Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 181 This is my brother and sister, right?

Chapter 181 This is my brother and sister, right?
"Captain, I brought the man here." The soldier leading the way walked inside, let out Jun Lie and the others who were following behind, and saluted the man.

"Hi, I'm Gu Wenqing, I'm from N City, you may not know me, my brother is Gu Yiru, N City has established a safety zone, but supplies are scarce, so I came here on purpose." Gu Wenqing faced the man , said the introduction.

"Hi, I'm Yuan Zhongkai. I've heard about Secretary Gu, but I'm a soldier, so I don't have the chance to deal with Secretary Gu." The man nodded at Gu Wenqing with a bearded face, but his eyes were on Jun Lie's. Turn around.

"These two are Miss Luo Xiaran and Mr. Junlie. We met on the way." Seeing Yuan Zhongkai looking at Junlie, Gu Wenqing smiled and said, "I don't know what Captain Yuan has in mind."

Although Yuan Zhongkai was a soldier before, he was assigned to guard the grain station here.But now that the country is withered, who cares if it belongs to the country?If Yuan Zhongkai became the king, it would be really difficult for Gu Wenqing.

Because of Gu Yiru, Gu Wenqing maintained a respectful attitude towards soldiers.So unless it was absolutely necessary, Gu Wenqing didn't want to get into a stalemate with the other party.Judging by the fact that the other party has been guarding the grain station, it is estimated that he is also a very serious person.

"No problem, you can take things away. But I have a request. I hope you can take my soldiers along. Without guns, it is not safe to stay here. Besides, there is no oil and salt in the grain station. It has been a long time. It's not good for their health either." After Yuan Zhongkai and Jun Lie looked at each other, they turned around and said to Gu Wenqing.

Even if Gu Wenqing didn't come, Yuan Zhongkai would take someone out of here in a few days.Although there is no shortage of food in the grain station, there are not many cotton-padded quilts and daily necessities.

The most important thing is the lack of weapons. Even if there is no one here, zombies are best at detecting the breath of humans. Who knows when they wake up and are surrounded by zombies.

"Of course there is no problem, but I need to check the grain first. I don't know where the transport vehicles at the grain station are parked? I need to check carefully whether they can start normally." Gu Wenqing said happily after hearing the words.

I didn't expect Yuan Zhongkai to be so easy to talk to, not to mention that since he took the supplies, how could he keep people behind.These soldiers will only play a greater role in the safe zone. After all, soldiers obey orders and obey commands, which is much easier to control than idle supernatural beings.

"Xiao Liu, take Mr. Gu to check it out." Yuan Zhongkai nodded at the soldier who led them in, and after Gu Wenqing and the others left, Yuan Zhongkai looked at Jun Lie and said, "Your boy, long time no see , it seems to be doing well."

"Why is the captain here?" Jun Lie pulled Luo Xiaran to sit down, and then said: "It seems that the captain is here for a long time, why didn't you contact me?"

"Hehe, what are you talking about? It's not like I'm short of arms or legs. It's enough to have a meal somewhere. Don't call me the captain. If you don't mind, just call me brother. I can't even protect my own soldiers." Wait, what kind of captain..."

Yuan Zhongkai smiled wryly, turned his head to look at Luo Xiaran, and asked curiously: "Is this the younger brother or sister?" Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie have not let go of their hands since entering the room. , no wonder Yuan Zhongkai thought so.

 Timely release~ Please recommend for collection~ I only found out how illiterate I am after playing Idiom Solitaire Orz

(End of this chapter)

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