Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 213 Don't Go Out Alone

Chapter 213 Don't Go Out Alone

Finally, I found a Honda near the small hotel. The body was well preserved. Although the gasoline in the fuel tank had been pumped out, fortunately, it could still operate normally after the water tank was thawed.

Filled up half a tank of gas, replaced the anti-skid belt that was worn out on the car before, and carrying two packs of biscuits and compressed biscuits that were about to expire, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie went out.Not long after the two left, the members of the small hotel also took action one after another.

Jun Lie's driving was a bit wild, but because Luo Xiaran was sitting beside him, the speed of the car slowed down a lot.And neither survivors nor zombie mutant animals appeared, and the journey was uneventful.

It was already noon when they arrived at the government safe zone.Finding a leeward place a few hundred meters away from the safety zone, the two ate hot instant noodles with mutton soup, two pieces of ham and a salted duck egg, and then pumped the excess gasoline before heading to the entrance of the government safety zone move forward.

The entrance is at the gate of the compound of the Civic Center, and there is a small room for security guards to rest. At this time, there are three policemen in the small room, wearing military coats, sitting around the coal stove, stomping their cold feet from time to time.

When the car approached staggeringly, the three policemen picked up their guns and took precautions.However, it was probably because the zombies could not drive, so the few people did not launch an attack, but opened the door and walked out.

At this time, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie didn't put on any disguises. The clean and tidy clothes before were changed, and even their hair was disheveled. They were fully prepared.

"Hello, is this a safe zone? I heard that you can enter as long as you hand over your things." Jun Lie restrained his momentum, but still asked calmly.

After all, Jun Lie's identity is there, and the next person to meet is Wu Yan'an, Jun Lie naturally doesn't want to be inferior in front of Wu Yan'an, even if it's a disguise.

"Yes, fifty catties of grain per person." Looking at Luo Xiaran on the co-pilot through the car window, the man saw that there were only two people on the other side, and he was not overly vigilant, and said, "Although the grain collected is a bit much , but we are warm and safe here."

"Fifty catties, that's a lot." Jun Lie pretended to be discussing with Luo Xiaran, then turned around and said in a low voice.

"Otherwise, your car can arrive, but you still have to pay at least some food." The man said after thinking about it.Although it's colder and harder to keep the goal, you can get kickbacks. Otherwise, who would stand outside and suffer from hunger and cold at this time.Although it is stipulated that the food that the car can reach the entrance is stipulated, but they will not come to guard the gate when they receive it, so how do they know how they do it?
"Well, how about two packs of biscuits and a bottle of water?" Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran knew each other's schemes well, but they didn't want to get too entangled, after all, the little devil was difficult to deal with.

"Okay, okay, after you go in, put away the biscuits and water. Especially the lady inside, be careful not to go out alone at night." After seeing the things, the man's mood improved a lot, kindly Words reminded.

Although it was a bit messy, the man could tell that Luo Xiaran was beautiful just from the profile.Thinking of the many women in the safe zone who were taken away by the higher-ups, the man felt a little regretful in his heart.

"Thank you, buddy." Upon receiving the man's kindness, Jun Lie took out three cigarettes and handed them over, asking, "Could you tell me the rules inside? It's more reassuring for a newcomer to have a little bit in his heart."

 Timely release~Recommend a wave, don't stop collecting~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ


(End of this chapter)

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