Chapter 214 A Single Bed
Following Du Xiang up to the fifth floor step by step, Du Xiang wiped the sweat off his brow, and then led the two of them to the innermost part of the fifth floor.The fifth floor was originally used to store old files, but now the files have been burned as waste paper for heating.

He raised his hand and knocked on the wooden door in front of him. Not long after, a woman with curly hair in her 50s and [-]s opened the door.Seeing Du Xiang standing outside the door, the woman showed a somewhat stiff smile.

"Aunt Qin, do you still keep that room in Xiaoqiu? My cousin and sister-in-law are here today, can you let them live in?" Du Xiang smiled back, and then said.

"No one lives here yet. Since Xiao Du has spoken, you can live here. But I'm not having a good time, the rent..." Aunt Qin said shyly, and a young woman's voice was cursing in the room. There was the sound of a little boy crying.

"Don't worry, Aunt Qin, what do you think of a pack of biscuits and a bottle of water a month?" Du Xiang frowned slightly when he heard the young woman's voice, and couldn't help but said, "Aunt Qin, if you can't do it, you should move out." Bar."

"Hey, I'm so old, how can I have a few days to live, what to do so much. Besides, I don't want my little grandson to leave his mother, give me the things, and I will get the keys for you." Aunt Qin bitterly Shaking his head, he turned and walked into the house.

"Aunt Qin used to manage the files on this floor, and she has all the keys to this floor. Xiao Qiu is an intern and works under Aunt Qin's hands, but he went out to find food a while ago and never came back.

Inside the room were Aunt Qin's daughter-in-law and grandson. Aunt Qin's son was bitten to death by zombies in order to protect their mother after the end of the world.But since the death of her husband, the woman has become restless. "While Aunt Qin went back to the house to get the keys, Du Xiang whispered to Luo Xiaran and the two of them: "I used to have a newly married cousin, but I haven't heard of it for a long time. The backpack can be thinner. "

"Brother Du is really troublesome. Let's cook noodles later. I have a salted duck egg here. Let's share it for lunch." Jun Lie expressed his gratitude to Du Xiang after hearing the words, although they did not lack this food, But no one wants to be taken advantage of by others.

Luo Xiaran on the side had already prepared biscuits and mineral water, and waited quietly until Aunt Qin came out with no keys, and then obediently handed over the things with a sweet smile.

Aunt Qin was a little dazed, and then said in a low voice: "Don't take out things like this outside in the future, and it's best for the little girl not to go out of the house, it's not safe now."

After all, Aunt Qin nodded at Du Xiang and then closed the door to stop the young woman's scolding and the child's crying in the room.With this pack of biscuits, soaking in water is at least enough for a child to eat for more than a week.

The so-called Xiaoqiu's room is far away from Aunt Qin's room. It's on the far side of the corridor. It's a slightly musty room with a single wire bed and nothing else. .

"This..." Du Xiang was a little stunned when he saw the appearance in the room. He didn't expect that the things left by Xiaoqiu had disappeared like this, so he felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother Du, come in quickly. There is no stool. Brother Du, just sit on the bed. I'll clean up this room." Jun Lie patted Du Xiang on the shoulder, then took Luo Xiaran's hand into the room, and put The scraps of paper left on the ground kicked together.

 Timely release ~ at least there is a room to shelter from the wind and rain 2333333
(End of this chapter)

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