Chapter 187 Draw a full stop

"Okay, then I'll let them start moving now. It's all pre-installed, and it will be finished in a few hours. But at noon, Ranran has to prepare something for brother." Wiping his mouth, After Yuan Zhongkai finished speaking, he walked out of the office resolutely with the bowl and chopsticks in hand.

"Eh..." Luo Xiaran stared at Yuan Zhongkai's leaving back for a while, and shook his head with a smile. It was indeed a soldier's style. He only opened his mouth, and the other party had already put it into action.

Then looking at Cheng Yan who followed in, Luo Xiaran looked at him with questioning eyes, waiting for him to speak.I don't know what's going on recently, Luo Xiaran feels that Cheng Yan has been silent a lot.

"Xia Ran, I like you." After looking at Luo Xia Ran anxiously for a long time, and regardless of Jun Lie's presence, Cheng Yan couldn't help but said seriously.This is the first time in 20 years that he likes a girl, and it is also the first time that he pursues someone, such an excellent girl who is coveted by others.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran was taken aback.She really didn't realize Cheng Yan's feelings. From the beginning of contact, Cheng Yan was a very warm boy with a strong ability to take responsibility. Back then, Luo Xiaran might really like him, but now she has passed Despite Qianfan, Cheng Yan is not the right person for her, not even Jun Lie.

It's not that Cheng Yan is much worse than Jun Lie, but Cheng Yan is still too young. This kind of youth does not refer to age, but psychology.Although Jun Lie is only one year older than Cheng Yan, Cheng Yan is inferior in comparison to the big and small things that Jun Lie has experienced since he was a child, as well as the way he behaves in the world.

What's more, Luo Xiaran had already decided to try to accept Jun Lie before, so it was even more impossible for her to accept Cheng Yan's confession.You must know that Luo Xiaran's actual age is now over 40 years old. What she needs is not the enthusiasm of young people, but the real company.

Who knows how long the enthusiasm of young people can last?So if someone really needs to accompany her, Jun Lie is more suitable than Cheng Yan.Not to mention that the Jun family has been infatuated men for generations, but Jun Lie's maturity and the power behind him, these are what Luo Xiaran values.Their interests are now entangled, so Luo Xiaran is not worried that Jun Lie will betray her feelings, because Jun Lie cannot do without her.

Don't talk about Luo Xiaran's reality, you must know that love is not only enough to have feelings, but also the life of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.The most important and most important point is that Luo Xiaran has never had any thoughts about Cheng Yan in terms of love, and at most he only treats Cheng Yan as a younger brother.

Sighing slightly from the bottom of her heart, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips, and after a while, she said, "Sorry, Cheng Yan, I don't have romantic feelings for you, we are not suitable, and what you see of me is not all of me. "

Although she wanted to say something, Luo Xiaran opened her mouth and refused.If you can't accept it, you can't accept it. No matter how many reasons you find, it won't help.Besides, Luo Xiaran didn't want Cheng Yan to waste too much time and energy on herself, so she couldn't give him any hope.

"Okay, I understand." Looking at Luo Xiaran's eyes, there was no hesitation or guilt in rejecting him, Cheng Yan smiled freely: "It doesn't matter, after all, emotional matters cannot be forced."

It's true that Cheng Yan has a crush on Luo Xiaran, but since Luo Xiaran is so obvious, he won't pester her.In fact, he had faintly discovered before that Luo Xiaran didn't have no feelings for Jun Lie at all, and now that he got the result, it can be regarded as the end of his first love...

 Regular release~Love and bread, the author thinks bread is more important, it is so realistic~
(End of this chapter)

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