Chapter 218
After dropping about twenty seeds, Luo Xiaran began to slow down.After using psychic powers to scan and find no one nearby, Luo Xiaran 'locked' the people behind him into a cage made of psychic power, so as not to be noticed.

However, although mental power can affect the visual aspect, Luo Xiaran's current ability cannot even affect the sound, so even if he does it, the first thing to solve is this problem.

After the people behind stepped into the trap that Luo Xiaran had set up, Luo Xiaran quickly cast the wood ability.The vines rose from the ground, and in just a few seconds, before the people behind could react, they were bound tightly, and even their mouths were tightly stuffed by the leaves on the vines.

Stunned, it wasn't until Luo Xiaran walked in that the men struggled.It's just that for the sake of safety, Luo Xiaran bound each of them with more than three vines, and they didn't have supernatural powers strengthened, so naturally they couldn't break free.

Looking at the man who turned to glaring at her, Luo Xiaran hooked the corners of her mouth, walked up to the leader Huang Mao, and said, "I'm quite courageous, even if my eyes are not good enough, if I want to bully newcomers, I have to be picky. It can only be considered unlucky for you guys to find such a stubborn stubble like me."

Although I'm not sure if other people will know what the other party's actions are, but there is neither surveillance nor other people around, so Luo Xiaran is not worried that someone will come to her door. After all, these people are also doing shady things. What's more, there is no evidence, even if you want to find fault with Luo Xiaran, you are not afraid.

Slowly took out the gun from the system backpack, then hit the silencer, wrapped it in a towel, and pointed the gun at several people, aiming back and forth several times, scaring them all the way back.

Although they looked terrified, Luo Xiaran was not going to let them go.Cutting the weeds does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. Besides, these people saw her displaying supernatural powers and guns, so it is impossible to keep them.

Just considering what useful information these few people might be able to provide, after a little thought, Luo Xiaran decided to keep Huang Mao who took the lead.Already having made a decision, Luo Xiaran fired without hesitation, and because she was manipulating the plants, she didn't leave even the slightest trace on the ground.

"You're lucky, it's still useful to keep you, so be good, you know?" He put the corpse into the specially vacated grid in the system backpack, and put the bundled seeds into it.

Dragging the yellow hair and walking back, while covering the long marks on the ground with leaves, Luo Xiaran walked back to the residence step by step under the cover of spiritual power.

Casually throwing the yellow hair into the corner, Luo Xiaran washed the handles and put it on the small table, poured a cup of strawberry-flavored milk tea, and took out a bunch of red and purple grapes, swallowing at the yellow hair Under his scorching gaze, Luo Xiaran leisurely played the game on the tablet.

After waiting for about an hour, there were two short and one long knocks on the door.Because it was the code that was agreed before, Luo Xiaran was able to confirm that it was Jun Lie who was outside the door with a sweep of mental power, and then opened the door.

Jun Lie, who entered the door, first confirmed Luo Xiaran's situation, and then turned his attention to Huang Mao.Luo Xiaran didn't need to speak, Jun Lie also understood what Luo Xiaran meant by keeping her life alive.It has to be said that after more than two months of getting along day and night, Jun Lie not only knows a lot about Luo Xiaran's preferences, but he can also guess a little bit about Luo Xiaran's behavior.

 Scheduled release~ The female coach is stunned~ What are the three views?Can't eat again~
(End of this chapter)

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