jun Lie didn't want anyone to occupy Luo Xiaran's attention too much.

The moment Luo Xiaran was held back by Jun Lie, she sensed the change in the other party's mood, and sighed helplessly in her heart, but still let Jun Lie's actions go.In view of Jun Lie's constant peeling of chestnuts and pine nuts for her in the past few days, it's better to give him a little sweetness.Seeing that Luo Xiaran didn't break free like the first time, Jun Lie felt a lot happier, and his attitude towards Gu Wenqing also improved a little.

"We come from the safe area of ​​N City. We saw that the number of zombies decreased after the heavy snowfall, so we came out to find supplies. There is a grain collection station not far from here. That was our original goal, but because of the sudden heavy snowfall, we came here Dodge for a while." Gu Wenqing didn't hide their intentions from Luo Xiaran, and said it directly.

After all, they have already met, and it doesn't look good if they are discovered secretly.What's more, Gu Wenqing also heard about Jun Lie, so he didn't want to confront Jun Lie.It would be fine if his brother was there, but Gu Wenqing knew very well how much he was worth.

 Scheduled release~ Gu Wenqing appeared in Chapter 60, I don’t know if you still remember it.

(End of this chapter)

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