Chapter 217 Stay Alone

However, the trading of each team did not start early in the morning, and the first to gather were scattered survivors.Some may be lucky to go out and find good things, and some may come from bad sources.It's just that no matter how something comes from, as long as someone buys it, it's destined to make a profit, right?
City H's municipal building cost 18 billion when it was built, and the main building had a maximum of 27 floors, and what Du wanted to find for them was naturally impossible to be the main building of the municipal building.

Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were not in a hurry to head towards the main building because they had to carefully observe the situation in the safe zone.Besides, none of the search team lived in the main building. In order to avoid meeting Wu Yan'an in the main building, Luo Xiaran decided to find a suitable time to go there.

The building where Luo Xiaran and the others lived had ten floors, and there was a corridor on the first floor that led to the main building.In the long corridor, there are also comrades who can go to other buildings.

Pang Wei was probably disliked by the police chief, so the team was stationed in the building not far from Luo Xiaran and the others.There are ten floors in total. Pang Wei leads people to live above the eighth floor, and the place of transaction is usually in the hall or corridor on the first floor, after all, the circulation is relatively strong.

Holding Jun Lie with one hand, while unfolding his mental power, as long as he doesn't go above the seventh floor, Luo Xiaran's mental power is still very useful.For example, the people peeping around at this time are fully exposed under the mental power.

Probably because of their unfamiliar faces, many people wanted to take advantage.As for Luo Xiaran and the others, there were only two of them, and their backpacks looked bulging. If people hadn't started walking around in the building at this time, they might have already started their hands.

With Luo Xiaran's reassurance, Jun Lie didn't intend to act rashly even though he was disgusted by the gazes around him.The two walked down the stairs hand in hand, and then slowly strolled around the trading place where people had already started.

There is no trace of food or water in the trading area, and most of them are currently worthless tableware or some daily necessities.Naturally, Luo Xiaran didn't need it, and walked forward aimlessly.

When they arrived at Pang Wei's territory, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran moved separately under the watchful eyes of those who cared.Luo Xiaran continued to wander around other places alone, while Jun Lie took the opportunity to go upstairs to check on Pang Wei's situation.

Luo Xiaran wants to find someone to cooperate with, but if she finds someone with bad intentions, it will not end well for Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.What's more, Luo Xiaran's hatred is only aimed at Wu Yan'an alone, and she doesn't want to destroy this hard-earned safe zone because of personal grievances.Even if her ruler is not a good person, at least she gave these survivors a place of hope, right?
Luo Xiaran still trusted Jun Lie.And if she stays alone, she can attract more eyes from behind, reducing the chance of being discovered for Jun Lie.

It took about seven or eight minutes for Jun Lie to disappear. Seeing that the timing was about right, Luo Xiaran walked to the place where they lived before with his backpack on his back and empty hands.Because it was relatively remote, Luo Xiaran could see the greedy gazes in the eyes of those following behind her through her mental power.

While walking, Luo Xiaran threw seeds on the ground without a trace.The seeds are relatively small, and the ground has not been cleaned for a long time, so no one can notice the existence of the black grains.

 Timely release~ Eating crabs is so troublesome, I stuck my tongue~
(End of this chapter)

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