Chapter 227 Jinfeiya

Knowing the news that Wu Yan'an was going out, Luo Xiaran was actually very excited in her heart. After all, with Pang Wei cooperating with the outside world, even Wu Yan'an might be in danger if he was not prepared.

But you can't talk too much about everything, and no one knows who will have the last laugh until the last step.To be on the safe side, Luo Xiaran felt that it was better to solve Wu Wenfeng's problem first, and then ask him to bring someone over to help.

What's more, Wu Yan'an's side is just news of departure, she doesn't know the specific situation, and it's not safe to act hastily.So after thinking about it, I felt that Jun Lie should investigate more, and Luo Xiaran didn't just sit at home and wait for news.

First of all, Jun Lie sent a message to Juncheng, asking how things were going with Wu Wenfeng.Then Jun Lie obtained as much information as possible from Pang Wei's side about Wu Yan'an and the looks of his staff.Luo Xiaran was not idle either. She carried her mountaineering bag every day to and fro in the trading place on the promenade, buying and selling, and listening to gossip from the survivors.

Busy time always passes quickly, and three days pass by in a flash.Through the communicator, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie knew that Wu Wenfeng had successfully obtained control of the military security zone.

Although Wu Wenfeng is short of manpower, he can still find someone to make up for it with supplies.What's more, after the matter is completed, both money and goods will be settled, and Wu Wenfeng will not keep people by his side, so he has no worries.Moreover, the soldiers in the military region were not all willing to do something harmful to the sky, so in less than a week, the rights were changed smoothly.

Because Wu Wenfeng also took the risk of investigating the situation in the safe zone when he was lurking in the Daowai area, so after taking office, he knew people to be responsible, and the safe zone was in a panic for less than a day before it settled down again.But it was mainly because of the supplies in Wu Wenfeng's hands. After all, he didn't have to worry about food and drink, and ordinary people naturally knew who was most beneficial to follow.

And after Wu Wenfeng's problem was solved, Juncheng rushed over quickly with his manpower.With Pang Wei around, a group of dozens of people took advantage of the dead of night and quietly joined Luo Xiaran.

During these three days, Jun Lie had also determined the specific time for Wu Yanan's trip.Wu Yan'an didn't hide it, probably because he wanted to attract more supernatural beings with the materials collected next.

It's a pity that Luo Xiaran didn't find much useful information, and even the existence of meteorites was tightly suppressed by Wu Yan'an.But think about it, meteorites can improve abilities, unless they are cronies among cronies, how would outsiders know about it.

But Luo Xiaran didn't get nothing, at least she knew something about the woman next to Wu Yan'an.The other party's name is Jin Feiya, a Korean, with spatial abilities, and has been with Wu Yan'an again since the beginning of the end of the world. Wu Yan'an's team called her a sister-in-law, and Wu Yan'an did not object.

Sure enough, Wu Yan'an had known Jinfeiya a long time ago, probably the two of them had been together for a long time.When Wen heard about this, Luo Xiaran's thoughts did not change in the slightest.

Luo Xiaran didn't have any feelings for Jin Feiya, after all, she had never been in contact with Jin Feiya.Moreover, it was Wu Yan'an who deceived Luo Xiaran's feelings, and Luo Xiaran would not implicate other people because of hatred.

But despite thinking so, Jin Feiya should have a deep relationship with Wu Yan'an.Then when Luo Xiaran faced Wu Yan'an, she was bound to face Jin Feiya.

How to solve it, Luo Xiaran thinks it's better to decide when they match each other, after all, she is not sure whether Jin Feiya will be the one who was deceived again.

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(End of this chapter)

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