Chapter 179

"Grain station?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips.He didn't know much about Luo Xiaran in Province J, and Ren Bo naturally wouldn't know about the grain station before the end of the world. If he hadn't met Gu Wenqing, he really didn't know there was such a thing.

However, Gu Wenqing made no secret that Luo Xiaran was not a greedy person.What's more, since Gu Wenqing is also from the safe zone, he must have a great demand for food, so Luo Xiaran didn't make a decision by himself, but looked at Jun Lie.

"Then I wish Mr. Gu a smooth journey. You can take people here and wait for the snow to stop before setting off." Jun Lie caressed Luo Xiaran's fingertips carefully. The soft and delicate touch made him feel happy, so he thought about it. Rejected unwillingly.

With the deal with Luo Xiaran, they are not short of food and clothing, not to mention it is the target of Gu Wenqing and others after all, and it is morally unjustifiable for them to intervene.

But in the final analysis, it was because Jun Lie didn't want to. If he owed Luo Xiaran all the time, wouldn't he be able to stay by Luo Xiaran's side all the time.

"No, no, Miss Luo and Mr. Jun have misunderstood. I want to invite the two of you to travel together. The grain collected in the grain station is ready to be transported overseas. The grain collected before the end of the world has not been taken care of, so The food in the grain station cannot be eaten by the team I am leading." Gu Wenqing waved his hand hastily and said.

The three northern provinces are all major grain-producing provinces. Although this is the outskirts of Province J, the grain produced by the surrounding land will be transported here first for turnover, or sent to ports, railways, etc.

And because of the sudden arrival of the end of the world, there was no turnover of so much grain in the grain station. It was precisely because he was sure that there was enough grain in the grain station that Gu Wenqing took people to take the risk.

What's more, it's hot summer and cold winter, no matter how good the storage place is for those grains, they can't stand this kind of toss.Therefore, Gu Wenqing also hoped that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's people could also take away the food. After all, in Gu Wenqing's opinion, it is better to be wasted than to be eaten.

Gu Wenqing also wanted to take people to their N city. If his brother was there, even by trading, he could get food from Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.

The most important thing is that Gu Wenqing also hopes to repay Luo Xiaran for the meal. After all, it is probably because of insufficient supplies that he travels in such a cold day.Since there was no way to communicate with other safe areas, Gu Wenqing guessed in his heart.

"So, thank you Mr. Gu for your kindness." Seeing that Gu Wenqing insisted, Jun Lie couldn't figure out what the other party was paying attention to, so he nodded and agreed.Anyway, Jun Lie didn't think anyone could hurt him, and he didn't mind having some fun, after all, he could see that Luo Xiaran was going there on purpose.

"Okay, okay, let's go when the snow stops." Gu Wenqing smiled and got up to leave.After driving for a few days, he was also exhausted, and Jun Lie's expression of "why don't you go?" made Gu Wenqing feel embarrassed. When he got up and noticed the two were holding each other, he understood. .

After Gu Wenqing left, Luo Xiaran said to Jun Lie: "Ask someone to see if they know anything about the grain station. The other party doesn't know if there are people with spatial abilities. Since I went there, I can't go empty-handed." on the road."

Luo Xiaran may not care about the food, but Luo Xiaran still wants to take a trip to the safe zone in N City.If she meets the conditions, she doesn't mind cooperating with the people behind Gu Wenqing...

 Timely release~ If you like it, please bookmark and recommend~

(End of this chapter)

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