Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 186 Food Divided into 3 Parts

Chapter 186 The food is divided into three parts
Originally, Cheng Yan planned to boil the frog in warm water, after all, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were still arguing at that time.Unexpectedly, not long after, Luo Xiaran's attitude towards Jun Lie softened, and seeing Jun Lie holding Luo Xiaran, Cheng Yan felt that if he continued like this, he might miss it.

"Ah, yes." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran smiled awkwardly at Cheng Yan.

"Let's talk while having breakfast." Jun Lie gave Cheng Yan a disdainful look from an angle that Luo Xiaran couldn't see.Those who dare to covet him are really daring.

And Cheng Yan received Jun Lie's eyes, and responded with a provocative smile.If it was before the end of the world, Cheng Yan might have given in because of Jun Lie's family background, but now his supernatural powers may not be worse than Jun Lie's, not to mention that Luo Xiaran doesn't like strong people like Jun Lie, so his chances of winning are also high. Not without it.

The two refused to give in to each other, and in the end Luo Xiaran walked in the front, while the two of them walked side by side at the back, unanimously, they began to develop their abilities.Luo Xiaran, who was walking in front, noticed the movement of the supernatural power, and looked back at the two of them strangely.

After receiving Luo Xiaran's attention, the two quickly restrained themselves.Accompanying Luo Xiaran downstairs, Yuan Zhongkai and the others had finished their morning run and were preparing breakfast.

The mutton slices, potatoes, radishes, etc. left over from last night were made into chowder soup, and they were paired with corn flour steamed buns made by their cooking soldiers. Everyone drank a big bowl of soup, and immediately felt comfortable.

"Morning, Miss Luo." Gu Wenqing was already waiting for Luo Xiaran to wake up, so when he saw Luo Xiaran coming to have breakfast, he hurried forward to greet her, ignoring Jun Lie's dissatisfied gaze, and said directly: "Miss Luo, what are you waiting for?" The food in the station is divided into three parts. You and Jun Shao will take one, Captain Yuan and his team will take one, and I will take the rest back to the safe zone. However, because there are not enough transport vehicles, I hope Miss Luo can help bring it to safety. District, do you think it pays you the crystal nucleus or the material?"

"Okay, give the crystal nucleus, anyway, I have to go to the safe zone." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran nodded in satisfaction.Sure enough, there was someone who made the decisions behind Gu Wenqing, but it's a pity that she didn't notice it.

However, this batch of supplies was originally given to them by Gu Wenqing, and taking [-]% for nothing was considered a huge advantage.The most important thing is that Yuan Zhongkai will go with Jun Lie later, so even if some are distributed to the soldiers, the rest will still fall into Luo Xiaran's hands.

On the other hand, Jun Lie was naturally satisfied that Gu Wenqing regarded him and Luo Xiaran as one, and had no intention of expressing any objection.Holding two bowls of chowder, Luo Xiaran took some steamed buns and walked to Yuan Zhongkai's office.

"Brother Zhongkai, what are your plans for those supplies?" After entering the room, seeing Yuan Zhongkai eating hot soup, Jun Lie asked while putting down the bowl.

"I'll hang out with you from now on, so I don't need those things. Ranran helps brother take the things to the safe area, and then distributes them to the dozen or so soldiers under me. Don't think that brother eats too much meat. "Yuan Zhongkai wiped his mouth, smiled and said.

"Brother Zhongkai, don't worry, you can arrange for people to load the car later." Luo Xiaran nodded and said, "Try to fill it as much as possible, it's not for driving anyway." Fortunately, there was still room in the backpack when I came out, although there was a lot of food , but it is equivalent to being combined into one when packed in a transport vehicle, and it does not take up much space when put away.Although there are only a few grids in the backpack, the system is dead. As long as Luo Xiaran is a little flexible, these grids can be enlarged infinitely.

 Timely release~Thanks for helping to catch bugs~
(End of this chapter)

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