Chapter 180 Survivor

It has been snowing heavily outside the window for twelve hours, and the deepest snow has been two to three meters.The car parked in the open space has been half buried, and everything is white. Fortunately, the sun's light has weakened, otherwise the eyes would be dizzy when traveling.

Gu Wenqing brought a total of 47 people, including Luo Xiaran and his party, there were about [-] people.And there are [-] with special abilities, the most is the earth type, followed by the fire type, and then the water type and so on.

Luo Xiaran didn't know if it was because the meteorite landed in the northern province, so the evolution rate of the supernatural beings was higher, or it was because the people in the northern province had better physical fitness. There are many people working, playing and shopping outside.

After packing everything early in the morning, the group drove on the road.A long line of trains walked cautiously in the white snow. It didn't take long before the farmhouse was left behind and turned into a little black shadow.

Following Gu Wenqing's convoy through the once fertile farmland full of crops, after driving for three and a half hours, the vehicle arrived at a building.The walls are high, twice the size of ordinary people's courtyard walls, and there is a circle of barbed wire on the wall, with glass shards inserted, giving people a feeling of refusing to approach.

" strange is the place where the food is collected?" Luo Xiaran said strangely looking at the building not far away through the window.Although she has never been to a grain station or anything like that, this area seems to be a small base.

Couldn't help raising her vigilance, Luo Xiaran stretched out her mental power to probe into the so-called grain station, only to find that there were still survivors in the grain station.But the high wall standing still didn't look like a defense that was processed later, which made Luo Xiaran even more strange.

"There should have been riots or something, but I haven't paid attention to this place." Although it has been unified for many years, it doesn't mean that modern times are completely safe, otherwise their Jun family wouldn't have the practice of keeping 'private soldiers', would they? ?No matter where it is, there are always some people who can't see clearly.

"It's not impossible. There are survivors in the grain station. Let people be careful. I don't know if Gu Wenqing is clear. Let's see." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran nodded.There have been incidents of vandalism and looting in H City, so it is not impossible to strengthen the food station.After all, this grain station is not in front of the village, nor in the back of the store.

Since Gu Wenqing's convoy was at the forefront, Luo Xiaran didn't pay much attention to the contact with the survivors in the grain station.After sitting in the car and waiting for about ten minutes, Gu Wenqing walked over from the front.

"Miss Luo, there are still a group of troops stationed in the grain station. It's getting late, why don't you go in and have a rest before discussing in detail?" Gu Wenqing said in a low voice, and he didn't know that there were still troops stationed in the grain station. think.

"No problem." Miss Luo knew that the soldiers were more upright, and it was impossible for them to easily take away the food, so she nodded, opened the car door and got out.

For the sake of safety, Luo Xiaran did not bring other people in, but only set foot on the grain station with Jun Lie.On Gu Wenqing's side, there was only him and a tall and thin man, and the four followed a soldier into the grain station's office.

In the office, a man in a military overcoat was rubbing his hands. When he noticed someone coming in, he sat upright. He nodded at Luo Xiaran, but he didn't speak...

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(End of this chapter)

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