Chapter 185 Want to talk to you

It was already pitch black outside the window.The wind howled, and the snowflakes were rolled up one after another.Yuan Zhongkai, who was a little drowsy after drinking, burped, and then said with his tongue out: "The place to rest has been prepared, the conditions are not good, let's make do with it."

"Brother Zhong Kai, what did you say? Don't forget that I was with you in the wind and rain." Jun Lie also drank a lot, but he has a lot of alcohol, and now his face is just a little red.

"Go, I didn't tell you, I was talking to Ran Ran. You are an old man, no one cares about you when you sleep on the floor." Yuan Zhongkai raised his hand and patted Jun Lie on the shoulder, and said mockingly.

"Okay, okay, thank you Brother Zhongkai. Let's go, I'll take you back to sleep. Let's pack up and get ready to go tomorrow. Don't forget the good things you said before." Jun Lie smiled indifferently Anyway, Jun Lie didn't think Luo Xiaran would wrong him.What's more, there are daily necessities he specially prepared for Luo Xiaran in Juncheng's space, but they were not used before.

After taking away Gu Wenqing, who had already drunk and lay down under the table, to the person who handed him over, Jun Lie staggered towards the dormitory with Yuan Zhongkai on his arm.Luo Xiaran followed the two of them, fearing that they would trip over their left foot and fall to the ground with their right foot. After all, the ground was covered with thick ice, which could only be broken with a hammer.

Safely sent the person back to the dormitory, and Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were arranged in a room on the third floor.Except for the night watchman, the rest of the people had already gone back to rest after eating the hot pot comfortably.It's been a long time since I ate so good, I can't help but think about it.

In the adjacent room, Luo Xiaran opened the door for Jun Lie first.Juncheng had already made the room warm, and he couldn't help but let out a comfortable sigh.

Seeing that Jun Lie had nothing to help, Luo Xiaran was ready to go back to the house.But without waiting for Luo Xiaran to move, Jun Lie suddenly hugged Luo Xiaran into his arms, and kissed Luo Xiaran's red lips smelling of alcohol.

"Hmm!" Unable to help but widen her eyes, Luo Xiaran resisted and pushed Jun Lie away, and quickly ran back to the room.Her whole body was filled with Jun Lie's aura, which made her heart beat non-stop and could not stop for a long time.

Jun Lie, who was pushed away, looked at the empty doorway, glanced at his drunken appearance before, licked his lips recklessly, grinned, his eyes were full of inevitable light: "It really is delicious. "

He tossed and turned in bed all night, even after taking a shower, he still felt Jun Lie's aggressive aura.The next day, he walked out of the room in a trance, and ran into Jun Lie who was waiting outside the door. Jun Lie looked at Luo Xiaran with a smile and said hello: "Good morning, Ranran."

Glaring at Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran was too lazy to say anything, and wanted to bypass Jun Lie and go downstairs, but was pulled into his arms again by Jun Lie.He pushed it irritably, but he grabbed his hand, and could only glare angrily: "Let go!"

"Are you angry? I drank too much last night, so I will definitely ask your opinion in the future, okay?" Jun Lie smiled and rubbed Luo Xiaran's long hair, not caring about Luo Xiaran's resistance.

"What are you asking! Go away, I don't bother to talk to you!" Sensing the door to the next room opened, and noticing Cheng Yan coming out from inside, Luo Xiaran stepped on Jun Lie angrily, very angry.Luo Xiaran really couldn't react to Jun Lie suddenly becoming such a hooligan.

"Xia Ran, I have something I want to talk to you about." Cheng Yan clenched his fists, looked at Luo Xia Ran who was bound in Jun Lie's arms, and finally couldn't help but speak.

 Scheduled release~ I finally sent out the first kiss of the hero and heroine, I am tired~
(End of this chapter)

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